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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 26 auguSt 2017
            American Living:

            Homeless wary as Atlanta closes its last-resort shelter

                                                                                                   Nationwide,    cities   that  man said.
                                                                                                   once  herded  the  home-     “Otherwise,  you  get  peo-
                                                                                                   less  into  large  downtown  ple living in the shelter sys-
                                                                                                   shelters are trying to quickly  tem.  It’s  like  if  you  had  a
                                                                                                   move  them  into  long-term  hotel and no one ever left
                                                                                                   housing  tailored  to  their  it, you have to keep build-
                                                                                                   needs.                       ing more and more hotels.”
                                                                                                   Some  advocates  say  that  Atlanta,  however,  is  clos-
                                                                                                   with enough support, even  ing Peachtree-Pine without
                                                                                                   people with serious mental  having  first  developed  the
                                                                                                   health  problems,  addic-    capacity to replace it, said
                                                                                                   tions,  chronic  illnesses  and  Anita Beaty, who retired six
                                                                                                   a  deep  distrust  of  author-  months  ago  as  executive
                                                                                                   ity  can  sleep  in  their  own  director of the task force.
                                                                                                   beds.                        “It’s  a  terrible  mistake,”
                                                                                                   This  model  has  found  suc-  Beaty  said.  “The  forces  in
                                                                                                   cess in places such as Hous-  Atlanta  who  don’t  want
                                                                                                   ton  and  the  state  of  Con-  homeless  people  visible
                                                                                                   necticut, said Nan Roman,  —  and  certainly  not  on
                                                                                                   president  of  the  National  Peachtree Street — are ex-
                                                                                                   Alliance  to  End  Homeless-  tremely powerful.”
                                                                                                   ness.                        The shelter occupies some
                                                                                                   “As  soon  as  we  figure  out  the  most  valuable  real  es-
            In this Aug. 7, 2017 photo, a man sits quietly in a warm room inside the Peachtree-Pine homeless
            shelter in Atlanta. For decades, as many as 1,000 people with nowhere else to turn could come   how they get in, we need  tate  in  the  South,  a  few
            off the street at Peachtree and Pine, no questions asked. But years of litigation wore down the   to figure out how they get  blocks  from  the  55-story
            shelter’s operators.                                                                   out.                         Bank of America Plaza, the
                                                                             (AP Photo/Robert Ray)  It has to go together,” Ro-  city’s tallest skyscraper. q
            By JEFF MARTIN               a  time,”  said  Jack  Hardin,
            ROBERT RAY                   co-chairman  of  the  Re-
            Associated Press             gional  Commission  on  the
            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  Cities  Homeless, which is helping
            across the U.S. are trying to  to manage the transition.
            encourage  the  homeless  But no one can say where
            to  find  beds  of  their  own,  those steps will lead.
            not just a cot for the night.  “It’s  hard  not  knowing
            In  theory,  no  one  should  where we’re going to live,”
            stay in a shelter very long.  said  Laura  Wheaton,  34,
            Atlanta  is  putting  this  idea  who  has  been  staying  at
            to a hard, real-world test by  the  shelter  with  her  four
            closing its last shelter of last  children  for  more  than  a
            resort.                      month.
            For  decades,  as  many  as  Other  Atlanta  shelters  are
            1,000 people with nowhere  so  full  “that  all  the  rest  of
            else to turn could come off  the  people  are  going  to
            the street at Peachtree and  be left for the streets,” she
            Pine,  no  questions  asked.  said.
            But years of litigation wore  Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed
            down  the  shelter’s  op-    announced  a  $50  million
            erators.  After  epic  battles  plan  to  place  500  chroni-
            against  the  city,  tubercu-  cally  homeless  individuals
            losis,  bed  bugs  and  other  and  300  homeless  families
            hazards, the Metro Atlanta  in  permanent  housing.  But
            Task Force for the Homeless  the  city  hasn’t  acquired
            settled  out  of  court  and  this  housing  yet,  nor  cho-
            sold its enormous industrial  sen  property  owners  will-
            building to Central Atlanta  ing  to  operate  units  they
            Progress, a downtown busi-   develop  or  renovate,  city
            ness group.                  spokeswoman  Jenna  Gar-
            Relocating  the  people  in-  land said.
            side will be done in a “hu-  Some  might  be  offered
            mane  manner,”  Central  one of 75 to 100 beds in a
            Atlanta  Progress  promised  west-side building near the
            ahead of this month’s slow-  Fulton  County  Jail,  more
            motion shutdown.             than an hour’s walk away.
            Starting  Monday,  the  shel-  “It’s  a  very  big  facility  so
            ter will turn away newcom-   we  wouldn’t  be  using  the
            ers,  and  current  residents  whole facility initially,” Har-
            will  be  gradually  moved  din said. “We would prefer
            out.                         not to open up large shel-
            “We’ll  take  it  one  step  at  ters.”
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