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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 26 auguSt 2017
                  White House imposes sweeping sanctions on Venezuela

            By FABIOLA SANCHEZ                                                                                                  drew  quick  rebuke  from
            JOSHUA GOODMAN                                                                                                      Venezuela’s  government,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    with Foreign Minister Jorge
            W A S H I N G T O N / C A R A -                                                                                     Arreaza  calling  them  the
            CAS,  Venezuela  (AP)  —                                                                                            worst  aggression  against
            The  Trump  administration                                                                                          the  country  in  two  centu-
            slapped  sweeping  finan-                                                                                           ries.
            cial  sanctions  on  Venezu-                                                                                        “What  do  they  want  —
            ela on Friday, dramatically                                                                                         they  want  to  starve  the
            ratcheting up tensions be-                                                                                          Venezuelan  people?”  Ar-
            tween  the  two  countries                                                                                          reaza told reporters at the
            and  making  it  harder  for                                                                                        United Nations after meet-
            embattled  President  Nico-                                                                                         ing with Secretary General
            las  Maduro  to  raise  badly                                                                                       Antonio Guterres.
            needed cash to prevent a                                                                                            He  said  his  government
            debt default.                                                                                                       would  fight  the  measures
            The sanctions, which Trump                                                                                          with  all  of  its  diplomatic
            signed by executive order,                                                                                          and  economic  strength,
            prohibit American financial                                                                                         but also blamed members
            institutions  from  providing                                                                                       of  the  opposition  —  some
            new money to the govern-                                                                                            of  whom  expressed  satis-
            ment or the state oil com-                                                                                          faction with the U.S. action
            pany, PDVSA.                                                                                                        —  for  conspiring  to  bring
            They  also  restrict  the  Ven-                                                                                     further  hardships  on  the
            ezuelan oil giant’s U.S. sub-  National  Security  Adviser  H.R.  McMaster  listens  at  left  as  Treasury  Secretary  Steven  Mnuchin   Venezuelan economy.q
            sidiary, Citgo, from sending   speaks during the news briefing at the White House in Washington, Friday, Aug. 25, 2017.
            dividends back to Venezu-                                                                 (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
            ela and ban trading in two   to facilitate the wholesale
            bonds the government re-     looting of the Venezuelan
            cently issued to circumvent   economy  at  the  expense
            its increasing isolation from   of  the  Venezuelan  peo-
            Western financial markets.   ple,”  Treasury  Secretary
            “Maduro  may  no  longer     Steven  Mnuchin  said  at
            take  advantage  of  the     the White House.
            American  financial  system   The   financial   sanctions

            Pentagon expects to soon ban

            recruiting transgender people

            By ROBERT BURNS              guidance  is  expected  to
            AP National Security Writer  put  a  stop  to  recruitment
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  of  transgender  individuals
            Pentagon  expects  to  re-   and prohibit the use of fed-
            new  a  ban  on  transgen-   eral funds to pay for sexual
            der  individuals  joining  the  reassignment surgery. But it
            military and to consider cir-  would give Defense Secre-
            cumstances in which some  tary Jim Mattis six months to
            currently  serving  transgen-  determine  circumstances
            der  troops  could  remain  in  which  those  currently  in
            in uniform, officials said Fri-  uniform  who  are  openly
            day.                         transgender might be per-
            The  new  approach  would  mitted to continue serving.
            be  based  on  formal  guid-  The Wall Street Journal first
            ance  the  Pentagon  is  ex-  reported  the  new  guid-
            pecting  to  receive  soon  ance Wednesday.
            from the White House.        Only one year ago, in June
            The  guidance,  as  de-      2016,  then-Defense  Secre-
            scribed by an official famil-  tary Ash Carter announced
            iar with its contents but not  that  transgender  individu-
            authorized to discuss them  als  could  serve  openly  for
            publicly, appears to be less  the  first  time.  Prior  to  that,
            rigid  than  the  complete  most  transgender  people
            ban  that  President  Don-   in  the  military  had  been
            ald Trump announced last  forced  to  keep  their  sta-
            month  in  a  tweet.  Trump  tus  secret  to  avoid  being
            had  said  the  federal  gov-  discharged.  Since  Cart-
            ernment  “will  not  accept  er’s  policy  change,  some
            or allow” transgender indi-  troops — possibly a couple
            viduals to serve “in any ca-  hundred  —  have  openly
            pacity” in the military.     declared  their  status  as
            The  official  said  the  new  transgender individuals.q
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