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Carubbian Festival

                                                                                      August 26, 2017
                                                                                      T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                                                Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper

                                        Monster Storm

            TxDOT crews install the final portion of a surge wall on TX-361 leading to the Port Aransas ferry in Aransas Pass, Texas, on Friday, Aug. 25, 2017. Conditions
            deteriorated Friday along the Texas Gulf Coast as Hurricane Harvey strengthened and crawled toward the state, with forecasters warning that evacuations and
            preparations “should be rushed to completion.”
                                                                                                              (Nick Wagner /Austin American-Statesman via AP)

                        Increasingly Menacing Harvey Aims at Texas Coast

            By MICHAEL GRACZYK                  Dennis Feltgen, a spokesman and  rain  —  up  to  3  feet.  The  resulting  sandbags.  Steady  traffic  filled  the
            FRANK BAJAK                         meteorologist for the National Hur-  flooding, one expert said, could be  highways  leaving  Corpus  Christi,
            Associated Press                    ricane Center. “We really pray that  “the  depths  of  which  we’ve  nev-  but there were no apparent jams.
            CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) — With  people are listening to their emer-  er  seen.”  Galveston-based  storm  In  Houston,  where  mass  evacua-
            time running out, tens of thousands  gency  managers  and  get  out  of  surge  expert  Hal  Needham  said  tions can include changing major
            of people fled Friday from the path  harm’s way.”                       forecasts indicated that it was “be-  highways  to  a  one-way  vehicle
            of an increasingly menacing-look-   The outer bands of the Category 4  coming more and more likely that  flow, authorities left traffic patterns
            ing Hurricane Harvey as it took aim  storm arrived Friday, with rain pelt-  something  really  bad  is  going  to  unchanged.
            at a wide swath of the Texas Gulf  ing  the  coast,  water  levels  rising  happen.”                        Federal  health  officials  called  in
            Coast  that  includes  oil  refineries,  and  winds  accelerating.  Landfall  At least one researcher predicted  more than 400 doctors, nurses and
            chemical  plants  and  dangerously  was  predicted  for  late  Friday  or  heavy  damage  that  would  linger  other  medical  professionals  from
            flood-prone  Houston,  the  nation’s  early  Saturday  near  Rockport,  a  for months or longer.            around the nation and planned to
            fourth-largest city.                fishing-and-tourist  town  about  30  “In terms of economic impact, Har-  move  two  250-bed  medical  units
            Texas  Gov.  Greg  Abbott  warned  miles northeast of Corpus Christi.   vey  will  probably  be  on  par  with  to  Baton  Rouge,  Louisiana.  Other
            that the monster system would be  If  it  does  not  lose  significant  Hurricane  Katrina,”  said  University  federal medical units are available
            “a  very  major  disaster,”  and  the  strength,  the  system  will  come  of Miami senior hurricane research-  in Dallas.
            forecasts drew fearful comparisons  ashore as the fiercest hurricane to  er  Brian  McNoldy.  “The  Houston  Just  hours  before  the  projected
            to  Hurricane  Katrina,  one  of  the  hit the U.S. in 13 years.        area and Corpus Christi are going  landfall, the governor and Houston
            deadliest ever to strike the U.S.   Aside  from  the  winds  of  130  mph  to be a mess for a long time.”   leaders  issued  conflicting  state-
            “We  know  that  we’ve  got  mil-   (201 kph) and storm surges up to 12  Before  the  storm  arrived,  home  ments on evacuation.
            lions  of  people  who  are  going  to  feet (4 meters), Harvey was expect-  and business owners raced to nail
            feel the impact of this storm,” said  ed to drop prodigious amounts of  plywood  over  windows  and  fill           Continued on Page 3
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