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December 11, 2020 by 72%
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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Texas-led election lawsuit becomes conservative litmus test
By NOMAAN MERCHANT have lost dozens of times
and ALANNA DURKIN RICH- in courts across the coun-
ER try and have no evidence TEXAS
Associated Press of widespread fraud. And
HOUSTON (AP) — The Texas 106 Republicans in Con-
lawsuit asking the U.S. Su- gress signed on to a court
preme Court to invalidate filing Thursday in support of TEST
President-elect Joe Biden's Texas, claiming "unconsti-
victory has quickly become tutional irregularities" have
a conservative litmus test, "cast doubt" on the 2020
with many Republicans outcome and "the integrity
signing onto the case even of the American system of
as some have predicted it elections."
will fail. "The Supreme Court is not
The last-gasp bid to sub- going to overturn the elec-
vert the results of the Nov. tion in the Texas case, as
3 election is the latest dem- the President has told them
onstration of President to do," tweeted Rick Hasen,
Donald Trump's enduring a law professor at the Uni-
political power even as his versity of California, Irvine.
term is set to end. Seven- "But we are in bad shape
teen Republican attorneys as a country that 17 states
general are backing the could support this shame-
unprecedented case that ful, anti-American filing" by
Trump is calling "the big Texas and its attorney gen-
one" despite the fact that eral, Ken Paxton, he said. In this Nov. 5, 2020, file photo, the Supreme Court in Washington.
the president and his allies Continued on next page Associated Press