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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Friday 11 december 2020
            Probe: CDC official says she was ordered to delete email

            By    RICARDO     ALONSO-                                                                                           tween White House officials
            ZALDIVAR                                                                                                            and  Azar.  Caputo  and  Al-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    exander  represented  the
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A                                                                                              White House at HHS, a bu-
            senior  manager  with  the                                                                                          reaucracy  that  President
            Centers for Disease Control                                                                                         Donald  Trump  was  deeply
            and  Prevention  told  con-                                                                                         suspicious of.
            gressional investigators she                                                                                        Kent  occupies  a  high
            was  ordered  to  delete  an                                                                                        perch in that bureaucracy
            email  suggesting  attempt-                                                                                         as CDC's chief of scientific
            ed political interference by                                                                                        publications  and  editor-
            the Trump administration in                                                                                         in-chief  of  Morbidity  and
            coronavirus  reports  to  the                                                                                       Mortality Weekly Report, or
            public, according to a tran-                                                                                        MMWR,  a  publication  that
            script released Thursday.                                                                                           tracks disease trends of in-
            Rep.  James  Clyburn,  D-                                                                                           terest to the medical com-
            S.C.,  who  released  the                                                                                           munity.
            partial  transcript,  said  the                                                                                     MMWR  has  become  a
            testimony  of  Dr.  Charlotte                                                                                       flashpoint  for  controversy
            Kent raises "serious concern                                                                                        under  Trump.  According
            about what may be delib-                                                                                            to documents released by
            erate  efforts  by  the  Trump                                                                                      Clyburn's  committee,  Al-
            administration  to  conceal                                                                                         exander  fired  off  an  Aug.
            and destroy evidence that    Robert Redfield, CDC Director, participates in a rountable discussion on Operation Warp Speed   8  email  demanding  that
                                         with Vice President Mike Pence at the Air National Guard 164th Airlift Wing on Thursday, Dec. 3,
            senior  political  appointees   2020, in Memphis, Tenn.                                                             CDC go back into a scien-
            interfered  with  career  offi-                                                                    Associated Press   tific  report  it  had  already
            cials' response to the coro-                                                                                        published  about  corona-
            navirus crisis." Kent testified  Clyburn  chairs  a  special  in  which  he  said  he  had  officials are supposed to be  virus  risks  to  children  and
            that she believed CDC Di-    House  panel  empowered  instructed  agency  staffers  scrupulous  about  retaining  splice in new language, or
            rector  Robert  Redfield  or-  to  broadly  examine  the  to ignore the email but did  records.                     "pull it down and stop all re-
            dered  the  deletion  of  the  coronavirus  crisis  and  the  not mention ordering its de-  At issue is what happened  ports immediately."
            email.                       government's response.       letion.                      last  summer  to  an  email  The  email  went  on  to  say
            In  a  letter  to  Health  and  HHS said in a statement that  The  ranking  Republican  sent  to  the  CDC  from  a  that "CDC tried to report as
            Human  Services  Secretary  Clyburn's committee is "not  on the investigative panel,  now-departed HHS adviser,  if  once  kids  get  together,
            Alex  Azar,  Clyburn  ac-    operating  in  good  faith"  Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisi-  Dr. Paul Alexander. Working  there  will  be  spread  and
            cused the administration of  and  called  its  portrayal  of  ana, said Democrats have  with  then-HHS  top  spokes-  this  will  impact  school  re-
            trying to obstruct his inves-  the CDC official's testimony  found  "zero  evidence  of  person  Michael  Caputo,  opening.
            tigation and threatened to  "irresponsible."              actual interference in CDC  Alexander  was  brought  "Very  misleading  by  CDC
            issue subpoenas to compel  HHS  also  released  a  brief  scientific reports."         into  the  department  at  a  and shame on them. Their
            the  release  of  documents.  statement  from  Redfield  As required by law, federal  time  of  high  tension  be-  aim is clear. q

            House committee issues subpoena for Census documents

                                                                      President  Donald  Trump  is  gress' oversight responsibili-  College  votes  each  state
                                                                      blocking the release of full,  ties has been abominable,"  gets in future elections, the
                                                                      unredacted     documents  Maloney  wrote  Ross  in  an-   bureau  said  in  a  Dec.  2
                                                                      she  requested  about  the  other  letter  Thursday.  "You  statement.
                                                                      data  anomalies.  Those  ir-  have  repeatedly  withheld  The data anomalies repre-
                                                                      regularities arose during the  documents   that   should  sent less than seven-tenths
                                                                      number-crunching  phase  have  been  produced  as  of  1%  of  records,  accord-
                                                                      of   the   once-a-decade  a matter of course to your  ing  to  the  bureau.  But  ex-
                                                                      Census count.                Department's      oversight  perts  testifying  at  a  House
                                                                      The  anomalies  will  likely  committee."                 hearing on Dec. 3 said that
                                                                      force  a  delay  of  several  The  Commerce  Depart-      even  errors  of  just  tens  of
                                                                      weeks past a Dec. 31 dead-   ment  did  not  immediately  thousands  of  people  out
                                                                      line  for  the  Census  Bureau  respond  to  a  request  for  of  the  nation's  330  million
                                                                      to turn in the congressional  comment.  Ross  has  until  residents can affect which
            In this Aug. 11, 2020, file photo, a census taker knocks on the
            door of a residence in Winter Park, Fla.                  apportionment numbers.       Dec. 21 to comply with the  states  get  an  extra  con-
                                                     Associated Press   In a letter last week, Malo-  subpoena, Maloney said.   gressional seat or lose one.
                                                                      ney  wrote  that  the  Com-  The Census Bureau said last  The  House  committee  has
            By ADRIAN SAINZ              to upend a yearend dead-     merce    Department     —  week that the data irregu-     obtained  three  new  inter-
            Associated Press             line for submitting numbers  which oversees the Census  larities  affect  only  a  tiny  nal  agency  documents
            The  congressional  com-     used  for  divvying  up  con-  Bureau  —  missed  a  Nov.  percentage of the records  showing the Census Bureau
            mittee  that  oversees  the  gressional seats.            24  deadline  to  give  the  and  are  being  resolved  plans to deliver the appor-
            Census  Bureau  issued  a  Democrat  U.S.  Rep.  Caro-    documents to the commit-     as  quickly  as  possible.  The  tionment  numbers  to  the
            subpoena  Thursday  to  U.S.  lyn  Maloney,  chair  of  the  tee. She threatened a sub-  timeline  remains  in  flux  for  president  no  earlier  than
            Commerce  Secretary  Wil-    House     Committee     on  poena  if  the  documents  turning  in  the  apportion-    Jan.  23,  which  would  be
            bur  Ross,  seeking  docu-   Oversight   and    Reform,  weren't  handed  over  by  ment numbers used for de-       shortly  after  Trump  leaves
            ments  related  to  data  ir-  has  alleged  that  the  ad-  Wednesday.                ciding how many congres-     office  and  President-elect
            regularities  that  threaten  ministration  of  Republican  "Your  approach  to  Con-  sional  seats  and  Electoral  Joe Biden takes over. q
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