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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 11 december 2020
            U.S. panel endorses widespread use of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

            By  LAURAN  NEERGAARD                                                                                               urged  Pfizer  to  take  addi-
            and MATTHEW PERRONE                                                                                                 tional steps to answer that
            Associated Press                                                                                                    question.
            WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S.                                                                                            Several  of  the  dissenting
            government advisory panel                                                                                           panel  members  objected
            endorsed  widespread  use                                                                                           to  authorizing  the  shot  for
            of Pfizer’s coronavirus vac-                                                                                        16- and 17-year-olds, given
            cine  Thursday,  putting  the                                                                                       their  small  numbers  in  the
            country just one step away                                                                                          study and the low risk they
            from  launching  an  epic                                                                                           face from COVID-19.
            vaccination      campaign                                                                                           Members worried, too, that
            against  the  outbreak  that                                                                                        Pfizer  will  lose  its  opportu-
            has  killed  close  to  300,000                                                                                     nity to answer critical ques-
            Americans.                                                                                                          tions once it begins offering
            Shots  could  begin  within                                                                                         the  real  vaccine  to  study
            days,  depending  on  how                                                                                           participants who had been
            quickly the Food and Drug                                                                                           getting dummy shots up to
            Administration  signs  off,  as                                                                                     now.
            expected,  on  the  expert                                                                                          The  company  proposed
            committee’s    recommen-                                                                                            gradually moving those pa-
            dation.                                                                                                             tients to the vaccine group,
            “This is a light at the end of                                                                                      with priority based on age,
            the long tunnel of this pan-  Documents  created  by Pfizer  for the  meeting  with  the  Food and  Drug  Administration advisory   health conditions and oth-
            demic,” said Dr. Sally Goza,   panel, as Pfizer seeks approval for emergency use of their COVID-19 vaccine, are seen on Thurs-  er factors. Under that plan,
            president  of  the  American   day, Dec. 10, 2020.                                                                  70-year-old    participants
            Academy of Pediatrics.                                                                             Associated Press   would  cross  over  before
            In a 17-4 vote with one ab-                                                                                         healthy 30-year-olds.
            stention,  the  government  until  ramped-up  produc-     expert  meeting  that  a  de-  after FDA scientists issued a  Pfizer must still show wheth-
            advisers  concluded  that  tion  enables  shots  to  be-  cision  would  come  within  glowing review of the vac-   er the vaccine works in chil-
            the vaccine from Pfizer and  come  widely  available  on  “days to a week.”            cine  earlier  in  the  week.  dren younger than 16 and
            its  German  partner  BioN-  demand — something that  The independent review by  Agency  staffers  said  data  in pregnant women.
            Tech appears safe and ef-    will  probably  not  happen  non-government     experts  from Pfizer’s ongoing study  On  the  safety  front,  as
            fective  for  emergency  use  until the spring.           in  vaccine  development,  of  44,000  people  showed  widespread  vaccinations
            in adults and teenagers 16  Next week, the FDA will re-   infectious   diseases   and  strong  protection  across  begin,  the  first  recipients
            and over.                    view  a  second  vaccine,  medical statistics was con-    different  age  groups,  rac-  will  be  closely  tracked  by
            That  endorsement  came  from Moderna and the Na-         sidered critical to boosting  es  and  health  conditions  government health author-
            despite  questions  about  tional  Institutes  of  Health,  Americans’   confidence  with no major, unexpected  ities since studies in tens of
            allergic  reactions  in  two  that appears about as pro-  in  the  safety  of  the  shot,  safety problems.         thousands of people can’t
            people  who  received  the  tective as Pfizer-BioNTech’s  which  was  developed  at  The  Pfizer-BioNTech  shot  detect  rare  risks  that  strike
            vaccine  earlier  this  week  shot.  A  third  candidate,  breakneck speed less than  remains  experimental  be-    1 in a million. Hanging over
            when  Britain  became  the  from  Johnson  &  Johnson,  a  year  after  the  virus  was  cause that final-stage study  the  meeting  were  the  Brit-
            first  country  to  begin  dis-  which  would  require  just  identified.              isn’t  complete.  As  a  result,  ish  allergic  reactions  and
            pensing the Pfizer-BioNTech  one dose, is working its way  Regulators  not  only  in  Brit-  the  expert  panel  wrestled  a  warning  from  authorities
            shot.                        through  the  pipeline.  Be-  ain  but  in  Canada  have  with a list of questions that  there  that  people  with  a
            While  there  are  a  number  hind  that  is  a  candidate  already approved the vac-  have yet to be answered.     history  of  serious  reactions
            of   remaining   unknowns  from AstraZeneca and Ox-       cine  for  use  in  their  coun-  For  example,  while  the  shouldn’t  get  the  vaccine
            about  the  vaccine,  in  an  ford University.            tries, and President Donald  vaccine  is  more  than  90%  for now.
            emergency,  “the  ques-      U.S. health experts are hop-  Trump and White House of-   effective  in  blocking  the  Pfizer  representatives  said
            tion  is  whether  you  know  ing a combination of vac-   ficials have complained for  symptoms of COVID-19, the  they have seen no signs of
            enough”  to  press  ahead,  cines will ultimately enable  weeks  about  the  pace  of  FDA’s  advisers  stressed  it  is  allergic  reactions  in  their
            said panel member Dr. Paul  the U.S. to conquer the out-  FDA’s careful review.        not yet clear whether it can  trial.  But  some  of  the  FDA
            Offit  of  Children’s  Hospital  break.                   “Americans want us to do a  stop the silent, symptomless  advisers  fear  the  British
            of  Philadelphia.  He  con-  But experts estimate at least  scientific review, but I think  spread  that  accounts  for  warning  will  deter  millions
            cluded  that  the  potential  70%  of  the  U.S.  population  they also want us to make  up to half of all cases.   of Americans with allergies
            benefits outweigh the risks.  will have to be vaccinated  sure we’re not wasting time  “Even though the individu-   who might benefit from the
            The decision came as CO-     to  achieve  herd  immunity,  on paperwork as opposed  al  efficacy  of  this  vaccine  COVID-19  vaccine  from
            VID-19  cases  surge  to  ev-  the point at which the virus  to  going  forward  with  the  is very, very, very high, you  giving  it  a  try,  and  urged
            er-higher  levels  across  the  can be held in check. That  decision,”  FDA  Commis-   really as of right now do not  additional  studies  to  try  to
            U.S.,  with  deaths  setting  means  it  could  be  several  sioner  Stephen  Hahn  said  have any evidence” that it  settle the issue.
            an  all-time,  one-day  re-  months  before  things  start  before the meeting.        will lower transmission, said  “This issue is not going to die
            cord of more than 3,100 on  get  back  to  normal  and  A positive vote for the vac-   Dr.  Patrick  Moore  of  the  until we have better data,”
            Wednesday.                   Americans  can  put  away  cine  was  virtually  assured  University  of  Pittsburgh.  He  Offit said.q
            Pfizer  has  said  it  will  have  their masks.
            about  25  million  doses  All  eyes  now  turn  to  the
            of  the  two-shot  vaccine  FDA  staff  scientists  who
            for  the  U.S.  by  the  end  of  will  make  the  final  deci-
            December.  But  the  initial  sion  of  whether  to  press
            supplies  will  be  reserved  ahead with large-scale im-
            primarily  for  health  care  munizations with the Pfizer-
            workers  and  nursing  home  BioNTech  vaccine.  FDA’s
            residents,  with  other  vul-  vaccine  director  Dr.  Peter
            nerable groups next in line  Marks  said  ahead  of  the
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