Page 2 - aruba-today-20201211
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                  Friday 11 december 2020

                                                                      Two  days  after  Paxton  kota's  Wayne  Stenehjem,  the  country,  and  the  Su-
                                                                      sued, 17 states filed a mo-  among  the  17  attorneys  preme  Court  this  week  re-
                                                                      tion  supporting  the  law-  general   supporting   the  jected a Republican bid to
                                                                      suit,  and  on  Thursday  six  case,  said  North  Dakota  is  reverse  Pennsylvania's  cer-
                                                                      of  those  states  asked  to  not  alleging  voter  fraud  in  tification of Biden's victory.
                                                                      join  the  case  themselves.  the four states at issue.   Trump  looked  straight  past

                                                                      Trump has acted to join the  "We're  careful  on  that,"  the high court loss, claiming
                                                                      case,  tweeting  Thursday  said Stenehjem, who noted  it didn't matter because his
                                                                      that  "the  Supreme  Court  that his office has received  campaign  wasn't  involved
                                                                      has  a  chance  to  save  our  thousands  of  calls  and  in the case, though it would
                                                                      Country  from  the  greatest  emails  from  constituents  have benefited if the case
                                                                      Election abuse in the history  asking  the  state  to  sup-  had  continued.  He  has
                                                                      of the United States." Hours  port the  suit.  "But  it's  worth  spent the week relentlessly
                                                                      later, Trump held a meeting  it for the Supreme Court to  tweeting  about  the  Tex-
                                                                      at the White House, sched-   weigh in and settle it once  as  case  with  the  hashtag
              In  this  June  28,  2020  file  photo,  Texas'  Attorney  General  Ken
            Paxton waits on the flight line for the arrival of Vice President   uled  before  the  suit  was  and for all," he said.   "overturn"  and  claiming,
            Mike Pence at Love Field in Dallas.                       filed, with a dozen Repub-   Montana  Attorney  Gen-      falsely, that he had won the
                                                     Associated Press   lican attorneys general, in-  eral Tim Fox called the law-  election but was robbed.
                                                                      cluding Paxton and several  suit  "belated"  and  said  its  Many of the attorneys gen-
            Continued from Front         date  the  states'  62  total  others who are backing the  chances "are slim at best."  eral  supporting  the  case
            The  lawsuit  filed  against  Electoral  College  votes.  effort.                      But  Fox  supported  Texas  have  shown  greater  politi-
            Michigan,  Georgia,  Penn-   That's  an  unprecedented  Still,  some  of  the  top  state  because  he  said  the  case  cal ambitions.
            sylvania,  and  Wisconsin  remedy  in  American  his-     Republican     prosecutors  raised  "important  consti-   In  Kansas,  Republican  At-
            repeats  false,  disproven,  tory: setting aside the votes  urging  the  Supreme  Court  tutional  questions  about  torney   General   Derek
            and  unsubstantiated  ac-    of tens of millions of people,  to hear the case have ac-  the  separation  of  powers  Schmidt,  who  is  consider-
            cusations about the voting  under  the  baseless  claim  knowledged that the effort  and the integrity of mail-in  ing  a  bid  for  governor  in
            in four states that went for  the Republican incumbent  is a long shot and are seek-   ballots  in  those  defendant  2022,  said  the  Texas  case
            Trump's  Democratic  chal-   lost a chance at a second  ing to distance themselves  states."    Suits  brought  by  presented  "important  and
            lenger. The case demands  term  due  to  widespread  from  Trump's  baseless  alle-    Trump  and  his  allies  have  potentially recurring consti-
            that  the  high  court  invali-  fraud.                   gations of fraud. North Da-  failed  repeatedly  across  tutional questions." q
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