Page 4 - Financial Statements 2014, 2015 & 2016
P. 4

Airport Groundhandling &
  Financial Statements                                                   Equipment Leasing Services N.V.
  2. Statement of comprehensive income                                           Financial statements 2014

                    Statement of comprehensive income –
                    by nature of expense

                    Statement of                           2014                        2013
                    comprehensive income                  in AWG                      in AWG

                      Revenues                         1,051,775                      950,059
                      Operational expenses               (738,011)                   (794,518)
                                                                        313,764                      155,541

                      Office expenses                        2,935                            -
                      General expenses                     100,000                            -
                      Depreciation / amortization           232,313                   223,958
                                                                        335,248                     223,958

                     Earnings before interest                        (21,484)                    (68,417)

                      Financial expenses / (income)                       40,351                      48,966

                     Earnings before taxes                        (61,835)                     (117,383)

                      Profit taxes                                              -                           -

                     Net result                                   (61,835)                   (117,383)

                      The notes form an integral part of these financial statements

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