Page 5 - Financial Statements 2014, 2015 & 2016
P. 5

Airport Groundhandling &
  Financial Statements                                                   Equipment Leasing Services N.V.
  3. Statement of changes in equity                                              Financial statements 2014

                    Statement of changes in equity

                    Statement of                              Retained        Result
                    changes in equity         Share capital    earnings    current year      Total
                                                  AWG            AWG           AWG           AWG
                    Movement 2013
                     Balance as per Jan. 1                20,000           293,084             (2,639)          310,445
                     Determination of result                      -               (2,639)              2,639                     -
                     Net result 2013                              -                      -           (117,383)         (117,383)

                    Balance as per
                    December 31, 2013               20,000         290,445      (117,383)       193,062

                    Movement 2014
                     Determination of result                      -           (117,383)          117,383                     -
                     Net result 2014                              -                      -             (61,835)           (61,835)

                    Balance as per
                    December 31, 2014               20,000         173,062     (61,835)         131,227

                    The authorized share capital amounts to AWG 100,000 of which AWG 20,000 was issued and
                    fully paid up as per December 31, 2014. The determination of the result is based on a yearly
                    decision of in the general meeting of shareholders of the Company.

                      The notes form an integral part of these financial statements

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