Page 6 - Financial Statements 2014, 2015 & 2016
P. 6

Airport Groundhandling &
  Financial Statements                                                   Equipment Leasing Services N.V.
  4. Statement of cash flows                                                     Financial statements 2014

                    Statement of cash flows

                                                                           2014              2013
                    Statement of cash flows                              in AWG             in AWG

                     Cash flow from operating activities
                      Net result                                                  (61,835)           (117,383)
                      Adjustment for depreciation /amortization                  232,313            223,958

                     Movement in working capital
                      Increase/(decrease) in accounts payable                       (2,457)             (23,802)
                     Cash flow from operating activities                   168,021              82,773

                     Cash flow from investing activities
                      Investment in tangible fixed assets                                -            (122,801)
                      Proceeds of sale of/discount on tangible fixed assets                    -                    -
                     Cash flow from investing activities                        -              (122,801)

                     Cash flow from financing activities
                      Issuance of share capital                                          -                    -
                      Increase/(decrease) in due from/to related parties             (52,778)              (29,421)
                      Loans obtained/(repaid)                                   (116,873)              71,888
                     Cash flow from financing activities                    (169,651)          42,467

                     Changes in cash and cash equivalents                   (1,630)               2,439
                      Beginning position of cash and cash equivalents                2,970                   531

                     Ending position of cash and cash equivalents            1,340                2,970

                     The notes form an integral part of these financial statements

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