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Monday 7 august 2017
Astros rally for 4 in 9th, beat Blue Jays 7-6 on Centeno hit
AP Sports Writer Toronto starter Marcus Stro-
HOUSTON (AP) — The Hous- man tied a season-high
ton Astros continue to find with 11 hits, but allowed just
ways to win, with their lat- three runs — two earned —
est victory coming thanks in 6 2/3 innings.
to a player who was called Jose Bautista hit a two-run
up from the minors just a homer in the third for the
day earlier. Blue Jays.
Juan Centeno hit an RBI Fiers, who allowed four
single with two outs that homers in five starts in July,
capped a four-run rally in has matched that number
the ninth inning, lifting the in just two starts this month.
Astros over the Toronto TRAINER’S ROOM
Blue Jays 7-6 Sunday for Astros: OF George Spring-
their 71st victory. er, who has been out since
Centeno was recalled from July 25 with a strained left
Triple-A Fresno on Saturday quadriceps, has been im-
when catcher Evan Gattis proving and could come
landed on the disabled list off the disabled list as soon
with a concussion. as Tuesday. Hinch said
“He’s taken advantage Springer worked out on
of any small opportunity Sunday and would have a
that’s been given,” man- day off on Monday before
ager A.J. Hinch said. “It’s resuming work on Tuesday
hard to impact games the when they could make a
way he is. You get noticed Houston Astros’ Juan Centeno hits a winning single during the ninth inning of a baseball game decision about whether to
against the Toronto Blue Jays, Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017, in Houston.
and you get more oppor- Associated Press activate him.
tunities.” UP NEXT
Jose Altuve singled off All- Nori Aoki had a two-run five hits and four runs while bullpen in right-center to Blue Jays: Toronto has a
Star closer Roberto Osuna homer, his first hit since be- getting only two outs for make it 4-3. day off on Monday be-
(3-3) to begin the Hous- ing traded from Houston to his seventh blown save this Fiers then plunked Dar- fore J.A. Happ pitches for
ton ninth and one-out Toronto last Monday, dur- season. win Barney to end his day the Blue Jays when they
singles by Yuli Gurriel and ing a four-run seventh that The Blue Jays trailed by a and was replaced by Luke open a series against the
Marwin Gonzalez loaded gave the Blue Jays a 6-3 run when Kevin Pillar sin- Gregerson who allowed a Yankees on Tuesday. He al-
the bases. Carlos Beltran lead. gled off Mike Fiers to start single to Russell Martin with lowed six hits and one run
grounded into a forceout Francis Martes (4-1) pitched the seventh. Aoki followed one out. Smoak hit a two- while fanning 10 in seven
that scored a run, and Alex 1 2/3 scoreless innings for with his third home run this run double that bounced innings of a 5-1 win over the
Bregman hit a tying, two- the win. Osuna allowed season on a shot to the off the low wall in center White Sox in his last start.q
run triple.
“I never get in that situ-
ation without my team- Lochte sets US Open meet record in 200 IM
mates,” Bregman said.
“Great, great at-bat after By DENIS P. GORMAN on Nov. 30, 2006. British cord (1:54:00) on July 28, ter was Lochte’s first USA
at-bat, just something that Associated Press swimmer Xavier Moham- 2011, started well and was Swimming-sanctioned
our team’s done all year.” EAST MEADOW, New York med placed second in second at the first turn. event after a 10-month
Centeno followed with (AP) — Ryan Lochte had 2:00.47, and Sam Stewart After the second turn, the suspension for his behavior
a liner over the head of a surprising reaction to his was third in 2:01.51. only question was how during an incident at the
leaping first baseman Jus- latest record-setting perfor- “Whether I broke a world much Lochte would win by. 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olym-
tin Smoak and into shallow mance. record or not, I always feel Yet, he was self-critical of pics.
right field to win it for the AL “A little disappointed,” he like I could go faster. No his performance. Following a fifth-place finish
West leaders. said after breaking Michael matter what the time was “The first part of the fly I felt in the 100 backstroke Satur-
“When things get rolling, Phelps’ meet record in the tonight, fine and then I don’t know day, Lochte said he viewed
they don’t let you up,” finals of the 200-meter in- I knew I could go faster,” what happened,” Lochte the 200 IM as an “indicator”
Toronto manager John dividual medley Sunday at Lochte said. said. “I think I tried too hard of what he needed to work
Gibbons said. “It’s a deep the U.S. Open. “Overall, that was just not and it just backfired on on in order to compete
lineup, they got caught up Lochte’s time of 1 minute, a good race.” me.” for a spot on the 2020 U.S.
in it and they got some big 59.24 seconds bettered Lochte, who set the 200 IM The four-day meet at Nas- Olympic swim team. q
hits.” Phelps’ mark of 1:59.26 set world and American re- sau County Aquatics Cen-