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A22     SPORTS
                   Monday 7 august 2017

                    Netherlands wins women’s European soccer championship

            By MIKE CORDER                                                                         man said.                    right  winger  Shanice  van
            Associated Press                                                                       “Germany  was  champion  de  Sanden  and  her  low
            ENSCHEDE,      Netherlands                                                             and nobody else could get  cross was met by Miedema
            (AP) — Striker Vivianne Mi-                                                            close,” she said. “Today we  for her third goal in as many
            edema  scored  twice  Sun-                                                             changed that.                matches  in  the  knockout
            day  as  the  Netherlands                                                              Actually          Denmark  stage of the tournament.
            beat  Denmark  4-2  to  win                                                            changed it and we contin-    Left  winger  Lieke  Martens,
            its  first  Women’s  European                                                          ued today.”                  named  player  of  the  tour-
            Championship title and set                                                             The  game  started  well  for  nament  after  the  match,
            off  a  huge  party  among                                                             the  Danes,  when  striker  put  the  Dutch  ahead  in
            thousands  of  orange-clad                                                             Nadia  Nadim  —  a  former  the  28th  when  she  drifted
            fans.                                                                                  refugee  from  Afghanistan  into  the  center,  turned  a
            Long after the final whistle                                                           whose father was killed by  defender  and  fired  a  low
            and award ceremony, the                                                                the Taliban — converted a  shot past goalkeeper Stina
            players  —  many  clutching                                                            sixth-minute  penalty  after  Lykke Petersen.
            bottles  of  Champagne  —                                                              Kika van Es clumsily brought  Five  minutes  later,  Den-
            danced  through  the  cor-   Players of the Netherlands celebrate with the trophy after de-  down Sanne Troelsgaard in  mark  was  back  on  terms
            ridors  of  the  FC  Twente   feating Denmark at the Women’s Euro 2017 final soccer match   the area.               at  2-2  when  captain  Per-
                                         in Enschede, the Netherlands, Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017.
            stadium  chanting  “Cham-                                             Associated Press  “Sometimes    you   can’t  nille  Harder  overcame  the
            pions!”                      soil  would  promote  the  final after losing five previ-  choose  what  you  want.  Dutch offside trap and then
            The  success  of  the  Dutch   game  among  Dutch  girls  ous semifinals.              You just get it,” said Nadim,  beat Sari van Veenendaal
            women’s  team  is  in  stark   and  prove  a  platform  on  A  penalty  shootout  win   who  fled  Afghanistan  af-  at her near post with a well-
            contrast  to  the  country’s   which to build greater suc-  over  Austria  after  extra   ter  her  father’s  death  and  placed shot.
            men, who failed to qualify   cess for the women’s team  time  in  the  semifinals  left   settled  in  Denmark.  She  Captain  Sherida  Spitse  re-
            for  last  year’s  European   as it prepares to start quali-  the  Danes  looking  tired  in   now plays for the Portland  stored the Dutch lead after
            Championship  in  France     fication  for  the  World  Cup  the  second  half,  allowing   Thorns  in  the  U.S.  National  the  break  with  a  free  kick
            and  is  struggling  to  reach   later this year.         the Dutch to control play.   Women’s Soccer League.       that rolled wide of the wall
            next  year’s  World  Cup  in   It was a disappointing end  The  end  of  the  German   The  Dutch  fans  did  not  and into the corner.
            Russia.                      to the tournament for Den-   reign as European champi-    have to wait long for their  Miedema,  who  had  been
            Netherlands  coach  Sarina   mark,  which  knocked  out  on after more than two de-    team  to  cancel  out  Nad-  criticized for not scoring in
            Wiegman  said  she  hoped    six-time defending champi-   cades  at  the  top  is  a  sign   im’s opener.           the  group  stage,  sealed
            the victory and success of   on Germany in the quarter-   that the game is improving   A  long  ball  by  midfielder  the victory in the 89th with
            the  tournament  on  home    finals  and  reached  its  first  across the continent, Wieg-  Jackie  Groenen  launched  her  second  goal  of  the  fi-

            Zverev dominates Anderson in Washington to win Citi Open                                                            “It  was  tough  at  the  start,
                                                                                                                                but then things started go-
            By BEN NUCKOLS               Sunday  for  his  fourth  ATP                                                          ing well,” the forward told
            AP Sports Writer             title of the year.                                                                     Dutch  broadcaster  NOS.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  That matches Rafael Nad-                                                                  “Today  the  first  half  was
            past  champions  whose  al’s victory total this season                                                              so  chaotic,  Denmark  was
            names  line  the  grand-     and trails only Roger Feder-                                                           good, and it was fantastic
            stands at the Citi Open in-  er’s five.                                                                             that we could show in the
            clude  Andre  Agassi  (five  The  eighth-ranked  Zverev                                                             second  half  that  we  can
            times), Jimmy Connors, Ste-  dropped his opening set in                                                             play good football.”
            fan Edberg and Ivan Lendl.   Washington and had to sur-                                                             The  frenetic  match  was
            On    Sunday,    Alexander  vive  a  third-set  tiebreaker                                                          played in front of a sell-out
            Zverev  showed  he  may  to avoid an upset in the first                                                             crowd of more than 28,000
            one  day  belong  among  round. He didn’t lose a set                                                                fans,  including  Denmark’s
            such exalted company.        after  that  opening  match                                                            Crown  Prince  Frederik,  at
            The  20-year-old  rising  star  against  Jordan  Thompson                                                           FC Twente’s stadium in the
            from  Germany  picked  up  and  grew  stronger  as  the                                                             eastern city of Enschede.
            early  breaks  in  each  set  tournament went on, hav-                                                              Also in the crowd was Mar-
            and was never challenged  ing little trouble with the hot   Alexander Zverev, of Germany, kisses the trophy after he de-  co van Basten, the star of
                                                                      feated Kevin Anderson, of South Africa, to win the Citi Open ten-
            on  his  serve  in  a  6-4,  6-4  and  humid  conditions  or   nis tournament, Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017, in Washington.  the Dutch men’s team that
            victory  over  South  African  the  late  nights  brought  on                                      Associated Press  won  the  1988  European
            veteran Kevin Anderson on  by rain delays. q                                                                        Championship. q
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