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Monday 7 august 2017 BUSINESS

            Profit at Buffett’s Berkshire falls 15% as costs rise                                                               Nissan workers

            OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Berk-                                                                                            reject UAW in its
            shire  Hathaway,  the  con-                                                                                         Mississippi vote
            glomerate  controlled  by
            billionaire  Warren  Buffett,                                                                                       By JEFF AMY
            said  this  weekend  that  its                                                                                      Associated Press
            second-quarter  profit  fell                                                                                        CANTON,  Miss.  (AP)  —
            15 percent as costs rose for                                                                                        Workers at a Nissan assem-
            its  various  businesses  and                                                                                       bly plant in Mississippi have
            it  earned  less  from  its  in-                                                                                    voted  against  forming  a
            vestments.  Berkshire  owns                                                                                         union, adding to decades
            many  companies,  includ-                                                                                           of  futility  by  United  Auto
            ing  battery  maker  Dura-                                                                                          Workers  organizers  at  for-
            cell,  underwear  seller  Fruit                                                                                     eign-owned auto plants in
            of  the  Loom  and  candy                                                                                           the  American  South.  Rep-
            company See’s.  It also has                                                                                         resentatives  of  Nissan  Mo-
            major investments in Coca-                                                                                          tor Co. and the UAW said
            Cola Co., Wells Fargo & Co.                                                                                         this  weekend  that  2,244
            and other companies. The                                                                                            workers, or 62 percent, vot-
            Omaha,  Nebraska-based                                                                                              ed against the UAW, while
            company  reported  net  in-                                                                                         1,307,  or  38  percent,  fa-
            come  of  $4.26  billion,  or                                                                                       vored the union. Company
            $2,592  per  Class  A  share,                                                                                       spokeswoman  Parul  Bajaj
            during  the  quarter.    That’s                                                                                     said employees’ voice has
            down  from  the  $5  billion,                                                                                       been  heard.  “They  have
            or $3,042 per Class A share,   In this Tuesday, June 14, 2016 photo, Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett   rejected  the  UAW  and
            that it reported in the same   addresses the White House.                                                           chosen  to  self-represent,
            quarter  a  year  ago.  Op-                                                                   (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)  continuing  the  direct  re-
            erating  earnings  came  to  offer a better view of quar-  6 percent to $57.52 billion.  vestment income fell while   lationship  they  enjoy  with
            $2,505  per  Class  A  share,  terly performance because  The  company  said  costs  insurance       underwriting   the company,” she said in
            down from $2,803 per Class  they  exclude  investments  rose  at  its  insurance  busi-  posted a loss of $22 million   a  statement.  “Our  expec-
            A share a year ago. Buffett  and derivatives, which can  nesses, railroads and finan-  compared  with  a  profit  of   tation  is  that  the  UAW  will
            has said operating earnings  vary  widely.  Revenue  rose  cial  products  providers.  In-  $337 million a year ago.q  respect and abide by their
                                                                                                                                decision  and  cease  their
            Wells Fargo needs more time to review allegations                                                                   efforts  to  divide  our  Nis-
                                                                                                                                san  family.”  The  UAW  has
                                                                                                                                never  fully  organized  an
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —                                                                potentially   unauthorized   international automaker in
            Wells  Fargo  &  Co.  is  ex-                                                          accounts,”  the  company     the  traditionally  anti-union
            panding an internal review                                                             said in the filing. Wells Fargo   South, although it did per-
            of  its  sales  practices  and                                                         projects  that  its  review  will   suade some maintenance
            says  the  move  could  un-                                                            be  finished  by  the  end  of   workers  to  join  at  a  Volk-
            cover  significantly  more                                                             the third quarter. It doesn’t   swagen  AG  plant  in  Ten-
            accounts opened by bank                                                                expect any costs stemming    nessee. The UAW’s lack of
            employees  without  cus-                                                               from the review to have a    influence  among  southern
            tomers’ consent.                                                                       significant  impact  on  the   auto workers has reduced
            The  San  Francisco  bank                                                              company. Last month, the     its bargaining power when
            disclosed  the  broadened                                                              company  disclosed  that     Detroit  automakers  lose
            review  in  a  filing  Friday                                                          roughly  570,000  custom-    market  share  and  close
            with  the  Securities  and  Ex-                                                        ers were signed up for and   plants.  After  pouring  re-
            change Commission.                                                                     billed  for  car  insurance   sources  into  the  organiz-
            Wells  Fargo  has  been  try-                                                          that  they  didn’t  need  or   ing drive at Nissan, this loss
            ing  to  repair  its  reputation  This photo shows a Wells Fargo bank in northeast Jackson, Miss.   necessarily  know  about.   could  leave  UAW  leaders
            after admitting last fall that                               (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)  Many  couldn’t  afford  the   with tough decisions.
            employees  under  pressure  million.  The  lender  is  now  tified by a consulting firm.  extra costs and fell behind   “The  result  of  the  election
            to  meet  aggressive  sales  expanding  its  review  of  “We expect that our review  in their payments. In about    was  a  setback  for  these
            targets opened as many as  customer  accounts  go-        of the expanded time peri-   20,000 cases, cars were re-  workers,  the  UAW  and
            2  million  accounts  without  ing  back  to  2009.  Initially,  ods, which adds over three  possessed.  The  bank  has   working   Americans   ev-
            getting  customers’  permis-  it  planned  to  review  ac-  years  to  the  initial  review  agreed  to  pay  $80  million   erywhere,  but  in  no  way
            sion.  The  company  ended  counts going back to 2011.  period  of  approximately  in  refunds  and  account        should  it  be  considered  a
            up  paying  $185  million  to  It also expects to complete  four  years  ...  may  lead  to  adjustments  to  customers,   defeat,”  UAW  President
            regulators  and  settled  a  a  review  of  potentially  un-  a  significant  increase  in  with  checks  starting  to  go   Dennis  Williams  said  in  a
            class-action  suit  for  $142  authorized  accounts  iden-  the  identified  number  of  out this month. q          statement. q
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