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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 7 august 2017
                  Fox News host Eric Bolling suspended amid investigation

            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Fox  investigation so that it can                                                            eral  women  reported  be-
            News  said  Saturday  that  it  be concluded and Eric can                                                           ing harassed by the host.
            has suspended Eric Bolling,  return to work as quickly as                                                           The  network’s  founding
            co-host  of  its  late-after-  possible.”                                                                           leader,  Roger  Ailes,  re-
            noon  news  program  “The  Bolling  is  the  best-known                                                             signed  in  July  2016  be-
            Specialists,” while it investi-  personality  on  “The  Fox                                                         cause  of  harassment  al-
            gates allegations he sent a  News  Specialists,”  a  pro-                                                           legations.  He  died  in  May
            lewd photo to co-workers.    gram  that  airs  weekdays                                                             after a fall at his home.
            Word  of  the  suspension  at 5 p.m. EDT. The show re-                                                              Bolling’s  suspension  came
            came one day after a Huff-   placed the network’s series                                                            on the heels of a defama-
            Post report relying on anon-  “The  Five”  in  April.  He  also                                                     tion  lawsuit  filed  last  Tues-
            ymous  sources  stated  Bol-  hosts  the  weekend  show                                                             day  against  Fox  by  a  pri-
            ling had sent a lewd photo  “Cashin’ In.”                                                                           vate investigator. The law-
            to  at  least  three  female  He joined Fox News in 2008                                                            suit  accuses  the  network
            colleagues  at  Fox  News  after  working  as  a  com-                                                              of  making  up  quotes  and
            and Fox Business.            modities trader, according                                                             pushing  a  false  story  that
            “Eric  Bolling  has  been  sus-  to his bio on the network’s                                                        benefits  Trump,  even  invit-
            pended pending the results  website.                                                                                ing the chief executive into
            of an investigation, which is  A vocal supporter of Presi-                                                          the editorial process.
            currently  underway,”  Fox  dent Donald Trump, Bolling    In this July 22, 2015 file photo, co-host Eric Bolling appears on   Both  Fox  and  the  Trump
            News  said  in  a  brief  state-  wrote  a  March  op-ed  ac-  “The Five” television program, on the Fox News Channel, in New   administration  denied  the
            ment.                        cusing House Speaker Paul    York.                                    Associated Press  lawsuit’s claims. Fox called
            An attorney for Bolling, Mi-  Ryan, R-Wisconsin, and es-                                                            it  “completely  erroneous”
            chael J. Bowe, denied the  tablishment     Republicans    personalities  who  appear  female political analyst.     to  suggest  it  drove  the
            allegations.                 of  betraying  the  president   on Fox News and Fox Busi-  Payne  remains  suspended   story  to  distract  from  the
            “The  anonymous,  uncor-     with their version of a plan   ness  Network.  In  July,  Fox  while  an  investigation  into   Russia  investigation.  White
            roborated  claims  are  un-  to  overhaul  the  nation’s   Business host Charles Payne  the allegations continues.  House    press   secretary
            true  and  terribly  unfair,”  health system.             was  suspended  after  the  Other allegations were lev-   Sarah  Huckabee  Sanders
            Bowe  wrote  in  an  email  The suspension is the latest   Los  Angeles  Times  report-  eled against Fox News’ for-  said  the  president  had  no
            Saturday.  “We  intend  to  in a string of sexual harass-  ed  based  on  anonymous  mer  star,  Bill  O’Reilly,  who   knowledge of the false sto-
            fully  cooperate  with  the  ment  complaints  against    sources that he harassed a  was fired in April after sev-  ry before it was posted.q
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