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PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 7 august 2017
Chappelle on 30 years in showbiz and sensitivity in comedy
By MESFIN FEKADU I’m grateful for and I’m old
NEW YORK (AP) — As Dave enough to understand to
Chappelle reflects on be grateful for (it). I don’t
spending 30 years in com- take any of this (stuff) for
edy, he says he’s grateful granted, none of it. So
and humble to still be living there’s a lot of, being a
his dreams onstage. public person, that I per-
“In all honesty, I mostly feel sonally find terrifying, and I
grateful that I survived it, don’t really get locked into
and that I’m able to still an existence of being hot
do it, and that I have the or not, but night’s like to-
respect of my peers,” the night, it’s a breath of fresh
43-year-old said in an inter- air. Just to see that every-
view Friday night following one’s OK; Jay-Z’s making
a show at Radio City Music a record and he’s damn
Hall, where he was joined near 50 and it’s relevant.
by The Roots, Dead Prez And we’re all working.
and T.I. AP: I haven’t been to a
Chappelle’s residency at show before where they’ve
the venue in New York locked up your phone.
kicked off this week, and Chappelle: There’s no
included guest performers phones or anything. If there
such as Lil Wayne, Usher, were phones and people
Ice Cube and others. Sat- This Sunday, July 6, 2014 file photo, Dave Chappelle performs at the Essence Festival in New Or- were posting stuff, you
urday and Sunday’s shows leans. could get likes and maybe
were to feature Chris Associated Press get followers, but if no one
Rock, while Trevor Noah, MSG Live, called the 16 as I was when I started (at it is, a guy will go through has a phone, that’s how
John Mayer, Lauryn Hill, shows “unique” and said 14), and looking at him something sometimes in you become a legend. ...
Leslie Jones, Chance the the company “is thrilled to makes me understand how show business and the peo- Comedy relies on the ele-
Rapper, Solange, Child- have him at Radio City for crazy that was to start at ple will get away from him. ment of surprise and any
ish Gambino, Erykah Badu the month of August.” that age, even though at Certain people, especially part of a show taken out
and more were scheduled Chappelle — who re- the time it felt very natural. people like Ahmir (Quest- of the context of the show
for upcoming performanc- ceived some criticism ... People general like me love) and The Roots and all could sound — well it all
es. about his jokes about trans- — they’re always going to these other guys, they’re sounds crazy anyway — it
“Not to tip my hand, but gender men and women be people that don’t like always still included and would sound way crazier.
the next couple nights are during the new shows and me — but it doesn’t mat- it was always a little more And it empowers me to
probably one of the most on his Netflix special — talks ter, enough people like me familiar, and it meant a lot be more courageous with
expensive comedy shows about his residency, sensi- that I can make a living this to me. Even a guy like Ush- the audience ... which is all
ever done, and every- tive jokes and more in an way. After I left my televi- er, I remember Usher one I’m really concerned with
body’s working under the interview with The Associ- sion show, I didn’t know that time, I was at a bar and he ‘cause they came out.
fee, everybody’s works un- ated Press. I would ever, I didn’t think brought me out to a birth- AP: The world is very sen-
der their fee just so we can AP: How does it feel to cel- anything, that was a real day party another celebrity sitive right now, and I’m
be together in this room,” ebrate 30 years in com- tough lump I took. I can’t was having; it was just nice wondering if you take that
Chappelle said. “It means edy? explain to people what the to be included without into consideration when
a lot of to me.” Chappelle: What’s fun- emotional content of those having to be hot. It was just you’re writing jokes. Are
Darren Pfeffer, the ex- ny about it is my son, my decisions were like. warm. you altering jokes to satisfy
ecutive vice president of youngest son, is as old now And what’s beautiful about These types of memories people?q
Actor makes shift from TV’s Norman Bates to ‘Good Doctor’
By LYNN ELBER Schiff (“The West Wing”) Kim, who has added pro- drama an important part of
AP Television Writer co-stars as his advocate ducing to his career port- his life and expressed grati-
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — and mentor. folio, said he may make tude to CBS. “That said, it’s
Freddie Highmore sees his The series is from David an appearance on “The possible to be grateful for
move from “Bates Motel” Shore, who produced the Good Doctor,” a show he the opportunity, and re-
to “The Good Doctor” as a medical drama “House,” decided to bring to Ameri- spectful of the colleagues
refreshing change. and actor Daniel Dae Kim can TV after seeing the and the people that I
“It’s nice to save people of “Lost” and “Hawaii Five- South Korean version. For worked with, and still main-
after years of killing them,” O.” During a Q&A with TV now, he’s content being tain a steadfast sense of
Highmore said, dryly, of critics Sunday, Shore ac- behind the scenes and ob- your self-worth,” Kim add-
the surgeon he plays in the knowledged past specu- serving a cast that he said ed. “And all good things
upcoming ABC drama. He lation about whether Dr. inspires him. His seven sea- come to an end.” During a
portrayed an adolescent Gregory House, played by sons as Chin Ho Kelly on CBS panel with the Televi-
Norman Bates On “Bates Hugh Laurie, was on the “Hawaii Five-O” ended af- sion Critics Association last
Motel,” A&E’s prequel to autism spectrum. ter a contract dispute. In a week, CBS Entertainment Freddie Highmore partici-
the classic thriller “Psycho.” But the cynical House Facebook post in July, the executive Kelly Kahl said pates in the “The Good Doc-
Highmore’s Dr. Shaun Mur- and the innocent Murphy South Korean-born Kim said the exit of Kim and co-star tor” panel during the Disney
phy, who has autism and couldn’t be more different, that the “path to equality is Grace Park represented a ABC Television Critics Asso-
savant syndrome, joins a Shore said. Both question rarely easy,” without elabo- “business transaction,” with ciation Summer Press Tour at
hospital’s prestigious surgi- the status quo, he said, ask- rating. Asked about the cir- the actors seeking bigger the Beverly Hilton on Sunday,
Aug. 6, 2017, in Beverly Hills,
cal unit despite staff bias ing, “’Why do we do the cumstances of his exit Sun- contracts than the network Calif.
and skepticism. Richard things we do?’” day, he called the crime was offering.q Associated Press