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P. 30

                   Monday 7 august 2017
                                                                      ‘Dark Tower’ tops slow

                                                                      weekend, ‘Detroit’ disappoints

                                                                      By JAKE COYLE                “It  was  always  an  ambi-  But  “Kidnap”  still  outper-
                                                                       AP Film Writer              tions and bold undertaking  formed  the  week’s  other
                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  After  a  but it was made at the right  new  wide  release,  the  far
                                                                      decade  of  development  price,”  said  Adrian  Smith,  more anticipated “Detroit.”
                                                                      and    several   postpone-   president of domestic distri-  The Kathryn Bigelow-direct-
                                                                      ments,  the  long-awaited  bution for Sony Pictures.      ed  docudrama  is  also  the
                                                                      Stephen  King  adaptation  By comparison, the recent  first  release  for  an  upstart
                                                                      “The Dark Tower” debuted  flop “Valerian and the City  distributor.
                                                                      with an estimated $19.5 mil-  of  a  Thousand  Planets,”  The  first  film  distributed  by
                                                                      lion in North American tick-  which opened with $17 mil-  Megan  Ellison’s  Annapur-
            This image released by Sony Pictures shows Idris Elba, left, and   et  sales,  narrowly  edging  lion, cost at least $180 mil-  na  Pictures,  “Detroit”  de-
            Matthew McConaughey in the Columbia Pictures film, “The Dark   out  the  two-week  leader  lion to make.            buted  with  a  disappoint-
            Tower.”                                                   “Dunkirk.”                   Christopher  Nolan’s  World  ing  $7.3  million  after  a
                                                                      The  modest  result  for  “The  War II epic “Dunkirk” slid to  limited  release  last  week.
                                                                      Dark  Tower,”  starring  Idris  second  with  $17.6  million  As  a  producer,  Ellison,  the
                                                                      Elba  and  Matthew  McCo-    in  its  third  week.  It’s  now  Oracle  heiress,  has  been
                                                                      naughey,  was  in  line  with  made  $133.6  million  do-  behind  some  of  the  most
                                                                      expectations  heading  into  mestically.                  acclaimed  films  in  recent
                                                                      the  weekend  but  well  shy  Other  holdovers  —  “The  years, including “Foxcatch-
                                                                      of  initial  hopes  for  a  pos-  Emoji  Movie”  ($12.4  million  er” and “American Hustle.”
                                                                      sible franchise-starter.     in  its  second  week)  and  “Detroit,” the third collabo-
                                                                      J.J. Abrams and Ron How-     “Girls  Trip”  ($11.4  million  in  ration  between  Bigelow
                                                                      ard  are  among  the  direc-  its third week) followed.   and    screenwriter   Mark
                                                                      tors  who  previously  tried  Another  long-delayed  film  Boal  (“The  Hurt  Locker,”
                                                                      to  tackle  King’s  magnum  also made its debut.          ‘’Zero Dark Thirty”), reimag-
                                                                      opus,  a  seven-book  series  The Halle Berry thriller “Kid-  ines  the  terror-filled  events
                                                                      that melds sci-fi with horror  nap”  opened  with  $10.2  around the Algiers Motel in-
                                                                      and other genres.            million.                     cident during the 1967 De-
                                                                      But the long battle to make  The  film,  styled  after  the  troit riots.
                                                                      “The  Dark  Tower”  ended  Liam  Neeson  “Taken”  se-     “We wish more people had
                                                                      with poor reviews and few  ries,”  was  released  by  the  showed  up  this  weekend
                                                                      fireworks.                   new  distributor  Aviron  Pic-  but  we  are  really,  really
                                                                      Still,  the  movie  was  made  tures  after  it  bought  the  proud  of  the  movie,”  said
                                                                      for  a  relatively  modest  North American rights from  Erik Lomis, Annapurna’s dis-
                                                                      amount: about $60 million,  Relativity.                   tribution chief.
                                                                      or half of what many other  Before  entering  bankrupt-   “The  movie  got  an  A-
                                                                      summer movies cost.          cy,  Relativity  had  sched-  minus  CinemaScore  and
                                                                      Sony Pictures also split costs  uled  the  film’s  release  for  the  reviews  have  been
                                                                      with Media Rights Capital.   2015.                        spectacular.”q

                                                                      Rolling Stones guitarist feared

                                                                      the worst with cancer call

                                                                      LONDON  (AP)  —  Rolling  says he just told the doctor
                                                                      Stones   guitarist   Ronnie  to get it out of him.
                                                                      Wood  has  revealed  that  Wood told The Mail on Sun-
                                                                      he  feared  the  worst  after  day  that  he  had  decided
                                                                      being diagnosed with lung  not to have chemotherapy
                                                                      cancer earlier this year.    if  results  turned  out  to  be
                                                                      The  70-year-old  guitarist  bad.  He  says  he  decided,
                                                                      says  he  thought  it  might  “I wasn’t going to lose my
                                                                      be “time to say goodbye,”  hair. This hair wasn’t going
                                                                      after  a  doctor  performing  anywhere.”  He  thanked     In this file photo dated Tuesday,
                                                                      routine  tests  offered  the  doctors  in  May  for  treat-  June  10,  2014,  British  rock
                                                                      news that he “had this su-   ing a small lesion in his lung   band  Rolling  Stones  guitarist
                                                                      pernova  burning  away  on  and  will  undergo  checks    Ronnie Wood performs during
                                                                      my left lung.” The musician  every three months.q         a concert in Berlin.

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