Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
feAture Saturday 19 September 2020
Drug shows promise in 1st largely minority COVID-19 study HEALTH
By MARILYNN MARCHIONE releases. Companies often DOCTOR ON DUTY
AP Chief Medical Writer are required to disclose re- Oranjestad
A drug company said Fri- sults that could affect their Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
day that a medicine it sells financial situation. Tel. 527 4000
to tamp down inflamma- On Monday, Eli Lilly report-
tion has helped prevent ed benefits from a study San Nicolas
the need for breathing testing its anti-inflamma- Imsan 24 hours
machines in hospitalized tory drug baricitinib when Tel.524 8833
COVID-19 patients in the combined with the anti- Women in Difficulties
first large study that primar- viral drug remdesivir. On PHARMACY ON DUTY
ily enrolled Hispanics and Wednesday, it said interim Oranjestad:
Blacks. Switzerland-based results from very early test- Eagle Tel. 587 9011
Roche reported the results In this July 6, 2020 file photo, a health care worker administers a ing suggested that its ex- San Nicolas:
for tocilizumab, sold now COVID-19 test at a site sponsored by Community Heath of South perimental antibody drug Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
Women in Difficulties
as Actemra and RoActem- Florida at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Clinica Campesina Health showed promise for help- OTHER
ra for treating rheumatoid Center in Homestead, Fla. ing clear the virus and pos- Dental Clinic 587 9850
arthritis and some other Associated Press sibly reducing the need for Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
diseases. The company drug that works in a similar gested benefit. hospitalization in mild to Urgent Care 586 0448
said it would quickly pub- way failed in an experi- This is the third time this moderately ill patients.q Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
lish the results, which have ment rigorously testing it week that companies +297 588 0539
not yet been reviewed by in COVID-19 patients but have announced positive Women in Difficulties
independent scientists, some less scientific, obser- results from studies testing
and would speak with reg- vational studies have sug- COVID treatments via press Police 100
ulators about next steps. Oranjestad 527 3140
The drug, given through an Sudoku Noord 527 3200
Sta. Cruz
527 2900
IV, tamps down a protein San Nicolas 584 5000
called interleukin-6 that's Police Tipline 11141
often found in excess in Ambulancia 911
COVID-19 patients. It failed Fire Dept. 115
in a previous study that Red Cross 582 2219
tested it in people more TAXI SERVICES
severely ill from the coro- Taxi Tas 587 5900
navirus. The new study was Prof. Taxi 588 0035
done in the United States, Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
South Africa, Kenya, Brazil, Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
Mexico and Peru. About A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
85% of the 389 participants Women in Difficulties
were Hispanic, Black, Na- TRAVEL INFO
tive American or other
ethnic or racial minorities. Aruba Airport 524 2424
American Airlines 582 2700
These groups have been Avianca 588 0059
disproportionately hurt by Jet Blue 588 2244
the pandemic. Surinam 582 7896
About 12% given the drug Women in Difficulties
needed a breathing ma- AID FOUNDATIONS
chine or died within 28
days versus about 19% of FAVI- Visually Impaired
patients given a place- Tel. 582 5051
bo. Looked at separately, Solution on Page 14 Alcoholics Anonymous
deaths were statistically Tel. 736 2952
similar in the two groups. Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
It's unclear how the results Women in Difficulties
will be viewed; another Tel. 583 5400
Centre for Diabetes
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