P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 24 augusT 2017
                  Clinton: My ‘skin crawled’ as Trump hovered on debate stage

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Hill-   women.  Now  we  were  on
            ary  Clinton  says  Donald  a small stage and no mat-
            Trump’s  pacing,  hovering  ter where I walked, he fol-
            demeanor  onstage  dur-      lowed  me  closely,  staring
            ing an October 2016 presi-   at me, making faces. It was
            dential  debate  made  her  incredibly  uncomfortable
            so uncomfortable “my skin  he  was  literally  breathing
            crawled.”  She  says  in  her  down  my  neck.  My  skin
            upcoming book that Trump  crawled.”
            shadowed  her  so  closely  Clinton says, “It was one of
            she  had  to  resist  shouting  those moments where you
            out,  “Back  up  you  creep,  wish  you  could  hit  pause
            get away from me.”           and  ask  everyone  watch-
            The  Democratic  presiden-   ing, ‘Well, what would you
            tial  nominee  recounts  her  do?’  Do  you  stay  calm,
            struggle  to  keep  com-     keep  smiling  and  carry  on
            posed  during  that  pivotal  as  if  he  weren’t  repeat-
            Oct.  9  faceoff  in  St.  Louis  edly invading your space?
            less  than  a  month  before  Or  do  you  turn,  look  him
            the election. Two days ear-  in  the  eye,  and  say  loudly
            lier,  their  bitter  campaign  and  clearly,  ‘Back  up  you
            was rocked by the release  creep, get away from me! I
            of footage in which Trump  know you love to intimidate     In this Oct. 9, 2016 file photo, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, right, speaks as
            bragged        aggressively  women,  but  you  can’t  in-  Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump listens during the second presidential debate at
            about groping women.         timidate me, so back up.’”   Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016.
            During  the  town-hall  style  Clinton  says  she  “kept  my                                                                   Associated Press
            debate, the 6-foot-3 Trump  cool, aided by a lifetime of
            repeatedly  hovered  over  dealing  with  difficult  men
            Clinton,  who’s  closer  to  trying to throw me off.”
            5-foot-5, as she responded  “Maybe      I   have   over-
            to questions.                learned the lesson of stay-
            “This  is  not  OK,  I  thought,”  ing calm, biting my tongue,
            Clinton  says  in  her  audio  digging  my  fingernails  into
            narration  of  “What  Hap-   a  clenched  fist,  smiling  all
            pened,”  set  for  release  the  while  determined  to
            Sept. 12. “It was the second  present a composed face
            presidential  debate,  and  to the world,” Clinton says.
            Donald  Trump  was  loom-    Excerpts  of  Clinton  read-
            ing  behind  me.  Two  days  ing  from  the  book  aired
            before,  the  world  heard  Wednesday  on  MSNBC’s
            him  brag  about  groping  “Morning Joe.”q
            Historical thriller takes

            readers back to turbulent era

            Associated Press             mission to take out the fac-
            An  engineer  from  Oslo  at-  tory.
            tempts  to  disrupt  the  Nazi  Nordstrum  becomes  the
            war machine at the height  go-to  guy  for  the  impossi-
            of World War II in “The Sab-  ble missions to stop the on-
            oteur,”  the  latest  historical  slaught and assist the Allied
            thriller by Andrew Gross.    forces.  If  he  succeeds,  his
            Kurt Nordstrum has lost his fi-  efforts will make the path to
            ancee, and much of every-    victory easier. If he fails, the
            thing else he holds dear. He  Germans  will  have  a  path
            sneaks back into his home-   to full domination.
            town and sees the full inte-  Gross  takes  readers  back
            gration  of  German  forces.  in  time  to  a  turbulent  and
            Nordstrum learns of an iso-  terrifying era. Like his previ-
            lated factory hidden inside  ous novel, “The One Man,”
            Norway  where  the  Nazis  he  immerses  the  reader  in
            are  building  a  terrifying  the 1940s with sympathetic
            weapon. With a few close  characters  while  focusing
            friends,  he  hijacks  a  pas-  on the lone wolf who faces
            senger ship bound for Ger-   impossible  odds,  but  has
            many and steers it toward  no  other  choice.  He  also
            England.  With  the  help  of  uses  real  historical  figures
            some British forces, they ar-  and events with some slight
            rive in Scotland. With the in-  name  changes,  demon-
            formation in hand, they join  strating that with a talented
            a team of Norwegian Free-    writer at the helm, the past
            dom Fighters with a suicidal  can truly come alive. q
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