P. 28

               Thursday 24 augusT 2017

                                                                      Arctic researchers to study

                                                                      wind effects on marine life

                                                                                                                                and  what  we’re  planning
                                                                                                                                to do, is to basically docu-
                                                                                                                                ment  and  describe  how
                                                                                                                                the physical forcing of the
                                                                                                                                wind  produces  this  favor-
                                                                                                                                able  feeding  environment
                                                                                                                                for  the  beluga  whales,”
                                                                                                                                she said Tuesday. “It’s one
                                                                                                                                thing to say, ‘Oh, they can
                                                                                                                                find  food  along  this  shelf
              In this file photo dated Wednesday March 30, 2011, showing
              smoke emitting from a chimney in IJmuiden, Netherlands.                                                           break. But we want to find
                                                                                                                                out  why  they  find  their
              Dutch activists in                                                                                                food along the shelf break,
                                                                                                                                with  numbers.”  Upwelling
              legal battle to urge                                    In this Feb. 25, 2015 file photo, the National Science Foundation   events  in  the  Beaufort  are
                                                                                                                                projected  to  increase  as
                                                                      research ship Sikuliaq is seen moored in Seward, Alaska.
              action on pollution                                     By DAN JOLING                oceanographer at the Uni-    sea ice continues to trend
                                                                                                              Associated Press
                                                                                                                                downward,  Okkonen  said.
                                                                       Associated Press            versity of Alaska Fairbanks.  Last year the minimum sea
              THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  —  mainly  in  busy  cities   ANCHORAGE,  Alaska  (AP)  Wind  drives  water  at  the  ice  for  2016  was  recorded
              (AP)  —  Environmentalists  —  where  pollution  limits   — A federal research vessel  surface of the shallow con-  Sept. 10, when ice covered
              went  to  court  Wednes-   aren’t met. He said there    will launch on a cruise this  tinental  shelf,  at  depths  of  1.6  million  square  miles
              day  to demand  that the  already is a “clearly posi-   week  to  study  how  Beau-  about 300 feet (91 meters),  (4.14  square  kilometers),
              Dutch  government  take  tive  trend”  in  reducing     fort Sea wind affects plant  north to water off the shelf,  tied with Sept. 18, 2007, for
              urgent action to improve  pollution.                    and animal life in a chang-  which  drops  to  depths  the  second  lowest  mini-
              air  quality,  arguing  that  The  hearing  is  not  the   ing Arctic Ocean.         of  more  than  10,000  feet  mum on records since sat-
              authorities  haven’t  done  first  time  Dutch  environ-  The Sikuliaq (see-KOO’-lee-  (3,050 meters).            ellite measurements began
              enough  to  meet  Euro-    mentalists  have  clashed    ak), owned by the National  The result is a phenomenon  in 1978. The lowest year on
              pean    Union-mandated  in  court  with  the  govern-   Science  Foundation  and  called  “upwelling.”  Deep,  record  was  Sept.  17,  2012,
              targets.                   ment.  In  a  landmark  vic-  operated  by  the  University  cold water rises toward the  according  to  the  National
              The  summary  hearing  in  tory in 2015, a court in The   of Alaska Fairbanks, will de-  surface carrying large con-  Snow and Ice Data Center
              The Hague was part of a  Hague  ordered  the  gov-      part  Friday  from  Nome  for  centrations  of  plankton,  at the University of Colora-
              crowd-funded  legal  bat-  ernment  to  slash  green-   the trip through the Bering  which scientists hypothesize  do, when sea ice fell to 1.31
              tle  by  the  Dutch  arm  of  house gas emissions by at   Strait to waters on and off  will  attract  fish,  especially  million  square  miles  (3.39
              Friends of the Earth, which  least 25 per cent by 2020.   the continental shelf in the  Arctic cod. Large numbers  million square kilometers).
              says that the government  The  government  has  ap-     Beaufort.                    of  cod  in  turn  attract  be-  Wind  covering  a  greater
              must  do  more  to  reduce  pealed that ruling.         Climate warming in recent  luga  whale  and  seabirds  distance  over  open  water
              harmful  airborne  pollu-  Hearings for a more com-     decades has resulted in far  that prey on cod. Aerial sur-  becomes  a  greater  force
              tion.                      prehensive  challenge  by    less summer seasonal ice in  veys  have  shown  belugas  on  the  ocean.  “We  have
              Lawyer  Edward  Brans,  Friends of the Earth to the     the Beaufort, which stretch-  congregating  on  the  shelf  a much bigger fetch,” Ok-
              representing  the  state,  government’s  clean  air     es from the northeast coast  break,  said  Carin  Ashjian,  konen said. The ship will sail
              said  that  the  national  efforts  are  scheduled  to   of  Alaska  across  Canada.  a senior scientist at Woods  transects  in  a  box  roughly
              government  is  working  begin in November.             East  winds  that  formerly  Hole  Oceanographic  In-     37  by  62  miles  (60  by  100
              with  provincial  and  lo-  The court will issue its deci-  blew  over  sea  ice  now  stitution,  who  will  serve  as  kilometers) starting 20 to 30
              cal  authorities  to  tackle  sion in the summary case   blow over open water, said  chief scientist on the cruise.  miles  (32 to 48 kilometers)
              “bottlenecks”  in  areas  on Sept. 7.q
                                                                      Steve Okkonen, a physical  “What  we  hope  to  do,  offshore.q
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