P. 23

                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Thursday 24 augusT 2017
                Up from the ashes: Samsung unveils successor to Note 7 phone

            By ANICK JESDANUN                                                                                                   tweaking  capabilities  af-
             AP Technology Writer                                                                                               ter the shot, though Apple
            NEW YORK (AP) — Samsung                                                                                             may  be  adding  improve-
            is  trying  to  move  past  last                                                                                    ments  as  well  in  the  up-
            year’s  disastrous  Galaxy                                                                                          coming iPhones.
            Note  7  launch  with  a  suc-                                                                                      PEN FEATURES
            cessor sporting a dual-lens                                                                                         Samsung’s Note line is no-
            camera,  animated  mes-                                                                                             table for its stylus, and the
            sages,  expanded  note-                                                                                             new  pen  restores  some  of
            taking — and lower battery                                                                                          the  hardware  improve-
            capacity.                                                                                                           ments  introduced  —  then
            The  South  Korean  tech  gi-                                                                                       taken  away  —  with  the
            ant  is  no  longer  trying  to                                                                                     Note  7.  A  popular  feature
            squeeze    more     battery                                                                                         has  been  the  ability  to
            power  into  each  phone.                                                                                           write notes on the phone’s
            Last  year’s  Note  7  had  to                                                                                      lock  screen,  much  like  a
            be  recalled  after  dozens                                                                                         chalkboard. Samsung is ex-
            spontaneously  caught  fire                                                                                         panding  how  much  peo-
            because of defective bat-                                                                                           ple can write — up to 100
            teries.                                                                                                             screens full of notes, rather
            Samsung  responded  by                                                                                              than just one.
            subjecting  new  phones  to                                                                                         Also  coming  is  the  ability
            multiple  inspections  and                                                                                          to handwrite text messag-
            giving  the  battery  more   This Aug. 16, 2017, photo, shows a Samsung Galaxy S8, left, a Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus, center,   es,  rather  than  just  typing
            physical protection, taking   and Samsung Galaxy Note 8 on display, in New York.                                    them. They are sent as ani-
            up  room  normally  avail-                                                                         Associated Press  mated  GIF  files,  so  friends
            able for the charge.         for the Note 8 begin Thurs-  Jan  Dawson,  chief  analyst  the  Note  7’s  5.7  inches,   without  Note  8  phones
            Although  the  success  of   day.                         at Jackdaw Research, said  without  feeling  much  big-   can  read  them,  too.  With
            this past spring’s Galaxy S8   The  phone  is  among  the  the phone should be popu-   ger.                         Apple’s Messages app, re-
            phone  suggests  that  Sam-  most  expensive,  at  about  lar among loyal Note users  The  Note  8  also  matches   cipients must have iPhones
            sung  has  recovered  from   $950.  By  contrast,  the  who have had to wait two  the  S8  in  offering  the  abil-  or iPads with a recent soft-
            the Note 7 debacle, which    iPhone  7  starts  at  about  years since the last model.  ity to unlock phones with iris   ware update for animation
            included  bans  on  airline   $650  and  the  S8  at  $750.  But  Dawson  said  the  price  patterns, free premium ear-  to work.
            flights , any further mistakes   Samsung’s  Note  phones  could    give   consumers  buds from Samsung’s AKG        The  pen  will  also  enable
            could prove fatal.           tend to be niche products  pause.                         brand and a slot for adding   full-sentence   translations
            “Here  it  is  from  the  ashes,   aimed  at  people  who  use  NEW AND NOT            storage  beyond  the  64  gi-  for travelers, with automat-
            literally,  a  rebirth  of  this   their phones more than the  The Note 8 phone offers sig-  gabytes included.      ic  conversions  of  curren-
            pretty  iconic  brand,”  said   average consumer.         nificant improvements over  Unlike the S8, the Note 8 will   cies and units such as feet
            Bob  O’Donnell,  a  veteran   But  O’Donnell  said  the  the  last  Note  model  still  have  two  camera  lenses   and meters.
            consumer  tech  analyst  at   Note 8 launch could boost  selling.  But  the  S8  already  on  the  back  —  one  with   POWER MATTERS
            Technalysis Research.        interest in Samsung’s main-  has one of the Note 8’s sig-  twice the magnification —   Samsung  is  taking  a  con-
            THE PRICE TAG                stream phones.               nature  features,  an  “infin-  allowing  for  sharper  close-  servative  approach  to  its
            Unveiled Monday, the Gal-    “Having  a  halo  product  ity  display”  that  maximizes  ups. The Note 8 will match   battery, as it did with the S8
            axy Note 8 will go on sale   at the top of the line helps  screen size by reducing the  Apple’s  iPhone  7  Plus  in   .  Capacity  is  reduced  by
            Sept.  15  in  the  U.S.,  about   drive  interest  across  the  frame,  or  bezel,  surround-  using  that  second  lens  for   6  percent, as  thicker walls
            the  time  Apple  is  expect-  line,”  he  said.  “The  Note  ing  the  display.  The  Note  software tricks that blur out   and other safety measures
            ed  to  come  out  with  new   8  will  make  more  people  8’s screen will measure 6.3  the background in portrait   take away room once de-
            iPhones.  Advance  orders    aware of the S8.”            inches diagonally, up from  shots. Samsung offers more    voted  to  the  charge.  q

             Former CIA agent wants to buy Twitter to kick Trump off

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  For-    she  had  raised  less  than  enough  money  to  buy  a  ter’s  largest  shareholder
            mer undercover CIA agent  $6,000 of her $1 billion goal.  controlling  interest  of  Twit-  and give her a very strong
            Valerie Plame Wilson is look-  In  an  emailed  statement,  ter  stock.  If  she  doesn’t  position  to  exert  influence
            ing  to  crowdfund  enough  White  House  press  secre-   have  enough  to  purchase  on the company.
            money  to  buy  Twitter  so  tary Sarah Huckabee Sand-    a  majority  of  shares,  she  Twitter  declined  to  com-
            President  Donald  Trump  ers said the low total shows  said  that  she  will  explore  ment  Wednesday  on  Wil-
            can’t use it.                that  the  American  people  options  to  buy  “a  signifi-  son’s  tweet  about  seeking
            Wilson  launched  the  fund-  like  the  president’s  use  of  cant stake” and champion  to  buy  the  San  Francisco-
            raiser  last  week,  tweet-  Twitter.                     the proposal at Twitter’s an-  based company.
            ing:  “If  @Twitter  executives  “Her  ridiculous  attempt  to  nual shareholder meeting.  Wilson’s  identity  as  a  CIA
            won’t  shut  down  Trump’s  shut  down  his  first  amend-  If Plame were to hit her $1  operative   was   leaked
            violence  and  hate,  then  ment  is  the  only  clear  vio-  billion  goal,  she’d  still  fall  by  an  official  in  President
            it’s  up  to  us.  #BuyTwitter  lation  and  expression  of  far short of gaining a con-  George W. Bush’s adminis-
            #BanTrump.”  The  GoFund-    hate and intolerance in this  trolling interest in the com-  tration in 2003 in an effort to   In this June. 21, 2011, file
            Me page for the fundraiser  equation,”  the  statement  pany.                          discredit her husband, Joe   photo, former U.S. CIA Opera-
            says Trump’s tweets “dam-    read.                        As of Wednesday, a major-    Wilson,  a  former  diplomat   tions Officer, Valerie Plame
            age  the  country  and  put  Wilson  wrote  on  the  fund-  ity stake would cost roughly  who  criticized  Bush’s  deci-  Wilson arrives for the UK film
            people in harm’s way.”       raiser’s  GoFundMe  page  $6  billion.  But  a  $1  billion  sion to invade Iraq. She left   premiere of Countdown to
            As of Wednesday morning,  that  she  hopes  to  raise  stake would make her Twit-      the agency in 2005.q         Zero in London.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press
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