P. 22

A22     SPORTS
               Thursday 24 augusT 2017
              Ridley, former U.S. Amateur champ, to take over at Augusta

            By DOUG FERGUSON                                                                                                    mer  USGA  and  PGA  Tour
             AP Golf Writer                                                                                                     rules  official.  When  word
            AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — Fred                                                                                            got  to  Ridley,  he  said  he
            Ridley first came to Augus-                                                                                         viewed  the  drop  and  did
            ta  National  to  compete                                                                                           not see a violation.
            in the 1976 Masters as the                                                                                          Only  after  more  questions
            U.S.  Amateur  champion,                                                                                            were raised — Woods told
            and  he  played  the  open-                                                                                         the  media  he  purposely
            ing round in the traditional                                                                                        dropped  the  ball  a  few
            pairing with the defending                                                                                          yards  farther  away  from
            champion, Jack Nicklaus.                                                                                            the original spot — did the
            He will have a new role in                                                                                          rules committee realize he
            his  next  round  at  Augusta                                                                                       should  been  penalized.
            National  —  the  seventh                                                                                           Woods  was  given  a  two-
            chairman  in  the  86-year                                                                                          shot  penalty  but  spared
            history of the club.                                                                                                disqualification  for  signing
            Billy  Payne  announced                                                                                             an incorrect card because
            Wednesday  that  he  is  re-                                                                                        Ridley  said  officials  made
            tiring on Oct. 16 when the                                                                                          a mistake by not speaking
            club opens for a new sea-                                                                                           to Woods. Ridley is the first
            son,  and  he  chose  Ridley                                                                                        chairman  to  have  played
            to succeed him.                                                                                                     in the Masters, missing the
            “If he’s not better than me,                                                                                        cut all three times. He also
            then  I  failed,”  Payne  said.                                                                                     played  in  the  U.S.  Open
            “And  I  fully  expect  him  to                                                                                     and British Open.
            be.  I’ve  seen  his  passion                                                                                       “If  the  game  is  poised  to
            and  his  love  for  our  club.                                                                                     take some dramatic steps,
            I know the way the mem-                                                                                             I think having Fred as chair-
            bers  respect  him,  and  in                                                                                        man  of  Augusta  National
            many  cases,  love  him.  He                                                                                        is a very good thing,” said
            is  going  to  be  a  natural    In this Wednesday, April 4, 2007, file photo, Augusta National Golf Club Chairman Billy Payne,   David  Fay,  the  executive
                                         center, arrives with Fred Ridley, left, and Craig Heatley at the media center to brief reporters on
            fit. And he will lead us in a   the Masters during practice for the 2007 Masters golf tournament at the Augusta National Golf   director  of  the  USGA  dur-
            different way because ev-    Club in Augusta, Ga.                                                                   ing  Ridley’s  two  years  as
            erybody is different. But it’s                                                                     Associated Press  president.
            going to be a better way.    “Once  I  finally  decided  cal task would be finding a  decision.”                    While  Payne  was  the  first
            This is a great move for Au-  that Fred was the right per-  replacement.  After  taking  Ridley   had   been   at   chairman  who  had  never
            gusta National.”             son, then I had the sense I  a  year  to  get  settled,  he  Payne’s  side  as  chairman   met  co-founders  Bobby
            Ridley,  a  65-year-old  busi-  had  completed  my  most  began studying who would  of  the  Masters  champion-     Jones and Clifford Roberts,
            ness  lawyer  from  Tampa,   important job,” Payne said.  be the best candidate.       ship  committee,  though  it   Ridley  met  Roberts  when
            Florida, is the last U.S. Ama-  “To make that orderly tran-  “I  started  thinking  and  wasn’t always smooth sail-  he played in the Masters.
            teur champion who never      sition, I needed to get go-  looking and, through time,  ing. He was at the center of   Fay  also  was  intrigued  by
            turned  pro.  He  played  in   ing.”                      eliminating,”  Payne  said.  a  rules  controversy  involv-  the links to Jones.
            the 1977 Walker Cup, was     Ridley was not made avail-   “As  I  became  aware  of  ing Tiger Woods in 2013.       “If  you  were  to  look  for
            twice  a  Walker  Cup  cap-  able for comment. The club  the qualifications that it re-  Woods  hit  a  shot  into  the   common   denominators,
            tain,  served  on  the  USGA   said  he  would  not  speak  quired, it became obvious  15th hole that struck the pin   he  has  more  with  Bobby
            executive  committee  for    about the role until he took  to me, fairly soon, that Fred  and  bounced  back  into   Jones than just about any
            11 years and was president   over in October.             was emerging as an unbe-     the  water  in  the  second   of the subsequent chairs,”
            of  the  USGA  in  2004  and   Payne  became  chairman  lievable talent, a man who  round.  He  dropped  from       Fay  said.  “Both  were  U.S.
            2005.                        in  2006  and  said  Hootie  loved, as I do, Augusta Na-  an  incorrect  spot,  which   Amateur champions, both
            He also is the reason Payne   Johnson,  his  predecessor,  tional  and  all  it  stands  for.  was spotted by a television   were lawyers and both re-
            chose to retire.             told him that his most criti-  At the end, it was an easy  viewer — David Eger, a for-  mained amateurs.q

                Lutsenko wins Vuelta’s 5th stage, Froome adds to lead

              ALCOSSEBRE, Spain (AP) —  that he has finished as run-   the Mediterranean Sea.      second  race  lead  over  “I’m  surprised  to  see  Vin-
              Chris Froome increased his  ner-up on three occasions.   Lutsenko    finished   the  Tejay van Garderen to 10  cenzo  Nibali  and  Fabio
              lead in the Spanish Vuelta  “Looking at the time gaps  175.7-kilometer      (109.1-  seconds.  Nicolas  Roche,  Aru lose some time today
              during  a  fifth  stage  won  now,  the  general  clas-  mile) ride from Benicassim  David  de  la  Cruz,  Fabio  -  and  Romain  Bardet,  but
              by Alexey Lutsenko of Ka-    sification  is  definitely  tak-  to  Alcossebre  in  4  hours,  Aru,  Vincenzo  Nibali  and  it’s  a  long  race,”  Froome
              zakhstan on Wednesday.       ing  a  bit  more  shape,”  24  minutes.  It  was  the  first  Romain Bardet all lost even  said.  The  route  took  riders
              Froome  started  the  day  Froome  said.  “And  if  you  grand  tour  stage  win  for  more time to the four-time  over  four  category-two
              just  two  seconds  ahead  think  there’s  just  a  3  kilo-  the  24-year-old  Astana  Tour de France winner.   climbs  and  a  category-
              of a trio of riders and with  meter climb to the finish, I  rider.  After  a  small  group  Chaves  is  third  overall,  11  three,  before  a  push  up
              most of this top rivals within  can  definitely  be  happy.”  of  breakaway  riders  trick-  seconds  back.  Nibali  is  the  final  category-three
              a minute. But after most of  Lutsenko  left  behind  Mar-  led across the line, Froome  now 36 seconds behind in  ascent.  Thursday’s  sixth
              them  struggled  through  a  co  Haller  at  the  start  of  stuck  to  the  wheel  of  Al-  sixth place, while Aru trails  stage  is  a  204.4-kilometer
              hilly stage and then toiled  the stage’s finally climb, a  berto Contador as the two  by 49 in seventh, and Bar-  (127-mile) run from Vila-re-
              on  the  race’s  first  summit  short but steep trudge up  traded attacks along with  det is 12th at 1:37. Conta-  al to Sagunt including four
              finish,  Froome  looks  to  be  to the Ermita de Santa Lu-  Esteban Chaves.          dor  remained  over  three  category-three  and  one
              in  command  of  a  race  cia church and its views of  Froome increased his two-     minutes behind.             category-two climbs.q
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