P. 20

               Thursday 24 augusT 2017
             1-hit wonder: Fister allows only leadoff homer as BoSox romp

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             lowed seven runs and sev-
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Doug                                                                                            en hits in 2 1/3 innings.
            Fister  gave  up  a  leadoff                                                                                        Aaron  Judge  singled  and
            homer in the first inning to                                                                                        walked three times, ending
            Francisco  Lindor  and  then                                                                                        his record-setting streak of
            nothing  else,  finishing  with                                                                                     37 games with at least one
            a  career-best  one-hitter,                                                                                         strikeout.
            and  Eduardo  Nunez  had                                                                                            ROYALS 3, ROCKIES 2
            five RBIs as the Boston Red                                                                                         KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP)
            Sox  rolled  to  a  9-1  victory                                                                                    —  Danny  Duffy  and  four
            over the Cleveland Indians                                                                                          relievers  combined  on  a
            on Tuesday night.                                                                                                   two-hitter,  helping  Kansas
            Fister  (3-6)  was  facing  AL                                                                                      City hold off Colorado.
            Central-leading     Cleve-                                                                                          Duffy (8-8) took a no-hitter
            land  for  the  third  time  in                                                                                     into  the  sixth  inning  and
            four  starts,  and  the  right-                                                                                     retired  the  first  two  bat-
            hander  took  advantage                                                                                             ters  before  walking  DJ  Le-
            of  his  familiarity  with  the                                                                                     Mahieu  and  allowing  a
            Indians’ lineup. He allowed                                                                                         homer  to  Nolan  Arenado.
            two walks and hit a batter,                                                                                         The Rockies star hit his 28th
            but  was  otherwise  in  con-                                                                                       home run.
            trol.  Backed  by  two  dou-                                                                                        Jon  Gray  (5-3)  dropped
            ble  plays,  he  pitched  his                                                                                       to  4-12  in  27  career  road
            first  complete  game  since                                                                                        starts.
            2014 with Washington.                                                                                               TWINS 4, WHITE SOX 1
            Jackie Bradley Jr. homered                                                                                          CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Jorge
            in the fifth off Carlos Carras-                                                                                     Polanco  homered  for  the
            co  (12-6)  and  Nunez  con-  Boston Red Sox starting pitcher Doug Fister delivers in the first inning of a baseball game against   third  time  in  two  days  as
            nected for two-run double    the Cleveland Indians, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017, in Cleveland.                           Minnesota beat Chicago.
            in  the  seventh  and  three-                                                                      Associated Press   Polanco  led  off  the  fourth
            run homer in the eighth.                                                                                            inning  with  his  sixth  homer
            The  AL  East-leading  Red   Calhoun had three hits and  run  triple  and  Washington  —  including  a  first-inning   of  the  season  after  going
            Sox improved to 15-4 since   drove  in  two  runs  to  keep  beat Houston for the ninth  drive  estimated  at  nearly   deep  in  both  ends  of  a
            July 31.                     the  Angels  a  half-game  straight time.                 500  feet  —  and  Masahiro   doubleheader Monday.
            ANGELS 10, RANGERS 1         back  of  the  Minnesota  Washington’s          winning  Tanaka pitched seven tidy     Kennys  Vargas  and  Eddie
            ANAHEIM,  California  (AP)   Twins for the second AL wild  streak over the Astros dates  innings in his return from the   Rosario  added  home  runs
            — Albert Pujols hit a three-  card.                       to  2012.  The  NL  East-lead-  disabled  list  to  lead  New   against  rookie  Lucas  Gio-
            run homer to become the      Rangers right-hander Tyson  ing Nationals have won 13  York over Detroit.              lito  (0-1)  in  his  White  Sox
            major league career lead-    Ross  (3-3)  allowed  three  of 14 against Houston since  Sanchez’s  two-run  shot  in   debut. The Twins remained
            er for home runs by a play-  runs and seven hits in 3 2/3  2011.                       the  first  was  estimated  at   in playoff position with their
            er born outside the United   innings.  Los  Angeles  righty  Tanner  Roark  (10-8)  got  493 feet by Statcast.      fifth win in six games.
            States,  and  Los  Angeles   Ricky  Nolasco  allowed  a  the win and Sean Doolittle  The  Yankees  led  2-0  af-    Kyle  Gibson  (7-10)  struck
            beat Texas.                  run over 4 2/3 innings, and  pitched a perfect ninth for  ter  that  and  never  looked   out  a  season-high  eight
            Pujols hit his 19th homer of   Kenyan Middleton (5-1) fol-  his 15th save.             back.                        over seven innings.
            the  season  and  the  610th   lowed  with  1  1/3  scoreless  Charlie Morton (10-6) gave  Tanaka   (9-10)   allowed   ATHLETICS 6, ORIOLES 4
            of his career, snapping his   innings for the victory.    up four runs in six innings for  three runs and six hits in his   BALTIMORE  (AP)  —  Ryon
            tie  with  Sammy  Sosa  for   ASTROS 4, NATIONALS 3       the AL West-leading Astros.  first appearance since Aug.   Healy homered twice, Jed
            eighth all-time.             HOUSTON (AP) — Matt Wi-      YANKEES 13, TIGERS 4         9. He’d been out with right   Lowrie  hit  a  two-run  drive
            Kaleb  Cowart  also  hit  a   eters  hit  a  two-run  homer,  DETROIT  (AP)  —  Gary  San-  shoulder inflammation.  and  Oakland  beat  strug-
            three-run homer, and Kole    Howie Kendrick had a two-    chez  hit  two  home  runs  Matthew  Boyd  (5-7)  al-     gling Baltimore. q

               Facebook:                 to provide “in-game expe-                                                              partnership  with  Stadium,
                                                                                                                                we’re  excited  to  offer  our
                                         rience”  and  social  media
                                         elements  provide  by  the                                                             football  product  on  the
               Continued from Page 17    schools.                                                                               world’s  most  widely-used
            The  social  network  giant   The  Mountain  West  and                                                              social media platform.”
                                                                                                                                Last  season,  two  Moun-
            attempted to make a deal     Conference     USA   have                                                              tain  West  games  were
            to stream a few NFL games    been getting creative with                                                             streamed  on  Twitter,  and
            last season, but the league   their media rights in lieu of                                                         part  of  C-USA’s  deal  with
            ended  up  working  with     lucrative  and  expansive                                                              Stadium calls for games on
            Twitter.                     deals  with  traditional  me-
            Stadium  is  producing  the   dia  outlets  such  as  ESPN                                                          Twitter this season.q
            football games specifically   and Fox.
            for social media and will al-  “We  are  continually  ex-                                                         In this Dec. 3, 2016, file photo,
                                                                                                                              Alabama coach Nick Saban
            low for fan interaction with   ploring ways by which we                                                           watches his team warm up
            the  broadcast,  Facebook    can innovate and expand                                                              for the Southeastern Confer-
            said  in  a  statement.  There   the  visibility  of  our  Confer-                                                ence championship NCAA
            will be a live chat for fans   ence membership,” Moun-                                                            college football game be-
            with  football  analysts  and   tain  West  Commissioner                                                          tween Alabama and Florida
            social  media  correspon-    Craig  Thompson  said  in  a                                                         in Atlanta.
            dents  working  the  sideline   statement.  “Through  our                                                                     Associated Press
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