P. 24

Thursday 24 augusT 2017 BUSINESS

              U.S. stock indexes sag as a two-day rally peters out                                                                New-home sales

            By STAN CHOE                                                                                                         fell in July, yet still
             AP Business Writer                                                                                                  ahead of last year
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Stocks                                                                                          By CHRIS S. RUGABER
            retreated  on  Wednesday                                                                                            AP Economics Writer
            and  gave  back  some  of                                                                                           WASHINGTON (AP) — Sales
            their gains from a day ear-                                                                                         of  new  U.S.  homes  plum-
            lier,  when  the  Standard  &                                                                                       meted 9.4 percent in July,
            Poor’s  500  index  had  one                                                                                        the  sharpest  one-month
            of its best days of the year.                                                                                       drop  in  nearly  a  year.  But
            Advertising     companies                                                                                           the decline followed strong
            and  retailers  had  some  of                                                                                       sales  in  previous  months,
            the steepest drops on wor-                                                                                          and  sales  so  far  this  year
            ries  about  their  earnings,                                                                                       are outpacing last year’s.
            while  prices  for  Treasury                                                                                        The  Commerce  Depart-
            bonds and gold rose mod-                                                                                            ment said Wednesday that
            estly  as  investors  sought                                                                                        new-home  sales  fell  to  a
            safer  ground.  It’s  the  lat-                                                                                     seasonally  adjusted  an-
            est move lower for a stock                                                                                          nual rate of 571,000 in July,
            market    that’s   yo-yoed                                                                                          down from 630,000 in June.
            since setting a record high                                                                                         Last month’s figure was the
            earlier this month.                                                                                                 weakest since December.
            The Standard & Poor’s 500                                                                                           Still,  sales  in  the  first  seven
            index fell 8.47 points, or 0.3                                                                                      months  of  the  year  are
            percent,  to  2,444.04,  relin-  Trader Gregory Rowe works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, Aug. 16,   9.2  percent  higher  than  in
            quishing  about  a  third  of                                                                     Associated Press  the same period last year.
            its  big  gain  from  Tuesday.                                                                                      More buyers are turning to
            The  loss  snapped  a  two-  or 7 percent to $72.66, and  that were considered slam  quarter, Nixon heard much      newly  built  houses  as  the
            day  winning  streak  that   Interpublic Group lost $1.32,  dunks early this year. Now,  less of such talk.         supply of existing homes for
            followed  a  nearly  two-    or 6.3 percent, to $19.58.   the market seems to have  The  government  is  com-       sale has fallen steadily.
            weeklong  slump.  After  all   Lowe’s, the home-improve-  little  to  no  expectation  for  ing  close  to  some  crucial   The housing market overall
            its back and forth, the S&P   ment retailer,              much  help  coming  from  deadlines, including one to     is mostly healthy, but sales
            500 is still within 1.5 percent   also  dragged  down  the  Washington, said Katie Nix-  increase  its  borrowing  au-  have  stumbled  this  sum-
            of its record.               S&P  500  after  it  reported  on, chief investment officer  thority  in  order  to  avoid  a   mer as a supply crunch has
            The  Dow  Jones  industrial   profit  and  revenue  for  the  at  Northern  Trust  Wealth  default on its debt and an-  elevated  average  home
            average fell 87.80 points, or   latest  quarter  that  were  Management.               other to prevent a govern-   prices nationwide.
            0.4  percent,  to  21,812.09,   weaker  than  analysts  ex-  “Actions speak louder than  ment shutdown.             The  rising  prices  have
            and  the  Nasdaq  compos-    pected.  It  gave  a  profit  words,  and  when  we  see  In  a  speech  late  Tuesday,   made  homes  too  expen-
            ite  lost  19.07,  or  0.3  per-  outlook for the year that fell  actual  action,  you’ll  see  President  Donald  Trump   sive  for  some  would-be
            cent, to 6,278.41.           short  of  Wall  Street’s  fore-  markets sit up and take no-  said  that  “if  we  have  to   buyers, even as healthy hir-
              The  Russell  2000  index  of   cast, and its stock fell $2.81,  tice,”  she  said.  “But  so  far  close  down  our  govern-  ing has lowered the unem-
            small-cap  stocks  fell  1.80,   or 3.7 percent, to $73.01. A  it’s been a rhetorical exer-  ment,  we’re  building  that   ployment rate to a 16-year
            or 0.1 percent, to 1,369.74.  report showing that sales of  cise.”                     wall” that he wants on the   low of 4.3 percent.
            Advertising     companies    new  homes  were  weaker  She      said   she   noticed  border  between  Mexico       Builders  are  ramping  up
            had  the  biggest  losses  in   in July than economists ex-  CEOs  talking  a  lot  about  and the United States.   the  supply  of  new  homes,
            the  S&P  500  after  an  in-  pected didn’t help.        their  hopes  for  tax  reform   He also said that he thinks   providing  a  crucial  outlet.
            dustry giant cut its forecast   Worries about politics were  or   infrastructure   spend-  the  U.S.  government  will   But  the  number  of  newly
            for revenue this year. WPP   a  big  reason  for  the  mar-  ing  earlier  this  year,  when  “end  up  probably  termi-  built  properties  available
            warned  that  its  clients  are   ket’s  stumbles  in  recent  companies  were  reporting  nating”  the  North  Ameri-  is  still  below  historical  lev-
            feeling  pressure  to  con-  weeks.  In  Washington,  the  their results for the January-  can Free Trade Agreement   els.  Even  so,  the  supply  of
            trol  their  spending,  and  its   concern  is  about  wheth-  through-March quarter. But  with Canada and Mexico,   new homes for sale ticked
            shares  plunged  10.9  per-  er  the  government  can  in conference calls the last  though  he  also  said  that   up 1.5 percent in July from
            cent in London. In the U.S.,   push through tax cuts and  few weeks, as CEOs report-   he has yet to make up his    June to 276,000. That’s 16.5
            Omnicom Group fell $5.47,    other  pro-business  policies  ed their results for the spring  mind.q                 percent higher than a year
             Lowe’s not catching same stride as Home Depot                                                                      earlier.
                                                                                                                                That  level  is  considered
                                                                                                                                enough  to  last  5.8  months
                                                                                                                                at  the  current  sales  pace
            MOORESVILLE,  N.C.  (AP)  billion, or $1.68 per share. A  Revenue  rose  to  $19.5  bil-  Lowe’s  doesn’t  appear   — near the 6 months that is
            —  Lowe’s  second-quarter  year  ago  the  Mooresville,  lion from $18.26 billion. It fell  to  be  catching  the  same   typical in a healthy market.
            profit  got  a  boost  from  North  Carolina,  company  short of the $19.52 billion in  housing market tail wind of   By contrast,
            the  sales  of  an  Australian  earned  $1.17  billion,  or  revenue  analysts  surveyed  rival Home Depot Inc. Last   the  number  of  existing
            joint venture, but its perfor-  $1.31 per share.          by Zacks expected.           week,  it  dazzled  investors   homes  for  sale  plunged
            mance was weak by most  The current quarter includ-       Sales at stores open at least  with  its  strongest  quarterly   7.1 percent in June from a
            measures in a vibrant hous-  ed a $96 million gain relat-  a  year  increased  4.5  per-  sales  ever  and  the  richest   year earlier. The larger sup-
            ing  market,  and  its  profit  ed to the sale of its interest  cent, one of the few areas  profit in its history.  ply of new homes has kept
            outlook  for  the  year  was  in  the  Australian  joint  ven-  that it did a little better than  Lowe’s  foresees  full-year   prices  from  rising  as  much
            well  below  the  expecta-   ture.                        expected,  according  to  earnings  of  $4.20  to  $4.30   as  in  the  market  for  exist-
            tions of industry analysts.  Earnings, adjusted for one-  FactSet. Comparable-store  per  share,  with  sales  ris-  ing  houses.  A  typical  new
            Shares   fell   5   percent  time gains, were $1.57 per  sales are a key gauge of a  ing about 5 percent. Ana-      home  sold  for  $313,700  in
            Wednesday  in  premarket  share.  That’s  below  the  retailer’s  health  because  lysts anticipate earnings of     July — below the $316,200
            trading.                     $1.62  per  share  that  ana-  the remove the volatility of  $4.62 per share, according   typical  price  for  all  of  last
            For the period ended Aug.  lysts polled by Zacks Invest-  stores  recently  opened  or  to a FactSet poll.q         year.q
            4, Lowe’s Cos. earned $1.42  ment Research predicted.     closed.
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