P. 25

BUSINESS                 Monday 26 June 2017

              Consumer issues stemming from the GOP health care initiative

                                                                                                                                tors and hospitals are over-
            By   RICARDO     ALONSO-                                                                                            whelmingly  opposed  to
            ZALDIVAR                                                                                                            the Republican approach,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    because it’s likely to result
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-                                                                                            in  millions  more  uninsured
            publicans  in  full  control  of                                                                                    people. Consumer organi-
            government  are  on  the                                                                                            zations  like  AARP  are  also
            brink   of   history-making                                                                                         opposed.
            changes  to  the  nation’s                                                                                          Under Obama, the nation’s
            health care system. The im-                                                                                         uninsured  rate  dropped
            pact for consumers would                                                                                            below 9 percent, a historic
            go  well  beyond  “Obam-                                                                                            low.  Progress  has  stalled,
            acare.”                                                                                                             partly  because  “Obam-
            Former  President  Barack                                                                                           acare” is politically divisive.
            Obama’s  signature  law                                                                                             Now,  the  uninsured  rate
            is  usually  associated  with                                                                                       may  start  climbing  again,
            subsidized  insurance  mar-                                                                                         because  both  the  House
            kets  like                                                                                         and Senate bills cut feder-
            But  the  Affordable  Care                                                                                          al financing and repeal an
            Act  also  expanded  Med-                                                                                           unpopular  requirement  to
            icaid.                                                                                                              carry health insurance.
            Not  only  would  the  GOP                                                                                          It  “would  have  a  pro-
            legislation scale back cov-                                                                                         foundly  negative  impact
            erage  through  the  insur-   In this April 3, 2017, file photo, the Senate side of the Capitol is seen in Washington.  on  Americans,”  said  John
            ance  markets  and  phase                                                                          Associated Press  Meigs,  president  of  the
            out  the  Medicaid  expan-                                                                                          American  Academy  of
            sion,  it  would  also  make   about  70  million  people,  would cover about 14 mil-  cal  discipline  that  conser-  Family Physicians.
            fundamental  changes  to     including   children   and  lion fewer people by 2026,    vatives say is long overdue.  Some  Republicans  argue
            the broader Medicaid pro-    able-bodied  adults  mostly  a 17 percent reduction.      But  the  human  conse-      that  a  Medicaid  card  or
            gram.  The  federal-state    served  by  private  man-    Governors  of  both  parties   quences  could  be  politi-  an  “Obamacare”  policy
            program  covers  low-in-     aged care plans.             have  warned  Congress       cally volatile. “No one wins   means little because either
            come  people,  from  new-    The  GOP’s  biggest  Medic-  that  would  mean  a  cost   on health care policy,” ob-  the doctor doesn’t accept
            borns  to  elderly  nursing   aid  change  involves  limit-  shift  to  states  that  under-  served Holtz-Eakin.   notoriously  low  Medicaid
            home  residents,  from  spe-  ing  future  federal  financ-  mines coverage for the vul-  WHAT  DOCTORS  ARE  SAY-  fees,  or  high  deductibles
            cial-needs  kids  to  young   ing.  Since  its  inception,  nerable.                   ING                          under the health law keep
            adults caught in the opioid   Medicaid  has  been  an  Medicaid  limits  got  very     Groups  representing  doc-   patients from coming in.q
            epidemic.                    open-ended  entitlement,  little  attention  in  the  2016
            House  Republicans  have     with Washington matching  presidential campaign. The
            passed  their  health  care   a share of what each state  idea  was  a  relatively  late
            bill, and Senate GOP lead-   spends.  Instead,  Republi-  addition to Trump’s talking
            ers  are  driving  toward  a   cans propose a per-bene-   points.  Indeed,  candidate
            vote  next  week.  President   ficiary cap.               Trump  had  started  out
            Donald  Trump  is  waiting,   In addition, the GOP would  promising no cuts to Social
            eager to deliver on a cam-   phase  out  added  financ-   Security, Medicare or Med-
            paign  promise  to  repeal   ing that Obama’s law pro-    icaid.
            the law.                     vided  as  an  incentive  for  Economist  Douglas  Holtz-
            Against fast-moving devel-   states  to  expand  the  pro-  Eakin,  a  longtime  GOP
            opments,  a  look  at  some   gram and cover more low-    adviser,  says  the  Repub-
            major issues for consumers.  income  adults.  About  11  lican  approach  is  “180
            WHY MEDICAID MATTERS         million are covered by the  degrees  different  in  its
            As health care costs have    expansion.                   economic  and  budget-
            kept  climbing,  employers   The  Congressional  Bud-     ary  philosophy,”  from  the
            cut  back  on  coverage,     get  Office  estimated  the  course steered by Obama.
            and    Medicaid    passed    House  bill  would  reduce  The  Medicaid  limit  would
            Medicare  as  the  nation’s   federal  Medicaid  spend-   move  the  nation  closer  to
            largest  public  insurance   ing  by  $834  billion  over  10  putting  public  health  care
            program.  It  now  covers    years,  and  the  program  programs on a budget, fis-
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