P. 28

                     Monday 26 June 2017

               U.S. officials to lift Yellowstone grizzly bear protections

            By MATT VOLZ                                                                           Native  American  tribal  of-  The  federal  agency’s  rule
             Associated Press                                                                      ficials  who  are  staunchly  sets  a  minimum  popula-
            HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Pro-                                                              opposed  to  hunting  grizzly  tion of 500 bears for Yellow-
            tections  that  have  been                                                             bears.                       stone,  and  requires  states
            in  place  for  more  than  40                                                         Some  125  tribes  have  to curb hunting if the popu-
            years for grizzly bears in the                                                         signed  a  treaty  opposing  lation falls below 600.
            Yellowstone  National  Park                                                            trophy hunting grizzly bears,  Scientists  also  studied  the
            area will be lifted this sum-                                                          which  Native  Americans  effects  of  climate  change
            mer after U.S. government                                                              consider a sacred animal.    on  grizzly  bears  and  their
            officials ruled Thursday that                                                          Thursday’s  ruling  is  certain  food  sources,  such  as  the
            the population is no longer                                                            to  be  challenged  in  court  nuts  of  whitebark  pine
            threatened.                                                                            by  conservation  groups  trees, which are in decline.
            Grizzlies  in  all  continental                                                        that argue the Yellowstone  “They  found  grizzly  bears
            U.S.  states  except  Alaska                                                           bears  still  face  threats  to  are  extremely  resilient,  ex-
            have  been  protected  un-                                                             their  continued  existence.  tremely flexible and adapt-
            der  the  Endangered  Spe-                                                             Tim  Preso,  an  attorney  for  able,” Hogan said.
            cies  Act  since  1975,  when                                                          environmental    law   firm  That    adaptation     has
            just  136  bears  roamed  in   In this Wednesday, July 6, 2011, file photo, a grizzly bear roams   Earthjustice,  said  his  orga-  meant  switching  to  more
                                         near Beaver Lake in Yellowstone National Park.
            and  around  Yellowstone.                                             Associated Press  nization will look closely at  of a meat-based diet. That
            There are now an estimat-                                                              the rule.                    carries  the  risk  of  bringing
            ed 700 grizzlies in the area   will give jurisdiction over the  have a rich and robust dis-  “There’s  only  one  Yellow-  the bears into greater con-
            that  includes  northwest-   bears  to  Montana,  Idaho  cussion,” said Brian Nesvik,   stone,” he said. “We ought  flict  with  ranchers  protect-
            ern  Wyoming,  southwest-    and Wyoming by late July.    wildlife division chief of the   not  to  take  an  unjustified  ing  livestock  and  hunters
            ern  Montana  and  eastern   That will allow those states  Wyoming  Game  and  Fish    gamble with an iconic spe-   searching for elk and deer,
            Idaho, leading the U.S. Fish   to  plan  limited  bear  hunts  Department.             cies of this region.”        said  Andrea  Santarsiere,
            and Wildlife Service to con-  outside  the  park’s  bound-  Hunting  bears  inside  Yel-  Matt  Hogan,  the  deputy  an attorney for the wildlife
            clude  that  the  population   aries  as  long  as  the  over-  lowstone   and   nearby   regional  director  for  the  advocacy  group  Center
            has recovered.               all  bear  population  does  Grand Teton National Park    Fish  and  Wildlife  Service’s  for Biological Diversity.
            “This  achievement  stands   not  fall  below  600  bears.  would still be banned. The   Mountain-Prairie   Region,  “Added  to  those  threats
            as one of America’s great    Wyoming  and  Montana  bears  roam  both  inside          said he is confident that the  will be trophy hunting,” she
            conservation  successes,”    are  unlikely  to  hold  hunts  and outside the parks, and   science  behind  the  deci-  said.
            Interior Secretary Ryan Zin-  this  year,  state  officials  their  range  has  been  ex-  sion and the management  The  federal  agency  will
            ke said in a statement.      said. Idaho officials said it is  panding  as  their  numbers   plans  the  states  will  follow  continue  monitoring  the
            Grizzly  bears  once  num-   too early to discuss a pos-  have  grown.The  Obama       will withstand any lawsuit.  grizzly  population  over  the
            bered  about  50,000  and    sible  hunting  season.“We  administration   first   pro-  “We feel like this species is  next five years, and certain
            ranged over much of North    are  in  no  rush  to  move  posed  removing  grizzlies   more than adequately pro-    factors  would  prompt  a
            America.  Their  population   forward  on  hunting,”  said  as  a  threatened  species   tected  in  the  absence  of  new  federal  review  of  the
            plummeted  starting  in  the   Laurie  Wolf,  spokeswoman  by issuing an initial ruling in   (Endangered  Species  Act)  bears’ status.
            1850s  because  of  wide-    for  Montana  Fish,  Wildlife  March 2016. The 15 months   protections,” Hogan said.   The ruling does not directly
            spread  hunting  and  trap-  and  Parks.  “Right  now  we  that  have  passed  since   Wildlife officials in Montana,  affect other populations of
            ping,  and  the  bears  now   are  really  focused  still  on  then have been used to by   Idaho and Wyoming have  grizzlies  that  are  still  clas-
            occupy  only  2  percent  of   the  conservation  of  this  federal  officials  to  evalu-  been  managing  the  bear  sified  as  threatened  but
            their original territory.    species.”Hunting   seasons  ate states’ grizzly manage-   population  alongside  fed-  which wildlife officials con-
            The  final  ruling  by  the  Fish   for  grizzlies  would  require  ment plans and respond to   eral  government  officials  sider  recovered,  such  as
            and  Wildlife  Service  to  re-  approval  by  each  state’s  themes of concern gener-  for  decades.  Those  states  the  estimated  1,000  bears
            move  Yellowstone  grizzlies   wildlife  commission  after a  ated by 650,000 comments   will  follow  strict  regulations  in  the  Northern  Continen-
            from the list of endangered   public review process that  from  the  public,  including   to  keep  a  viable  popula-  tal Divide area of Montana
            and  threatened  species     “will  be  an  opportunity  to  wildlife   advocates   and   tion, Hogan said.         and Idaho.q
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