P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 26 June 2017
             Writer sues Tupac filmmakers, alleges copyright infringement

            By MESFIN FEKADU             character  Nigel  is  based                                                            tures  did  not  immediately
            AP Music Writer              on  a  character  Powell                                                               respond to the same email
            NEW YORK (AP) — A maga-      wrote  about  in  one  of  his                                                         request  for  comment  sent
            zine writer has filed a copy-  magazine  articles.  The  suit                                                       to Lionsgate. Powell’s law-
            right  infringement  lawsuit  says the character is based                                                           yer,  Keith  White,  said  his
            against the creators of the  on Jacques “Haitian Jack”                                                              client’s  “exclusive  and  in-
            new  Tupac  Shakur  biopic,  Agnant.                                                                                timate  access”  to  Shakur
            saying  that  portions  of  the  “There  are  stories  with  fic-                                                   was the result of trust he’d
            film  are  based  on  his  arti-  tional  characters  and  re-                                                      established over the years.
            cles about the late rapper.  worked narratives that are                                                             “The  narrative  that  Kevin
            Kevin  Powell  says  in  the  unique to the Original Work                                                           developed  from  many  in-
            federal  lawsuit  filed  Friday  that  appear  in  the  Infring-                                                    tense  and  exclusive  mo-
            that “All Eyez On Me” bor-   ing  Work,”  the  suit  said.                                                          ments  with  Tupac  should
            rows from articles he wrote  “Rather than contact Plain-                                                            not have been used in any
            and interviews he did with  tiff,  Defendants,  while  fully                                                        film  without  Kevin’s  ap-
            Shakur in the 1990s for Vibe  aware  of  Plaintiff’s  copy-                                                         proval  and  consultation,”
            magazine.                    right  in  the  Original  Work,                                                        White  said  in  a  statement
            The  lawsuit  says,  for  in-  willfully and improperly de-                                                         Saturday.
            stance,  the  film’s  fictional  veloped, produced, filmed                                                          “All Eyez On Me” debuted
                                         and released the Infringing                                                            last weekend at No. 3 with
                                                                                                                                $27.1  million.  Critics  have
             Like                        Work  derived  from  Plain-                                                            panned  the  movie  and
                                         tiff’s Original Work.”
                                                                                                                                Jada Pinkett Smith, a close
                                         Powell  is  suing  Lionsgate,
             us on                       Program  Pictures,  Morgan                                                             friend  of  Shakur’s,  contra-
              us on
                                                                                                                                dicted  several  scenes  in
                                         Creek  Pictures  as  well  as
                                                                                                                                the film and called her por-
             Facebook                    producers    and   screen-                                                             trayal “deeply hurtful.”
                                         writers  of  the  film.  A  rep-
                                                                                                                                Shakur,  one  of  the  most
                                         resentative  for  Lionsgate
                                                                                                                                prolific  figures  in  hip-hop,
              Bon Dia 24 Aruba           declined to comment Sat-     In this Aug. 15, 1996, file photo, rapper Tupac Shakur attends a   died in 1996 from gunshot
                                                                      voter registration event in South Central Los Angeles.
     urday.  Morgan  Creek  Pic-                                           Associated Press  wounds.q
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