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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 26 June 2017
               Gay Pride                 Appeals,  the  state’s  high-  Zhane  Smith-Garris,  20,  Ol-

               Continued from page       est  court.  Feinman  is  the   ivia Rengifo, 19 and Sierra
                                         first  openly  gay  judge  to   Dias,  20,  all  black  women
                                         hold the position.           from New Jersey, said they
            Activists have been galled   But  the  pride  celebrations   did  not  feel  there  was  in-
            by  the  Trump  administra-  also  faced  some  resis-    equality in the movement.
            tion’s  rollback  of  federal   tance from within the LGBT   “Pride is for gay people in
            guidance  advising  school   community itself. Some ac-   general,” Dias said.
            districts  to  let  transgender   tivists  feel  the  events  cen-  There   were   scattered
            students use the bathrooms   ter on gay white men and     counter  protests  and  a
            and  locker  rooms  of  their   are  unconcerned  with  is-  few  disruptions,  including
            choice.  The  Republican     sues  including  economic    a small group in New York
            president  also  broke  from   inequality and policing.   urging  parade-goers  to
            Democratic  predecessor      The divide disrupted some    “repent  for  their  sins.”  But
            Barack  Obama’s  practice    other  pride  events  this   most  attending  were  uni-
            of  issuing  a  proclamation   month.  The  No  Justice   fied  in  celebration  and  in
            in honor of Pride Month.     No  Pride  group  blocked    standing up against a pres-
            At  the  jam-packed  New     the  Washington  parade’s    idential administration they
            York  City  parade,  a  few   route,  and  four  protesters   find unsupportive.
            attendees  wore  “Make       were  arrested  at  the  pa-  “This  year,  especially,  it’s
            America Gay Again” hats,     rade in Columbus, Ohio.      a  bit  of  a  different  atmo-
            while  one  group  walking   In  Minneapolis,  organiz-   sphere,” said Grace Cook,
            silently in the parade wore   ers  of  Sunday’s  Twin  Cities   a  17-year-old  from  subur-
            “Black  Lives  Matter”  shirts   Pride Parade initially asked   ban  Chicago  who  noted
            as  they  held  up  signs  with   the  police  department  to   the  more  political  tone  in
            a  fist  and  with  a  rainbow   limit  its  participation,  with   this  year’s  parade,  includ-  New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, bottom center, marches dur-
            background,  a  symbol  for   the  chairwoman  saying     ing at least one anti-Trump   ing the New York City Pride Parade on Sunday, June 25, 2017,
            gay  pride.  Still  others  pro-  the  sight  of  uniformed  of-  float.q              in New York.
            tested  potential  cuts  to   ficers  could  foster  “angst                                                                     Associated Press
            heath  care  benefits,  de-  and  tension  and  the  feel-
            claring that “Healthcare is   ing of unrest” after a subur-
            an LGBT issue.”              ban  officer’s  acquittal  this
            “I  think  this  year  is  even   month in the deadly shoot-
            more  politically  charged,   ing  of  Philando  Castile,  a
            even though it was always    black man, during a traffic
            a  venue  where  people      stop.
            used it to express their po-  The  city’s  openly  gay  po-
            litical  perspectives,”  said   lice  chief  called  the  deci-
            Joannah  Jones,  59,  from   sion  divisive  and  hurtful  to
            New  York  with  her  wife   LGBT  officers.  On  Friday,
            Carol Phillips.              organizers apologized and
            She said the parade being    said the officers were wel-
            televised  for  the  first  time   come to march.
            gives  people  a  wider  au-  But  anti-police  protesters
            dience.  “Not  only  to  edu-  disrupted the parade with
            cate  people  in  general    chants  of:  “No  justice,  no
            on  the  diversity  of  LGBTQ   peace, no pride in police”
            community but also to see    and  carried  signs  reading
            how strongly we feel about   “Justice for Philando” and
            what’s going on in office.”  “Black Lives Matter.”
            In  Chicago,  23-year-old    Meanwhile,  pride  march
            Sarah  Hecker  was  attend-  organizers   have    taken
            ing  her  first  pride  parade,   steps  to  address  the  criti-
            another event that attract-  cisms about diversity.
            ed  wall-to-wall  crowds.    Protesters  for  “Black  Lives
            “I  felt  like  this  would  be  a   Matter”  also  delayed  the
            way to not necessarily reb-  start of the Seattle parade,
            el, but just my way to show   parade-goers said.
            solidarity  for  marginalized   “The pride celebration is a
            people  in  trying  times,”   platform  for  that  dialogue
            said  Hecker,  a  marketing   to  happen,”  San  Francis-
            consultant who lives in sub-  co  Pride  board  president
            urban Chicago.               Michelle  Meow  said  this
            Elected officials also made   week.  The  large  “resis-
            a stand, among them New      tance contingent” leading
            York Gov. Andrew Cuomo,      San Francisco’s parade in-
            who  said  his  state  would   cludes  groups  that  repre-
            continue to lead on equal-   sent  women,  immigrants,
            ity.  Cuomo,  a  Democrat,   African-Americans     and
            on  Sunday  formally  ap-    others  along  with  LGBT
            pointed  Paul  G.  Feinman   people.
            to  the  New  York  Court  of   New  York  parade-goers
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