P. 6
Monday 26 June 2017
Government websites hacked with pro-Islamic State rant
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Control Commission.
Government websites, Tom Hoyt, chief commu-
many of them in Ohio, nications officer for Ohio’s
were hacked Sunday with Department of Administra-
a message that purports to tive Services, was among
be supportive of the Islamic Ohio officials who con-
State terrorist group. firmed the hack.
A message posted on the “All affected servers have
website of Republican been taken offline and we
Ohio Gov. John Kasich are investigating how these
said, “You will be held ac- hackers were able to de-
countable Trump, you and face these websites,” he
all your people for every said. “We also are work-
drop of blood flowing in ing with law enforcement
Muslim countries.” to better understand what
The message, left by “Team happened.” He said the
System Dz,” also ended, “I hacking in Ohio happened
love the Islamic state.” at about 11 a.m. EDT. He
The same message also hoped the websites would
infiltrated government be up and running some-
websites in the town of time Monday.
Brookhaven, New York, ac- The websites in Brookhaven
cording to news reports in and Howard County also
that state, as well as the remained down on Sunday.
website for Howard Coun- When asked about the out-
ty, Maryland. In the past, age on the Brookhaven
the group also claimed re- site, a spokeswoman who In this April 4, 2017, file photo, Ohio Gov. John Kasich delivers his State of the State address at the
sponsibility for similar hacks answered the phone at the Sandusky State Theatre in Sandusky, Ohio.
in the past in Richland New York town’s police de- Associated Press
County, Wisconsin, and in partment simply offered a though in some instances, publican candidate for U.S. “pro-ISIS hacker crew” and
places such as Aberdeen, “no comment.” they have been disruptive Senate, said in a tweet Sun- claim are based in Algeria.
Scotland, and Sweden. The hack is part of ongo- to work and government day. Authors of the web- Impacted websites, they
Several other government ing cyberterrorism that has life. site “Cryptosphere,” which said, have included those
websites were hacked in impacted governments But others see cause for tracks hackers worldwide, for a synagogue in Florida,
Ohio, including that of first and corporations across alarm. “Wake up freedom- have detailed dozens, if the student union at the
lady Karen Kasich, Medic- the globe. Some see these loving Americans. Radical not hundreds, of similar University of New Brunswick
aid, the Ohio Department types of hacks — some- Islam infiltrating the heart- hacks in recent years by in Canada, for UK Rugby
of Rehabilitation and Cor- times called “defacement” land,” Josh Mandel, the the so-called Team System and a number of websites
rection and the Casino — as simply a nuisance, Ohio treasurer and a Re- DZ, which they called a on Wordpress.
Inmate charged in brutal jail beating of Peter Tosh’s son
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A left 37-year-old Jawara Mc- torney. McIntosh is hospitalized in McIntosh, of Boston, was
man accused of attack- Intosh with traumatic brain Authorities have not said Boston and remains unre- arrested in June 2013 af-
ing and seriously injuring injuries and in a coma, what sparked the attack, sponsive and in a coma, ter police said they found
the son of late reggae icon according to the Bergen which they say lasted less suffering from brain dam- more than 65 pounds of
Peter Tosh at a New Jersey County Sheriff’s Office. The than 10 seconds and took age, said attorney Jasmine marijuana in the trunk of his
jail is facing an aggravated charge was made pub- place in a general custody Rand. She also said that car. He eventually pleaded
assault charge, authorities lic Friday, and the agency housing unit. Baum, 40, of McIntosh’s family has filed guilty to marijuana posses-
said. said Baum has already Fort Lee, New Jersey, was notice that it plans to sue sion and was two months
The count against Kyrie been indicted. being held at the jail on and also wants the U.S. Jus- into serving a six-month
Baum stems from a Feb. 21 It wasn’t known Sunday if robbery and gun posses- tice Department to investi- sentence at the time of the
attack at a county jail that Baum has retained an at- sion charges at the time. gate. attack.