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UP FRONTWednesday 16 March 2016

At Press Time:

Trump, Clinton dominate Super Tuesday; Rubio drops out

WASHINGTON (AP) — Don-         But the contests brought        at the party’s convention       and Rubio left the race                                           about her candidacy.
ald Trump scored three vic-    little clarity. Trump won the   in July. The result could be    with 163. It takes 1,237 del-                                     “We are moving closer to
tories Tuesday, including a    biggest prize — all 99 Flor-    a contested convention,         egates to win the Republi-                                        securing the Democratic
decisive win in Florida, but   ida delegates — as well         creating an unpredictable       can nomination for presi-                                         Party nomination and win-
lost Ohio to the state’s gov-  as winning North Carolina       outcome.                        dent.                                                             ning this election in Novem-
ernor, John Kasich, as the     and Illinois, and was locked    This was the first victory for  In the Democratic race,                                           ber,” Clinton told cheering
billionaire’s rivals desper-                                                                                                                                     supporters at a victory rally
ately tried to stop his march  Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks during a Republican primary                                    in West Palm Beach, Flori-
to the party’s presidential    night event at Florida International University in Miami, Fla., Tuesday, March 15, 2016. Rubio is end-                            da. A confident Clinton piv-
nomination. Hillary Clinton    ing his campaign for the Republican nomination for president after a humiliating loss in his home                                 oted quickly to November
won at least three states,     state of Florida.                                                                                                                 by assailing Trump’s hard-
dealing a severe blow                                                                                                                                            line immigration positions
to Bernie Sanders’ bid to                                                                                                                (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)  and support for torture.
slow her march toward the                                                                                                                                        “Our commander-in-chief
Democratic nomination.         in a tight race with Cruz in    Kasich, whose upbeat mes-       Clinton’s victories in Florida                                    has to be able to defend
Marco Rubio, the Florida       Missouri. He told a victory     sage and long record of         and North Carolina were                                           our country, not embarrass
senator who staked his         rally in Florida, “This was an  government service has          expected, but Sanders, a                                          it,” she declared.
once-promising campaign        amazing night.”                 had little resonance as his     Vermont senator and self-                                         Trump has alienated many
on winning in his home         But Kasich’s win, capturing     rivals seized on voter’s anxi-  described democratic so-                                          Republicans and Demo-
state, dropped out of the      all of Ohio’s 66 delegates,     ety and disdain for Wash-       cialist, had hoped to take                                        crats alike with his dispar-
presidential race shortly      was crucial to keeping          ington. While he could ben-     the industrial state of Ohio,                                     aging remarks about Mexi-
after the polls closed. That   alive the hopes of those try-   efit from Rubio dropping        which Clinton won. He has                                         cans, Muslims and women
leaves Kasich as the last      ing to stop Trump.              out, he remains a longshot      criticized the former sec-                                        among others. He entered
true establishment candi-      While Trump had amassed         for the nomination. He is       retary of state for her past                                      Tuesday’s primaries em-
date running against Trump     the most delegates going        unlikely to overtake Trump,     support for trade deals.                                          broiled in one of the big-
and arch-conservative Tex-     into Tuesday, he’s won few-     though he could help keep       Sanders is unlikely to over-                                      gest controversies of his
as Sen. Ted Cruz.              er than 50 percent of them.     Trump below the 50 per-         take Clinton in the dele-                                         contentious campaign. He
The brash and controversial    If that pace continues, he      cent threshold.                 gate count, but his victory                                       has encouraged support-
reality TV star has upend-     would fall short of the ma-     With Trump’s win in Florida,    last week in Michigan un-                                         ers to confront protesters at
ed the political establish-    jority that he would need to    he now has 568 delegates.       derscored the unease that                                         his events and is now fac-
ment by winning most of        assure him the nomination       Cruz has 370, Kasich 129        many party voters have                                            ing accusations of encour-
the state-by-state compe-                                                                                                                                        aging violence after skir-
titions for delegates who                                                                                                                                        mishes at a rally last week
will choose the Republican                                                                                                                                       in Chicago that he ended
nominee. He has seized                                                                                                                                           up cancelling.
on Americans’ anger with                                                                                                                                         “I don’t think I should be
Washington politicians,                                                                                                                                          toning it down because
winning over voters with                                                                                                                                         I’ve had the biggest ral-
his simply worded promise                                                                                                                                        lies of anybody probably
to make America great                                                                                                                                            ever,” Trump said Tuesday
again.                                                                                                                                                           on ABC’s “Good Morning
Tuesday’s votes in five                                                                                                                                          America.” ‘’We have had
states had been viewed                                                                                                                                           very, very little difficultly.”
as a pivotal moment in the                                                                                                                                       Rubio and Kasich have
presidential campaign. For                                                                                                                                       suggested they might not
the first time, two states —                                                                                                                                     be able to support Trump
Ohio and Florida — had                                                                                                                                           if he’s the nominee, an ex-
winner-take-all contests. A                                                                                                                                      traordinary stance for intra-
Trump sweep could have                                                                                                                                           party rivals. All of the Re-
given him an insurmount-                                                                                                                                         publican candidates had
able lead in the delegate                                                                                                                                        earlier pledged to support
count.                                                                                                                                                           the nominee.q
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