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                                                                                                        Wednesday 16 March 2016

Obama administration punches new holes in embargo on Cuba 

M. WEISSENSTEIN                  the major leagues.              A “quinceanera” poses during her photo session in front of the cathedral as tourists line up to enter
Associated Press                 As for ordinary Ameri-          the building, in Havana, Cuba, Monday, March 14, 2016. U.S. President Barack Obama will travel
WASHINGTON/HAVANA                cans, they can now take         to Cuba on March 20.
(AP) — The Obama admin-          “people-to-people” edu-
istration punched a new          cational trips to Cuba on                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
series of holes in the U.S.      their own instead of joining
trade embargo on Cuba            expensive group tours. That
on Tuesday, turning a ban        means any American can
on U.S. tourism to Cuba          legally go to Cuba after fill-
into an unenforceable            ing out a form asserting that
honor system and paving          their trip is for educational
the way for Cuban ath-           purposes instead of tour-
letes to one day play Major      ism. They’ll have to keep
League Baseball and other        records for five years about
U.S. professional sports.        what they did in Cuba, but
Five days ahead of the first     won’t have to submit them
presidential trip to Havana      unless asked.
in nearly 90 years, the U.S.     The Obama administration
also eliminated a ban on         previously allowed inde-
Cuban access to the in-          pendent travel for specific
ternational banking sys-         purposes like supporting re-
tem. The inability to send       ligious organizations or par-
or receive payments that         ticipating in sports events.
passed through the U.S.          Tuesday’s move was ex-
banking system had crip-         pected to have greater
pled the country’s ability       impact because the defini-
to trade with third countries    tion of educational travel
and became a major hin-          is so amorphous it can in-
drance to the U.S. attempt       clude virtually any activity
to normalize relations with      that isn’t lying on a beach
Cuba.                            drinking mojitos.
“The simple basis of our         U.S. leisure travel to Cuba
policy is that by loosen-        nearly doubled last year, to
ing these restrictions we        more than 160,000 visitors,
are better able to engage        and Tuesday’s measure is
with the Cuban people, to        expected to add another
support them and to build        10-20 percent increase,
bridges between our two          helping fill seats on as many
countries ,” deputy na-          as 110 commercial flights a
tional security adviser Ben      day starting later this year.
Rhodes said. “We deeply          “It’s the closest thing to
believe that this is in Ameri-   straight-away travel,” said
ca’s national interest.”         Tom Popper, president of
The Cuban government             insightCuba, among the
made no immediate                largest companies orga-
comment. Tuesday’s an-           nizing U.S. travel to Cuba.
nouncement allows Cuban          “The message to most
citizens to earn salaries in     Americans that the travel
the United States as long        restrictions are really loos-
as they don’t pay special        ening will come across
taxes in Cuba, specifically      more clearly. I think we’ll
mentioning athletes, artists     see another surge in inter-
and performers as poten-         est.” Elimination of the tour
tial beneficiaries. Until Tues-  requirement could cost the
day, only Cubans who had         Cuban government mil-
begun the process of emi-        lions of dollars in revenue
grating to the U.S. could        while letting U.S. travelers
legally earn money in the        see Cuba in a far more in-
United States beyond a tiny      dependent way than be-
living stipend.                  fore. Because the Cuban
Major League Baseball is         government controls virtu-
negotiating with both the        ally all the travel industry,
U.S. and Cuban govern-           American groups had to
ment to create a legal           stay in state hotels, travel
means for Cuban baseball         on state buses, pay for food
players to play in the U.S.      through a state agency
without having to aban-          and use state tour guides.
don their country, eliminat-     Obama arrives in Havana
ing the need for some of         on Sunday and is expect-
the world’s highest-priciest     ed to call for elimination of
baseball talent to use hu-       the nearly six-decade-old
man traffickers to get to        trade embargo on Cuba.
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