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WORLD NEWSWednesday 16 March 2016
Belgian police kill man in raid linked to Paris attacks Breivik sought out
contact with Aryan
RAF CASERT capital lived through in Prosecutor’s Office said in escape.
JOHN DAHLBURG November and Decem- a statement. It said addi- The anti-terror raid in the Brotherhood: AP
Associated Press ber, when the subway and tional details of the Franco- Forest neighborhood was
BRUSSELS (AP) — Belgian schools were closed for a Belgian operation would linked to the Nov. 13 gun KARL RITTER
and French police inves- time, and the New Year’s be made public at a news and suicide bombing at- Associated Press
tigating a suspected link Eve fireworks display was conference Wednesday tacks on a stadium, cafes SKIEN, Norway (AP) — An-
with the November attacks and a concert hall in Paris ders Behring Breivik, the
in Paris stormed a Brussels Police officers secure an area during an apartment raid in Brus- that left 130 people dead. right-wing extremist who
house Tuesday after being sels on Tuesday March 15, 2016. Belgian and French police in- Yet police didn’t expect killed 77 people in bomb-
fired upon, and killed a sus- vestigating a suspected link with the November attacks in Paris violent resistance Tuesday, and-gun massacres in Nor-
pect armed with a Kalash- stormed a Brussels house Tuesday after being fired upon, and the prosecutor said. That way, has tried to establish
nikov assault rifle, authori- killed a suspect armed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, authori- indicated they weren’t tar- contacts with the Aryan
ties said. ties said. geting a major suspect like Brotherhood prison gang
Three Belgian and one Salah Abdeslam, who fled in the U.S. and neo-Nazis
French police officer were (AP Photo/Thierry Monasse) Paris and remains on the in Russia, government law-
slightly wounded in the op- run. Most of the Paris at- yers told a court Tuesday,
eration. cancelled because of the morning. It said efforts were tackers died that night, in- defending the restrictions
“We had a lot of luck,” Bel- threat of extremist violence. still underway to identify cluding Abdeslam’s broth- he faces in solitary confine-
gian Prime Minister Charles Since it was unclear wheth- the slain suspect. er Brahim, who blew himself ment.
Michel said. “It could have er other extremist suspects Prosecutor Eric Van der up. Breivik, 37, has sued the
been a drama.” remained at large late Sypt said when gunshots More than four months on, government for human
One police officer was Tuesday, police operations rang out that many people Belgian police and mag- rights violations, saying it
wounded on his ear right were continuing. fled, and it was too early istrates are still piecing to- is “inhuman” to keep him
under his helmet, and an- “The investigation is active- to say if some were sus- gether the role Belgian na- isolated from other prison-
other was injured when his ly proceeding night and pects or all were innocent tionals and others living in ers and prevent him from
service weapon was struck day,” the Belgian Federal bystanders simply trying to this country played in aid- sending and receiving let-
by a bullet. ing the Paris attackers. ters to sympathizers.
The major anti-terror op- The suspected ringleader of For security reasons, the
eration, which lasted more the November bloodbath case is being tried in the
than three hours, paralyzed was a Brussels resident, Ab- gym of the Skien prison
an entire neighborhood of delhamid Abaaoud. An- where he is serving a
the Belgian capital, with other attacker, Bilal Hadfi, 21-year-sentence, which
schools and a day care was said to have lived for a can be extended for the
center placed on lock- time in the Forest neighbor- rest of his life, for the 2011
down and autoworkers hood. attacks.
at a nearby Audi plant in- Hadfi blew himself up Government lawyers said
structed not to leave by outside a stadium in the Breivik, who made a Nazi
management. northern Paris suburbs and salute as he entered the
The operation brought Abaaoud was killed in a courtroom, remains a dan-
back memories of the police raid on a nearby gerous extremist who must
anxious days the Belgian house days later. q be stopped from using his
prison time to spread his
EU migration deal faces hurdle in Turkish foe Cyprus “poisonous” ideology to
sympathizers in and out-
M. HADJICOSTIS est diplomatic challenge of opens new routes for pre- has been divided into a side of prison.
D. GATOPOULOS all. screened migrants to seek Greek Cypriot south and “Among them there could
Associated Press Leaders of the EU’s 28 divid- asylum legally. militarized Turkish Cypriot be a new Breivik,” said
NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — ed nations plan to recon- But Turkey demands big north since 1974. Adele Matheson Mestad,
European Union leaders vene in Brussels this week concessions from Europe Cyprus announced Tues- an attorney representing
seek a mutually binding in hopes of ironing out dis- in return, particularly on its day it has no intention of the government.
deal with Turkey to stem agreements on a proposed long-held dream of join- permitting full negotiations Breivik is the only inmate
the flow of migrants by sea agreement with Turkey. ing theEU, an idea viewed for Turkey’s EU member- in a high-security wing of
to Greece. But several na- Their tentative agreement with trepidation by many ship — a position that could Skien prison, 100 kilome-
tions stand in the way of struck March 7 would al- Europeans. Nowhere does scuttle the whole deal. ters (60 miles) southwest of
such a pact — and tiny Cy- low Greece to return mi- mistrust run higher than in Each EU member must Oslo. q
prus could pose the great- grants to Turkey as Europe neighboring Cyprus, which consent to any deal.q