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WORLD NEWSWednesday 16 March 2016

North Korea’s Kim warns of impending nuclear and rocket tests 

HYUNG-JIN KIM                   People watch a TV screen showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during a news program, at                                     three to four years.
Associated Press                Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, March 15, 2016. North Korean leader Kim                                  Even if the tests happen,
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —       has warned of impending tests of a nuclear warhead explosion and ballistic missiles capable                                    analysts in Seoul said the
North Korean leader Kim         of carrying atomic warheads, state media reported Tuesday, in an escalation of threats against                                 nuclear warhead explo-
Jong Un has warned of im-       Seoul and Washington. The screen reads “Nuclear technology.”                                                                   sion that Kim referred to
pending tests of a nuclear                                                                                                                                     will likely be just a test of a
warhead explosion and                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)  warhead containing only a
ballistic missiles capable of                                                                                                                                  trigger device but lacking
carrying atomic warheads,       sanctions after the coun-    launch conducted earlier    strength ahead of a ma-                                               plutonium or uranium. They
state media reported Tues-      try was hit by the toughest  this year.                  jor meeting of the ruling                                             said the North could also
day, in an escalation of        U.N. Security Council sanc-  Some of the North’s recent  party in May. In the past,                                            launch shorter-range mis-
threats against Seoul and       tions in two decades in      rhetoric was seen intended  North  Korea  has typically                                           siles, but not one with an
Washington.                     early March for a nuclear    for a domestic audience     conducted nuclear tests                                               intercontinental range.
The warning came as             test and long-range rocket   to display government       and rocket launches every                                             Pyongyang, known for its
North  Korea  said it had                                                                                                                                      trademark fiery rhetoric in
made a breakthrough in its                                                                                                                                     times of tension with the
pursuit of a long-range mis-                                                                                                                                   outside world, has been
sile capable of striking the                                                                                                                                   stepping up its threats af-
U.S. mainland. South  Ko-                                                                                                                                      ter Washington and Seoul
rea  says the North has yet                                                                                                                                    last week began annual
to develop a functioning in-                                                                                                                                   military drills that the North
ter-continental ballistic mis-                                                                                                                                 views as an invasion re-
sile. Kim issued the order for                                                                                                                                 hearsal. Last Wednesday,
the tests “in a short time,”                                                                                                                                   North  Korea’s  main news-
according to the Korean                                                                                                                                        paper printed photos of
Central News Agency. The                                                                                                                                       what appeared to be a
KCNA report did not say if                                                                                                                                     mock-up of nuclear war-
Kim gave specific dates for                                                                                                                                    head. State media on Fri-
the tests.                                                                                                                                                     day quoted Kim as hav-
It is not clear if the tests                                                                                                                                   ing ordered more nuclear
would happen soon, given                                                                                                                                       explosion tests but again
that any tests would likely                                                                                                                                    didn’t say when they would
invite harsher international                                                                                                                                   occur. q
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