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                         Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Orchid Casino: Welcome To The Action!

PALM BEACH - Aruba’s          Poker Room, live poker ac-
newest casino, the Orchid     tion featuring Texas Hold-
Casino, presents every        Em and Omaha Pot limit.
night, in the most beautiful  No size to big, no size to
                              small. 1-2, 2-5, 5-5 and 5-10
                              are played every night. In
                              addition, you can start the
                              night off with $25 buy-in
                              tournaments with guaran-
                              teed $1,000 prize pools.
                              Currently, the Orchid Ca-
                              sino Poker Room is running
                              satellites for the April 20th
                              Diamond Poker Tourna-
                              ment with $200,000 prize
                              pool. Satellites start at 7:30
                              pm sharp.
                              Orchid Casino has Bad
                              Beats for both Texas Hold-
                              Em and Omaha games.
                              Currently the Bad Beat is
                              Poker Room opens at
                              7:30pm and stays open
                              until the wee hours of the
                              While playing poker, Or-
                              chid Casino televises
                              horse races from major
                              North American tracks
                              and wagers are accepted
                              throughout the night.
                              SPECIAL TOURNAMENTS
                              for FLAG DAY WEEKEND,
                              March 17 & 18, Bounty
                              Tournaments at $125, with
                              anticipated prize pool at
                              $3,000 each!
                              Don’t miss out on the ac-
                              Players receive bonus
                              points for hours played
                              which are redeemable for
                              dinners and premium gifts
                              Orchid Casino is located
                              in the Riu Palace Antillas
                              Resort (Formerly the Westin
                              Resort)… telephone is 527-
                              7777 ext 128.q
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