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LOCALWednesday 16 March 2016
Team Aruba Starts Season Off with Number 2 Qualifying Effort
ORANJESTAD/ORLANDO - immense enthusiasm as Aruba has what it takes to back attitude’. to promote Aruba. It was
After a week of successful we rolled into the property run at the top of the pack But as soon as you get Team Aruba’s first trip to
testing, Team Aruba took proudly carrying Aruba. in IHRA Pro Stock. home, get a decent night’s Orlando Speed World and
their Pro Stock com and Aruba Airport Au- “Our entire week of test- sleep and unload the race they were received very
Mustang to the IHRA Am- thority N.V. colors,” Eman ing was hugely successful,” car the next morning, those well by Orlando area fans.
soil Nitro Nationals with high spoke. “For the first event of added the young mechan- feelings dissipate and the “We were very excited to
hopes. Despite a tricky rac- the year, where we spent ical engineer. “We made enthusiasm to get back to promote Aruba in Orlan-
ing surface, Team Aruba, an entire week testing be- plenty of runs where we the next race is right back do,” Eman stated. “Going
led by team owner, Ven fore the start of the event, learned some new things there again. into a completely new mar-
Eman, and driver, Trevor to then go out in the first we thing we can be try- “So, that is what we shall ket, especially a great mar-
Eman, took the team to round is demoralizing, es- ing. Our test runs were fast do, of course. We are al- ket like Orlando, provided
a number two qualifying pecially when you have and consistent. Drag rac- ready preparing for the a host of opportunities for
spot, covering the quarter- an entire team behind you ing is a funny thing. You next event. We will do all us to introduce our ‘One
mile in 6.234 seconds. Num- that has a very strong de- can get very discouraged we can to perform bet- Happy Island.’ We look for-
ber one qualifier, JR Carr, sire to do well.” and demoralized after los- ter and give our partners ward to continuing our mis-
posted the exact same Despite Eman’s obvious ing first round when running the results they deserve. sion at the rest of the stops
elapsed time, but edged disappointment, he recog- so well. The ride back home The equipment is there; on the IHRA tour.”
out Eman for the pole po- nizes the successes of their in the truck is never ending the team is there; the abil- Team Aruba will be at San
sition by virtue of a higher weekend, knowing Team with the ‘Monday quarter- ity is there. We just need to Antonio Raceway, April 1-2
mile per hour. make sure we add them all for the IHRA Texas Nation-
Unfortunately, the re- up and make it equate into als.
mainder of Team Aruba’s the result we want.” Follow Team Aruba on
weekend would not go as For Team Aruba, wins and Facebook and Twitter. Find
smoothly, as they bowed losses on the track never race results, team updates,
out in round one to New tell the whole story, as they videos and photos. Also
Yorker John Pluchino. The seek to spend their week- leave your comments to
competitors posted close end promoting their island cheer on Team Aruba!
elapsed times, but Pluchino paradise home to fans, For more on your Aruba
crossed the finish line first staff, sponsors, and fellow vacation visit www.Aruba.
due to a quicker reaction competitors at the event. com.
time. The Amsoil Nitro Nation- Visit www.airportaruba.
“We entered this event with als provided a new area com.
Oranjestad-Benjamin Petrocchi a true native Aruban started the
newest export product of Aruba, locally produced hand rolled
cigars called “Aruhiba”. These cigars are produced and cultivated
in Aruba. Petrocchi always had interest in the cigar business and
has also sold Premium Cuban cigars, and now he is growing his
own tobacco crops.
After many attempt and trips to Santo Domingo and Cuba, he
started his own production and cultivation of Aruhiba Cigars in
Aruba. The whole process took him 10 years to perfect.
Petrocchi dedication to the cigars is important for the molding
and process of making a perfect cigar which takes a long time. Their handmade cigar box is
specially designed with their “Aruhiba” logo.Petrocchi considers Aruhiba as a promotion for
Aruba trough its fine cigars .The company sells Aruhiba to the international market as well.
Visit their retail store located in front of the Historic Dutch Windmill in front of Riu Hotel,
with purchase of $20 and up you receive a free “Aruhiba” cigars or ask for their gift box of
cigars get 1 FREE for only $37.We are open from Monday to Saturday from 9 till 6.30 pm and
on Saturdays from 10 to 4 pm. Aruhiba cigars are now available at the gift stores in your resort
and at well-known cigar stores. For their complete selection and attractive by the box prices visit
our retail stores. Tours are also available to the Tobacco Farm, where our cigars are grown and
rolled. Make an Aruba Tour including a stop at Aruhiba
Factory call 739-2000. Winner of the best of Aruba.
The best local product Cigars in tubes Arubian design.
For a group or private tour call 586-7833/593-6177
or send us a email to