Page 14 - atoday mrch 16
P. 14
LOCALWednesday 16 March 2016
Animal Welfare at the Heart of Animal Rights Aruba
ORANJESTAD - Animal cently unveiled its cam-
Rights Aruba (ARA) is a paign offering greatly dis-
non – profit Animal Wel- counted spay and neuter
fare Organization that services at all three vet
aims to protect all Fauna, clinics on the island, so
Flora and Marine Life on that dog and cat own-
and around the island of ers can choose between
Aruba. Contreras Veterinary Ser-
Animal Rights Aruba was vices, in Shaba and Sa-
founded on May 3, 1999, vaneta, VKA in Noord,
is run solely by volunteers, Wayaka and San Nicholas
and is a very young orga- or Animal Care Clinic, in
nization with a lot of room Paradera.
to grow. Our vision is a Dog & Cat owners are
world in which the welfare urged to take advantage
of animals is understood of the offer, as Animal
and respected by every- Right Aruba subsidizes
one, and protected by ef- the procedure by par-
fective legislation. tially paying the vets for
In 2005 ARA started a ster- the operation. Dog and
ilization, rescue and adop- cat owners are expected
tion campaign to deal to participate with a very
with the stray dog and cat reasonable contribution.
overpopulation dilemma, For more details on dis-
as it was a serious issue on counted spay and neuter
the island not only from services, animals up for
an animal welfare stance, adoption and other cam-
but that of Public Health paigns, please visit ARA
and Tourism as well. online at: www.animal-
Animal Rights Aruba re-