Page 21 - atoday mrch 16
P. 21

                                                                                                                                                   Wednesday 16 March 2016

Dallas Seavey has knack for winning Iditarod with few dogs 

                                                                                      4 minutes, 19 seconds. His     friends,” Mitch Seavey said,   “It requires stiff competi-
                                                                                      only loss during the past      reiterating how proud he       tion. Without that compe-
                                                                                      five years was to his father,  is of his son’s accomplish-    tition, you’re not going to
                                                                                      Mitch Seavey, who won in       ments.                         push the team that will al-
                                                                                      2013.                          “It’s an interesting dynamic   low them to break the re-
                                                                                      Mitch Seavey took second       to be the biggest competi-     cord,” he said. If his father
                                                                                      place in this year’s race,     tors and best friends at the   wasn’t within minutes of his
                                                                                      coming in just after his son   same time,” he said.           team, he said he wouldn’t
                                                                                      early Tuesday morning.         Dallas Seavey said his re-     have urged them along as
                                                                                      The Seaveys are close, but     cord breaking run had to       hard as he did.
                                                                                      also competitive.              have three elements, a         The 2016 Iditarod will partly
                                                                                      “Win or lose the race or not   phenomenal dog team, a         be remembered for an at-
                                                                                      doesn’t change the fun-        very good trail and the final  tack on two mushers on the
                                                                                      damentals of our relation-     element was a nod to his       trail near the checkpoint in
                                                                                      ship — that as family and      father.                        Nulato.

Dallas Seavey poses with his lead dogs Reef, left, and Tide after
finishing the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, Tuesday, March 15,
2016, in Nome, Alaska. Seavey won his third straight Iditarod, for
his fourth overall title in the last five years.

                                                                    Associated Press

MARK THIESSEN                     you to Nome quickly,” he
Associated Press                  said. “It was a concern, but
NOME, Alaska (AP) — Dal-          not a showstopper.”
las Seavey did more with          Seavey completed the
less this year at the Iditarod    nearly 1,000-mile race in a
Trail Sled Dog Race.              record time of 8 days, 11
He set a record pace early        hours, 20 minutes, 16 sec-
Tuesday morning when he           onds. He arrived in Nome
won his third straight Iditar-    at 2:20 a.m.
od and fourth race in the         He said at the finish that
last five years. And he did it    he spent the first two-thirds
with just six dogs, after start-  of the race “dead on my
ing the race nearly 1,000         feet” and had never been
miles across Alaska with 16.      so tired.
No other musher this year         “This was a heck of a trip,
has fewer dogs.                   all the way from the start.
And the record Seavey             It was up and down,” said
beat? It was the one he set       Seavey, who picked up
in 2014, when he brought          $75,000 and a new pickup
only seven dogs into Nome.        for winning the race.
“The key is always to run         The Iditarod started March
the dogs you have, on the         6 in Willow, about 50 miles
trail you have, the best way      north of Anchorage, and
you can moving forward,”          took mushers across two
Seavey said.                      mountain ranges, down
This year a virus hit two of      the mighty Yukon River and
his dogs hard, and he said        along the wind-scoured
it was apparent on the first      Bering Sea coast.
day of the race he’d have         Eighty-five mushers began
to drop them. One, a dog          the race, but 12 have so
named Hero who led him            far scratched, including
to Nome last year, hurt the       four-time champion Lance
most, he said.                    Mackey. He dropped out
Worry set in when he lost         Monday, citing personal
two more dogs.                    health concerns.
“Then you try to formulate a      Seavey’s record time beat
plan using those elements         his previous record set in
that might be able to get         2014 of 8 days, 13 hours,
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