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U.S. NEWSWednesday 16 March 2016
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Ex-officials point fingers at hearing on Flint water crisis
RICHARD LARDNER From left, former State EPA administrator Susan Hedman, former Flint, Mich., Emergency Manager in Michigan also failed to
MATTHEW DALY Darnell Earley, former Flint Mayor Dayne Walling, and Virginia Tech environmental engineering act.
Associated Press professor Marc Edwards are sworn in to testify before the House Oversight and Government Re- The committee released
WASHINGTON (AP) — For- form Committee, in Washington, Tuesday, March 15, 2016. several internal EPA emails,
mer city and federal offi- including a Sept. 22 mes-
cials pointed fingers at one (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) sage from Del Toral to his
another for failing to pro- supervisors that outlined
tect the 100,000 citizens of gerously high levels of lead from aging pipes leached mittee on Thursday, along his frustration with what he
Flint, Michigan, from lead- in a June 2015 memo and into Flint homes and busi- with EPA Administrator Gina called the agency’s “de-
laced water at a congres- later criticized the agency nesses. Elevated levels of McCarthy. nial and delay” approach
sional hearing Tuesday as for not taking swift action. lead have been found in Virginia Tech professor in Flint.
Republicans targeted for Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R- children’s blood. Lead con- Marc Edwards, who helped “At every stage of this
blame an Environmental Utah, chairman of the tamination has been linked expose the lead prob- process, it seems that we
Protection Agency execu- House Oversight and Gov- to learning disabilities and lem in Flint’s water and is spend more time trying to
tive who resigned as the ernment Reform Commit- other problems. now assisting both the city maintain state/local rela-
crisis worsened. tee, said Hedman “dis- The chain of events has and state, accused Hed- tionships than we do trying
Amid withering criticism, Su- missed” Del Toral’s warn- spurred calls for Republi- man and the EPA of “will- to protect the children,”
san Hedman sought to de- ings. can Gov. Rick Snyder to re- ful blindness” and for be- Del Toral wrote.
fend the EPA’s actions to “You screwed up and you sign amid outrage over the ing unrepentant and unre- Hedman told the commit-
deal with the contamina- ruined people’s lives,” treatment of the people of morseful in the aftermath of tee that she first learned
tion in the predominantly Chaffetz told Hedman. Flint. A longshot recall effort the crisis. that Flint was not imple-
African-American city. “I Flint switched its water is under way in Michigan The committee’s top Dem- menting corrosion control
don’t think anyone at EPA source from Detroit’s wa- for Snyder, who has been ocrat, Rep. Elijah Cum- treatment in late June 2015.
did anything wrong, but I ter system to the Flint River widely blamed in Michigan mings of Maryland, said That was about 14 months
do believe we could have in 2014 to save money, and nationally for the crisis. he agreed the EPA could after the city started using
done more,” said Hedman, but the river water was not The governor is scheduled have done more. But Cum- Flint River water that was
the former director of the treated properly and lead to appear before the com- mings said state authorities not treated with orthophos-
EPA’s Midwest regional of- phate, a chemical used for
fice. corrosion control, she says.
Hedman stepped down Choking up at one point,
Feb. 1 over what she called Hedman said that although
“false allegations” that she has left government
portrayed her as sitting on service she has not stopped
the sidelines during the thinking about the people
crisis and that she “down- of Flint. The EPA respond-
played concerns raised ed within the “coopera-
by an EPA scientist about tive federalism framework”
lead in the water.” The sci- of the Safe Drinking Wa-
entist Hedman was refer- ter Act, Hedman testified,
ring to is Miguel Del Toral, a which assigns states the le-
regulations manager in the gal authority to implement
groundwater and drinking drinking water regulations.
water branch of the Mid- She said the EPA’s enforce-
west office. ment options under the law
Hedman denied the EPA are more constrained than
had disciplined Del Toral, in other federal environ-
who had warned of dan- mental statutes.q