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                                                                                     Monday 30 March 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored at Divi Village Beach Resort!

EAGLE BEACH - Recently        Transportation, Primary
the Aruba Tourism Authority   Sector and Culture. Mr. O.
had the great pleasure of     Oduber as a token of ap-
honoring a very nice group    preciation to guests who
of guests whom are loyal      visit Aruba between 20-34
visitors of Aruba as Good-    years consecutive.
will Ambassadors at their     The Certificate was pre-
home away from home!          sented by Ms. Darline S. de
The honorees were Mr.         Cuba representing Aruba
Richard and Mrs. Gail Far-    Tourism Authority in pres-
rell Friedlander of Clifton   ence of Ms. Gloria Defoe
                              activities coordinator at
                              Divi Village.
                              The top reasons for return-
                              ing year after year are they
                              consider Aruba to be the
                              ‘Happy Island,’ the great
                              weather and friendly Aru-
                              ban hospitality.
                              Congratulations to all, you
                              truly make a difference
                              in the Aruban community
                              and hold a special place
                              in our hearts!q

Park, New York, Mr. Henry
and Mrs. Joan Sullivan of
Central Valley, New York,
Mr. Denise and Mrs. Car-
olyn Miller of Finksburg,
Maryland, and Mr. Patrick
and Mrs. Kimberly Gaddes
of Prior Lake, Minnesota.
The symbolic honorary titles
are presented in the name
of the Minister of Tourism,
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