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                                                                                       Monday 30 March 2015

       Moreno Family Honored at the Occidental Grand Aruba

PALM BEACH - The Occiden-
tal Grand Aruba just held a
special ceremony to rec-
ognize Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Moreno, two longtime and
frequent visitors.  Since 2004
Bruce, a former Chicago
councilperson and now
a U.S. Congressional and
state political campaign
consultant,  and Pam, an
international pharmaceuti-
cal executive,  have annu-
ally returned to Palm Beach
for 14-days of vacation,

originally traveling from     Oduber, Aruba Minister of       for contributing to the Aru-  Aruba tourism Authority,
Philadelphia and more re-     Tourism, Transportation,  Pri-  ba economy and culture        and executives of The Oc-
cently from their new home    mary Sector  and Culture,       by frequenting the Carib-     cidental Grand including
in Zurich, Switzerland.   GM  a personal certification of     bean  island.  Also attend-   Sandra Steba, Royal Club
Jesus Cardoso presented,      their Distinguished Visitor     ing the ceremony were         Manager, and many of the
on behalf of the Mr. O.       status and thanked them         Darline S. de Cuba of the     Moreno’s local friends. q
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