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                                                                                                  business Wednesday 2 december 2020

            Glimmers of hope for world economy, but dangers lurk

            By JEFFREY SCHAEFFER and                                                                                            said, is that most Champs-
            ALEX TURNBULL                                                                                                       Elysees  shops  are  world-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    wide  brands  that  are  part
            PARIS  (AP)  —  Vendors                                                                                             of  larger  conglomerates
            broke  out  in  applause  in                                                                                        that  might  be  able  to  ab-
            the  flagship  Galeries  La-                                                                                        sorb the losses  in a way that
            fayette  department  store                                                                                          smaller businesses can’t.
            in  Paris  as  eager  shoppers                                                                                      The  OECD,  which  advises
            returned for the first time in                                                                                      countries on economic pol-
            a month, after yet another                                                                                          icy, warned about this and
            virus lockdown.                                                                                                     other kind of economic in-
            The  reopening  won’t  be                                                                                           equalities  that  have  been
            enough  to  make  up  for                                                                                           been  worsened  by  the
            sales  lost  during  the  pan-                                                                                      pandemic.
            demic  -  but  reflects  the                                                                                        It  recommended  investing
            glimmer of hope that fore-                                                                                          public  money  in  reducing
            casters are starting to see in                                                                                      these inequalities as well as
            the global economy.                                                                                                 in  other  areas  that  deliver
            The  Organization  for  Eco-                                                                                        long-term  benefits,  includ-
            nomic  Cooperation  and                                                                                             ing  health,  education  and
            Development      predicted                                                                                          fighting climate change.
            Tuesday  that  the  world                                                                                           It  said  that  governments
            economy      will   bounce                                                                                          should continue to support
            back  to  its  pre-pandemic   Pedestrians walk in front of the Galeries Lafayette department store illuminated as part of Christmas   people who have been hit
            levels  by  the  end  of  next   lightings, in Paris, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020.                                        hardest  by  the  virus  and
            year  -  though  that  recov-                                                                      Associated Press  ensuing  lockdowns,  and
            ery  will  be  uneven  across  Europe, Japan and the U.S.  of  hosting  Christmas  mar-  what will be a catastrophic  that  global  cooperation  is
            the  countries  and  big  risks  will lag, while many poorer  kets  that  usually  electrify  year.                 sorely needed to maximize
            remain.                      countries, particularly those  historic cities.           Jean-Noel  Reinhardt,  who  the impact of government
            In a report on the state of  that  rely  on  tourism,  will  Lines  of  shoppers  reap-  presides over the Champs-  efforts  to  bring  economies
            the  economy,  the  OECD  continue  to  suffer  and  re-  peared  this  week  outside  Elysees  Committee  that  back to health.
            said that progress on coro-  quire international aid, the  the  Louis  Vuitton  boutique  oversees the avenue’s busi-  Despite  still-high  virus  in-
            navirus  vaccines  means  OECD said.                      on the Champs-Elysees Av-    nesses, estimates a loss this  fections in many countries,
            that  the  outlook  has  im-  It predicts the global econ-  enue in Paris, glittering with  year of up to 1 billion euros,  some consumers are eager
            proved  for  the  first  time  omy  will  shrink  about  4.2%  holiday lights -- but France’s  and a downturn in business  to  be  able  to  shop  in  per-
            since  the  pandemic  be-    this  year  and  rebound  by  famed  cafes  remained  activity of 70%.                 son again.
            gan.                         the  same  rate  in  2021  be-  shuttered  for  several  more  “The   Champs-Elysees  “I bought myself a comput-
            “The road ahead is brighter  fore  growing  3.7%  the  fol-  weeks, the tourists that are  thrives on two types of visi-  er, a telephone, of course.
            but challenging,” the inter-  lowing year.                the  country’s  lifeblood  are  tors:  foreign  tourists  who  I  didn’t  just  buy  to  buy.  I
            national watchdog said.      Across   Europe,   govern-   gone, and many small busi-   have  not  come,  and  the  could  have  done  it  online
            China,  which  has  brought  ments  are  reopening  their  nesses  aren’t  expected  to  second   population   are  but the pleasure of buying
            its  virus  infections  under  economies  as  they  get  a  survive.                   those  who  work  in  the  from a boutique is not the
            control  better  than  many  handle  on  a  second  virus  With just a few weeks until  neighborhood … and these  same  as  shopping  online,”
            major economies, will lead  surge – but only gradually,  Christmas, luxury shops and  people  are  working  from  said  25-year-old  legal  ex-
            that  economic  recovery  and partially. Vast cobble-     conventional  retail  stores  home  online,”  Reinhardt  pert   Alexandra    Esquier,
            and account for a third of  stone  plazas  stand  empty  alike are all hoping to claw  told The Associated Press.   carrying her bags down the
            global  growth  next  year.  this  festive  season  instead  back  a  pinch  of  sales  in  The  only  saving  grace,  he  Champs-Elysees.q

            Airbnb hopes to raise up to $2.6B in mid-December IPO

            By DEE-ANN DURBIN            Airbnb  will  have  approxi-  company cut 1,900 jobs —
            AP Business Writer           mately  696  million  shares.  around 25% of its workforce
            Airbnb  hopes  to  raise  as  That would value the com-   — and slashed investments
            much as $2.6 billion in its ini-  pany  at  nearly  $35  billion  in  projects  not  related  to
            tial public stock offering this  at the high end of its offer-  its  core  business,  including
            month, betting investors will  ing  price,  or  $31  billion  at  movie production.
            see its home-sharing model  the low end. It’s a remark-   But  Airbnb  has  recovered
            as the future of travel.     able  comeback  for  the  more  quickly  than  tradi-
            In  a  filing  with  securities  company  that  delayed  its  tional  hotels  as  travelers
            regulators Tuesday, the San  IPO  when  the  coronavirus  seek  whole  homes  in  rural
            Francisco  company  said  it  pandemic  crippled  global  areas far from crowds. The
            expects to offer 51.9 million  travel  in  the  spring.  Airbnb  number  of  nights  and  ex-
            common shares priced be-     has more than 7 million list-  periences  booked,  which
            tween  $44  and  $50  each.  ings on its platform, run by 4  plummeted 72% April, were
            The  company  is  expected  million hosts worldwide.      down  about  20%  in  July,
            to  debut  on  the  Nasdaq  Its  revenue  fell  32%  to  August and September.         In this Feb. 22, 2018, file photo, Airbnb co-founder and CEO Brian
            stock  exchange  on  Dec.  $2.5  billion  in  the  first  nine  In Miami, for instance, short-  Chesky speaks during an event in San Francisco.
            10, trading under the sym-   months of this year as trav-  term  rental  occupancy                                              Associated Press
            bol “ABNB.”                  elers  canceled  their  plans.  reached  83%  in  October,  firm. In Nashville, rental oc-  more  business  people  will
            Including  stock  options,  Hosts revolted when Airbnb  while average occupancy  cupancy was 59% while ho-          book    vacation   rentals,
            restricted  stock  units  and  canceled reservations with-  for hotels was 42%, accord-  tel occupancy was 44%.     since many can now work
            other  classes  of  securities,  out  penalties.  In  May,  the  ing to STR, a hospitality data  Airbnb  said  it  also  expects  from home..q
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