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P. 12

A12   science
              Wednesday 2 december 2020

            Huge Puerto Rico radio telescope, already damaged, collapses

                                                                                                                                a planet is potentially hab-
                                                                                                                                itable.  It  also  served  as  a
                                                                                                                                training  ground  for  gradu-
                                                                                                                                ate  students  and  drew
                                                                                                                                about 90,000 visitors a year.
                                                                                                                                “I am one of those students
                                                                                                                                who  visited  it  when  young
                                                                                                                                and got inspired,” said Abel
                                                                                                                                Méndez, a physics and as-
                                                                                                                                trobiology  professor  at  the
                                                                                                                                University of Puerto Rico at
                                                                                                                                Arecibo who has used the
                                                                                                                                telescope   for   research.
                                                                                                                                “The world without the ob-
                                                                                                                                servatory  loses,  but  Puerto
                                                                                                                                Rico loses even more.”
                                                                                                                                He last used the telescope
                                                                                                                                on Aug. 6, just days before
                                                                                                                                a  socket  holding  the  aux-
                                                                                                                                iliary  cable  that  snapped
                                                                                                                                failed  in  what  experts  be-
                                                                                                                                lieve could be a manufac-
                                                                                                                                turing  error.  The  National
                                                                                                                                Science Foundation, which
                                                                                                                                owns  the  observatory  that
                                                                                                                                is managed by the Univer-
                                                                                                                                sity  of  Central  Florida,  said
                                                                                                                                crews  who  evaluated  the
                                                                                                                                structure after the first inci-
                                                                                                                                dent  determined  that  the
                                                                                                                                remaining  cables  could
                                                                                                                                handle    the   additional
            This satellite image provided by 2020 Maxar Technologies shows the damaged radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory in   But on Nov. 6, another ca-
            Puerto Rico, Thursday, Nov. 17, 2020.                                                                               ble broke.
                                                                                                               Associated Press  A spokesman for the obser-
            By DÁNICA COTO               the world.                   anything could have been  Scientists  worldwide  had  vatory said there would be
            Associated Press             “It sounded like a rumble. I  done to prevent the dam-    been  petitioning  U.S.  offi-  no  immediate  comment,
            ARECIBO,  Puerto  Rico  (AP)  knew exactly what it was,”  age  that  occurred  after  cials and others to reverse  and  a  spokeswoman  for
            —  A  huge,  already  dam-   said  Jonathan  Friedman,  the  first  cable  snapped  in  the NSF’s decision to close  the  University  of  Central
            aged  radio  telescope  in  who worked for 26 years as  August.                        the  observatory.  The  NSF  Florida  did  not  return  re-
            Puerto Rico that has played  a senior research associate  “The  maintenance  was  said  at  the  time  that  it  in-  quests for comment.
            a  key  role  in  astronomical  at the observatory and still  kept  up  as  best  as  we  tended  to  eventually  re-  Scientists had used the tele-
            discoveries  for  more  than  lives near it. “I was scream-  could,”  he  said.  “(The  Na-  open the visitor center and  scope  to  study  pulsars  to
            half  a  century  completely  ing.  Personally,  I  was  out  tional Science Foundation)  restore  operations  at  the  detect gravitational waves
            collapsed on Tuesday.        of  control....  I  don’t  have  did the best that they could  observatory’s remaining as-  as  well  as  search  for  neu-
            The  telescope’s  900-ton  words  to  express  it.  It’s  a  with what they have.”     sets, including its two LIDAR  tral  hydrogen,  which  can
            receiver   platform    and  very deep, terrible feeling.”  However,  observatory  di-  facilities used for upper at-  reveal  how  certain  cos-
            the  Gregorian  dome  —  a  Friedman  ran  up  a  small  rector  Francisco  Córdova,  mospheric and ionospheric  mic  structures  are  formed.
            structure  as  tall  as  a  four-  hill  near  his  home  and  said that while the NSF de-  research, including analyz-  About  250  scientists  world-
            story  building  that  houses  confirmed his suspicions: A  cided it was too risky to re-  ing  cloud  cover  and  pre-  wide  had  been  using  the
            secondary reflectors — fell  cloud of dust hung in the air  pair  the  damaged  cables  cipitation  data.  The  LIDAR  observatory when it closed
            onto  the  northern  portion  where  the  structure  once  before  Tuesday’s  collapse,  facilities  are  still  operation-  in  August,  including  Mén-
            of  the  vast  reflector  dish  stood,  demolishing  hopes  he believes there had been  al,  along  with  a  12-meter  dez, who was studying stars
            more than 400 feet below.    held by some scientists that  options,  such  as  relieving  telescope and a photome-  to  detect  habitable  plan-
            The  U.S.  National  Science  the telescope could some-   tension in certain cables or  ter used to study photons in  ets.
            Foundation    had    earlier  how be repaired.            using helicopters to help re-  the  atmosphere,  Vázquez  “I’m  trying  to  recover,”  he
            announced  that  the  Are-   The collapse at 7:56 a.m. on  distribute weight.          said.                        said.  “I  am  still  very  much
            cibo Observatory would be  Tuesday  wasn’t  a  surprise  Meanwhile, installing a new  The  telescope  was  built  in  affected.”q
            closed.  An  auxiliary  cable  because many of the wires  telescope  would  cost  up  the 1960s with money from
            snapped  in  August,  caus-  in  the  thick  cables  hold-  to  $350  million,  money  the  the  Defense  Department
            ing a 100-foot gash on the  ing  the  structure  snapped  NSF doesn’t have, Vázquez  amid a push to develop an-
            1,000-foot-wide   (305-me-   over  the  weekend,  Ángel  said, adding it would have  ti-ballistic  missile  defenses.
            ter-wide)  dish  and  dam-   Vázquez,  the  telescope’s  to  come  from  U.S.  Con-    It had endured hurricanes,
            aged the receiver platform  director of operations, told  gress.                       tropical humidity and a re-
            that hung above it. Then a  The Associated Press.         “It’s a huge loss,” said Car-  cent  string  of  earthquakes
            main  cable  broke  in  early  “It was a snowball effect,”  men  Pantoja,  an  astrono-  in its 57 years of operation.
            November.                    he said. “There was no way  mer  and  professor  at  the  The  telescope  has  been
            The collapse stunned many  to stop it.... It was too much  University  of  Puerto  Rico  used  to  track  asteroids  on
            scientists who had relied on  for the old girl to take.”  who  used  the  telescope  a  path  to  Earth,  conduct
            what was until recently the  He said that it was extreme-  for her doctorate. “It was a  research that led to a No-
            largest  radio  telescope  in  ly  difficult  to  say  whether  chapter of my life.”   bel  Prize  and  determine  if
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