Page 14 - aruba-today-20201202
P. 14
a14 people & arts
Wednesday 2 december 2020
Art world star gives back by buying work of the undiscovered
By LEANNE ITALIE Mark Rothko-esque ab-
Associated Press stract Untitled Series and
NEW YORK (AP) — Painter a collection of female
Guy Stanley Philoche, a nudes with duct tape over
star in the New York art their mouths. Often whimsi-
world, had wanted to treat cal, he has also produced
himself to a fancy watch paintings inspired by Mo-
after a hugely successful nopoly and other board
gallery show. Then the pan- games, as well as comics
demic hit, and he feared such as Charlie Brown.
for all the struggling artists Among his clients:
who haven’t been so lucky. Deutsche Bank, Merrill
So he gave up his $15,000 Lynch and Barclay Invest-
Rolex dreams and went on ments Inc., along with Uma
a different kind of buying Thurman, George Clooney
spree, putting out a call on and fellow artist Julian Sch-
Instagram in late March to nabel.
any artist anywhere who Giving back isn’t some-
had creations to sell. The thing the affable Philoche
submissions rolled in, hun- just recently decided to
dreds at a time. do. Over his 20-plus year
He’s spent about $60,000 Painter Guy Stanley Philoche, a 43-year-old Haitian immigrant and star in the New York art world, career, he has tried to stick
so far with plans to contin- pose outside his East Harlem studio, Thursday Nov. 19, 2020, in New York. to a simple rule to support
ue as long as he can, and Associated Press other artists: Sell a painting,
Philoche’s own patrons ise to myself that once I purchase, leading Philoche has lined the walls of his buy a painting. But it was
have taken notice and made it, to always buy to include him and oth- tiny apartment with his a chance meeting with a
asked him to make pur- from artists who hadn’t got- ers he’s discovered in an Philoche Collection During friend and fellow artist who
chases on their behalf as ten their big break.” upcoming group gallery Covid, ranging from graffiti- was anxious about the
well. “It’s about artists help- Philoche has a budget, show.About half the artists inspired work and portrai- pandemic with a baby on
ing artists,” said the 43-year- seeking out works in the Philoche has chosen are ture to pop art and a huge the way that set him on his
old Philoche, who came $300 to $500 range. He buys people he knows, many in pistol done in bright yellow, pandemic buying spree.
to America from Haiti with only what he loves, from as New York. The others sent red and blue paint. “I’m not on the first line,
his family at age 3, nearly far away as London and as him direct messages on Ins- Philoche’s own work goes but my community was im-
nothing to their names. close as the studio next to tagram with sample work in for up to $125,000 a piece. pacted as well,” he said.
“I’m not a rich man,” he his in East Harlem. An ab- hopes of being picked. During a recent interview “It was just the right thing to
said, “but I owe a big debt stract mixed-media piece Philoche, who went to at his studio, he slid out do. I love waking up in my
to the art world. Art saved by Michael Shannon, his art school in Connecticut from storage large canvas- apartment every morning
my life, and I made a prom- studio neighbor, was his first where his family settled, es from his breakthrough, seeing the walls. There’s
paintings on the floor,
‘All my love, Elliot’: Actor Page comes out as transgender all over. Some of these
people have never sold a
community. series “The Umbrella Acad- painting in their life.”
“I can’t begin to express emy,” said, “So proud of His feisty French bulldog Pi-
how remarkable it feels our superhero! We love casso at his side, Philoche
to finally love who I am you Elliot!” recalled his own meager
enough to pursue my au- “Elliot Page has given us start in New York after he
thentic self,” Page wrote. fantastic characters on- put himself through art
“I’ve been endlessly in- screen, and has been an school while working full-
spired by so many in the outspoken advocate for time as a bartender.q
trans community. Thank all LGBTQ people,” said “People didn’t open the
you for your courage, your Nick Adams, GLAAD’s Di- doors for me. I had to get
generosity and ceaselessly rector of Transgender Me- into the room through the
working to make this world dia. “He will now be an in- back door, or through the
a more inclusive and com- spiration to countless trans window,” he said with a
passionate place.” and non-binary people. laugh. “But now that I’m
“The more I hold myself All transgender people in the room, with a seat at
Elliot Page arrives at the Los Angeles premiere of “The Umbrella close and fully embrace deserve the chance to be the table, I have to open
Academy” on Feb. 12, 2019. who I am, the more I ourselves and to be ac- doors for these artists.”q
Associated Press dream, the more my heart cepted for who we are.
By JAKE COYLE “I love that I am trans. And grows and the more I We celebrate the remark- Solution Sudoku
AP Film Writer I love that I am queer,” thrive,” added Page, who able Elliot Page today.”
NEW YORK (AP) — Oscar- Page said in a statement said his pronouns are “he” Page has frequently
nominated actor Elliot on social media. and “they.” Page signed worked to bring the lives
Page, the star of “Juno,” Page, the 33-year-old ac- his statement with the of LGBTQ characters to
“Inception” and “The Um- tor from Nova Scotia, said words, “All my love, Elliot.” screen, including the 2015
brella Academy,” came his decision to come out The announcement was film “Freeheld,” which he
out as transgender Tues- as trans, which also in- celebrated widely on so- produced and starred in
day in an announcement volved changing his first cial media by LGBTQ rights as the partner of a dying
greeted as a watershed name, came after a long advocates and many in New Jersey police detec-
moment for the trans com- journey and with much the film industry. Netflix, tive who had been denied
munity in Hollywood. support from the LGBTQ maker of the comic book pension benefits. q
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