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HEALTHWednesday 9 March 2016

Mineral from the Sea

By: Dr Carlos Viana             pecially important for the       those with the lowest se-        hand with autoimmune dis-       to use iodine and if appro-
People feelbetter wheth-        thyroid, we send the sam-        lenium levels.Laboratory         orders such as type 1 dia-      priate, add the correct io-
er they are soakingin our       ple to a lab specializing in     studies indicate the poten-      betes, Addison’s disease,       dine supplementation.q
beautiful Caribbean sea.        Hormones.                        tially beneficial role of sele-  Sjögren’s syndrome, rheu-       CARLOS VIANA, Ph. an
Taking time off from our                                         nium in the management           matoid arthritis, and auto-     Oriental Medical Doctor
daily responsibilitiesto re-    Symptoms and potential           of breast cancer. It actu-       immune thyroid disease.         (O.M.D.) having studied
lax and play in nature re-      risk for iodine deficiency       ally could be that selenium      Kelp, a type of seaweed is      in China; a US Board Cert.
vitalizes our spirit. Yet, the  include: Depression, Infertil-   is stimulating the iodine in     one of the best food sourc-     Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
increase in vitamin D from      ity, Feeling cold all the time   the breast.                      es of iodine.                   an Addiction Professional
sunshine and iodine from        or cold hands and feet,          The breast strongly and          The third problem effect-       (C.Ad.), Chairperson of the
the sea is benefiting our       Sleep disturbances, Elevat-      actively concentrates io-        ing your iodine levels and      Latin American Committee
physicalhealth as well.         ed cholesterol, Aches and        dine into breast-milk for the    hypothyroidism is an ami-       of the International Acad-
Iodine is a trace element,      pains, Dry skin, Fatigue,        benefit of the developing        no acid deficiency. As          emy of Oral Medicine and
essential for good health.      Heart palpitations, Con-         infant, and may develop          the building blocks of ev-      Toxicology (IAOMT), a Re-
Iodine is naturally present     stipation, Anxiety, Foggy        lumpy swelling, sometimes        ery structure of your body,     juvenating Cell Therapist
in seawateras well as many      thinking, Low libido, Thin-      manifesting as fibrocystic       amino acids have an influ-      specializing in Age Man-
marine fish and plants. It      ning hair, Brittle nails, Head-  breast disease, when io-         ence on the function of or-     agement, has a weekly
is found naturally in some      aches, Weight gain with          dine level are low. Studies      gans, glands, tendons and       radio program, writes and
foods and is also added to      an inability to lose weight,     indicate that iodine defi-       arteries. They are further-     lectures extensively. For in-
salt that is labeled as “io-    and menstrual irregularities,    ciencycan lead to breast         more essential for healing      formation: VIANA HEALING
dized”.For many years I as-     to name a few symptoms.          problems and increased           wounds and repairing tis-       CENTER, Kibaima 7, St Cruz
sumed those of us who live      These symptoms also ap-          incidence of malignancy,         sue, especially in the mus-     TEL: 585-1270 Web Site:
in the tropics would have       pear in people with a slow       while iodine treatment can       cles, bones, skin and hair as
sufficient levels of iodine in  Thyroid, hypothyroidism.         reverse breast lumps. Lab-       well as for the removal of
our bodies. After all, we       Your thyroid gland secretes      oratory evidences dem-           all kinds of waste deposits     “Prescriptions from Para-
swim in the ocean regularly     iodine- rich hormones thy-       onstrate that the effect of      produced in connection          dise” - Dr. Viana’s Award
andour diet includes lots of    roxin and triiodothyronine,      iodine on breast cancer is       with the metabolism. The        Winning BOOK: Prescrip-
fish, fruits and vegetables,    which regulate your me-          in part independent of thy-      conversion of thyroid hor-      tions from Paradise, Intro-
which should contain io-        tabolism rate; but its effects   roid function and that io-       mones T3 and T4 involves        duction to Biocompatible
dine from the soil.             are felt all over the body.      dine inhibits cancer promo-      thyroid specific amino ac-      Medicine – Available at
Urinary iodine levels in the    Hypothyroidism dispropor-        tion through modulation          ids, found predominantly        local Bookstores, Hotel Gift
US today are about half         tionately affects women at       of the estrogen pathway.         but not exclusively in the      shops and Boticas. Signed
what they were in the           a rate of about 9 to 1 in the    Natural medicine physi-          thyroid tissue.                 copies at Viana Healing
1970s. Since our current        US. The reason for this is that  cians have recommended                                           Center, EBooks: Amazon
Island diet, like most mod-     the female hormone estro-        women with breast cancer         Get The Point! Feeling any      kindle, Nook, Itunes check
ern diets, includes import-     gen inhibits the absorption      or uncomfortable lumps           of the symptoms listed          for Events at: facebook.
ed, conventionally grown        of iodine.Women who are          in the breast, fibrocystic       above could indicate a          com/vianahealingcenter.
food, we islanders, like        pregnant or nursing need         breast disease paint their       problem with thyroid and        Join the discussion: www.
most peopleare now io-          about 50% more iodine to         breast with iodine.              problems of your body to
dine deficient.My assump-       provide sufficient iodine for    Eating foods that rob io-        utilize iodine. The first step  tionsformparadiseq
tions about our iodine lev-     their baby.                      dine, such as cabbage,           is to test your body’s iodine
els were wrong.                                                  cassava, turnips, broccoli,      status. Our clinic offers io-
In order not to assume and      Iodine has a nutritional re-     cauliflower, brusselsprouts-     dine, full hormone panel
to confirm levels, I started    lationship with selenium.        mustard greens, millet and       and amino acid testing. If
testing our patient iodine      Medical researchers have         pine nut contribute to low       results show you are defi-
levels. To do this, we have     found that men with the          iodine levels. I think the       cient in iodine, we need like
you collect some urine in       highest levels of selenium       worse is gluten found in         a detective, start eliminat-
the morning and evening.        had a 52% reduced risk of        wheat.Gluten sensitivity has     ing and identifying what is
Since iodine levels are es-     diabetes, compared to            been found to go hand-in-        blocking your body’s ability
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