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WORLD NEWSWednesday 9 March 2016

App helps in Brazil’s fight against Zika-spreading mosquito 

Luciana Santos shows the photo she sent via the app called “Sem Dengue,” or “Without Dengue,”                                      cator function automati-        ing to ever-increasing num-
in Niteroi, Brazil, Tuesday, March 8, 2016.                                                                                        cally tagged the picture        bers of complaints.
                                                                                                                                   with the exact spot it was      Since its launch earlier this
                                                                                                            (AP Photo/Leo Correa)  made and sent a detailed        year, the app has generat-
                                                                                                                                   alert to City Hall. Within      ed hundreds of complaints,
JENNY BARCHFIELD                cently launched an app         with unusually small heads                                          72 hours, officials had de-     Mayor Rodrigo Neves said.
                                called “Sem Dengue,” or        and brain damage that                                               ployed a team to deal with      He said many of the reports
Associated        Press         “Without Dengue.” It allows    can cause mental retar-                                             the puddles. “It’s a way for    pinpoint sites inside residen-
                                residents to report stagnant   dation and a host of long-                                          us to help our city, (which)    tial complexes or other pri-
NITEROI, Brazil (AP) — For      water that can serve as a      term problems.                                                      is our role as citizens,” said  vate buildings that would
                                breeding ground for the        So when Santos recently                                             Santos, a manager of an         be hard for the inspectors
Luciana Santos, doing           Aedes aegypti mosquito.        came across several pud-                                            oncology clinic who says        to find on their own.
                                Brazil has stepped up its      dles swimming with mos-                                             she has seen many friends       It’s had the added ben-
her part in Brazil’s fight to   fight against Aedes since      quito larvae while strolling                                        and relatives catch both        efit of increasing people’s
                                researchers here linked an     on Jurujuba Beach with                                              Zika and dengue. “They          awareness of their sur-
control the mosquito that       outbreak of Zika virus with    her parents and son, she                                            (City Hall) have no way of      roundings and their own
                                a surge in cases of micro-     snapped a photo and                                                 seeing everything, but the      habits in this city of 490,000
spreads the Zika virus, den-    cephaly, a rare birth de-      sent the shot through the                                           population’s help contrib-      people, Neves said.
                                fect that leaves babies        app. The app’s geo-lo-                                              utes a lot” to rooting out      “I think the ‘Without Den-
gue and other diseases                                                                                                             mosquitoesDotted with           gue’ app is without a
                                                                                                                                   washed-up trash and de-         doubt quite a successful
is as easy as a couple of                                                                                                          bris and lined with small       strategy to mobilize the lo-
                                                                                                                                   wooden fishing boats, Juru-     cal community for the fight
clicks on her smartphone.                                                                                                          juba Beach is rife with po-     against Aedes,” he said,
                                                                                                                                   tential mosquito breeding       adding that the app was
Santos lives in Niteroi, which                                                                                                     spots. When it rains, every-    among several tech-based
                                                                                                                                   thing from the hulls of boats   solutions that Niteroi has
is across Guanabara Bay                                                                                                            to plastic ice cream tubs       rolled out recently to better
                                                                                                                                   and bottle caps fill with wa-   understand citizens’ needs
from Rio de Janeiro, and                                                                                                           ter, creating places where      and demands. For Helio
                                                                                                                                   the insect can lay its eggs.    Costa, one of the agents
it’s where authorities re-                                                                                                         The beach has become            deployed to sites reported
                                                                                                                                   a regular stop for Niteroi’s    through the app, a behav-
                                                                                                                                   around half-dozen mosqui-       ioral sea change is needed
                                                                                                                                   to inspectors, who thanks to    to win the fight against Zika.
                                                                                                                                   the app are now respond-        He said he rounds up as

Puerto Rico drifter arrested in killing that transfixed many 

DANICA COTO                     home in the pre-dawn           Ana Cacho lost custody                                              Gonzalez described Rivera       some juice and took a
Associated Press                hours of March 9, 2010.        of her two daughters just                                           as a strong, intelligent man    knife, Gonzalez said. He
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)      “As time went by, many         days after the killing as a                                         who once served in the U.S.     said the suspect tried to
— Puerto Rico’s Justice         theories were floated ...      result of those suspicions.                                         Army.                           flee upon realizing people
Department said Tuesday         and they were all debated      It is unclear if she will now                                       He said the killing occurred    were inside the house, but
that it has solved the killing  in the media,” Justice         regain custody of them.                                             just hours after Rivera was     he attacked the boy when
of a young boy in an            Secretary Cesar Gonzalez       Authorities previously had                                          mistakenly released from        he saw him.
upscale neighborhood six        said.                          said the drifter was not                                            prison following his arrest     Police said Cacho took her
years ago — a case that         “I am confident that the       a suspect. But Gonzalez                                             in the slaying of another       son to a clinic a couple hours
transfixed and angered          murder of Lorenzo Gonzalez     said new evidence and                                               homeless man. He said           after he was attacked and
many in the U.S. territory.     is absolutely resolved. We     assistance from the FBI                                             Rivera sought a ride to the     said she thought he had
A one-armed drifter             are doing justice in the face  led them to file charges                                            capital of San Juan, but an     fallen from bed as he had
believed to be mentally ill     of such a terrible incident.”  against Luis Gustavo Rivera                                         acquaintance could take         on a previous occasion.
was charged in the killing      The arrest surprised many      Seijo, who is being held                                            him only to the coastal         Gonzalez said he and
of 8-year-old Lorenzo           Puerto Ricans because          on $3 million bond and is                                           town of Dorado, which           others had looked into
Gonzalez, whom authorities      former justice officials had   scheduled to appear in                                              is where the boy’s family       whether the boy’s mother
have said died several          previously said they had       court March 29. Defense                                             lived at the time.              should be charged with
hours after being attacked      evidence implicating the       attorney Mario Moczo                                                Once in Dorado, Rivera          negligence, but that there
with a knife and receiving      boy’s mother and a man         told reporters his client is                                        broke into the boy’s home       was not enough evidence
a blow to the head at his       who was with her that night.   innocent.                                                           and ate cookies, drank          to do that.
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