P. 29
PEOPLE/ARTS Friday 17 November 2017
Current events disrupt Showtime series on mass shootings
By DAVID BAUDER to watch in light of what
AP Media Writer happened.”
NEW YORK (AP) — It came The series’ eighth and fi-
as little surprise to produc- nal episode, about the
ers, but Showtime’s about- 1999 attack on Columbine
to-conclude documentary High School in Colorado,
series on mass shooting in- premieres Friday at 8 p.m.
cidents was itself disrupted Eastern.
by mass shootings. Simply by the odds, pro-
Showtime cut back on re- ducers figured there was
runs of the series following likely to be a shooting at
the Oct. 1 attack at a coun- some point during the se-
try music concert in Las Ve- ries’ run. Real life was even
gas that killed 58 people worse than they feared.
and injured hundreds. An Showtime gave no serious
episode for later in October consideration to postpon-
on the 2016 Orlando night- ing the documentaries,
club shooting that killed 49 said Vinnie Molhotra, the
had to be changed be- network’s senior vice presi-
cause the claim that it was dent for unscripted series.
the nation’s most deadly “I feel like it really solidified
such event ever was out our reason for doing the
of date. Las Vegas and series in the first place,” he In this Oct. 2, 2017 file photo, a woman sits on a curb at the scene of a shooting outside of a music
the Texas church shooting said. The idea came from festival along the Las Vegas Strip, in Las Vegas.
proved the series was rel- a meeting producers had Associated Press
evant. But when television with the Santa Monica, killed, in many ways set the documentaries themselves and show the humanity of
news is filled with coverage California, police chief, stage for incidents to fol- could avoid inspiring at- the people dealing with
of fresh horror, a pay cable who told them about a low. Filmmakers showed tackers, said executive the consequences. This is
series examining similar 911 dispatcher who had to how it led to a change in producer Eli Holzman, part- not a group that anyone
events is the polar opposite be reassigned because of how police handle such ner with Saidman and Star would want to join or be
of escapist television. an emotional response to cases; in Columbine au- Price. The series discusses part of.”The Columbine
“Probably these events taking calls during a shoot- thorities were seen as too the movement to persuade episode relies heavily on
were unhelpful from a ing. They decided to look methodical and it led po- journalists to avoid repeat- Dave Cullen, who wrote a
viewership standpoint,” at eight separate events lice in later shootings to be ing the names of people book about it that proves
said Aaron Saidman, one with different perspectives, more aggressive upon ar- responsible for the crimes. wrong much of what was
of three executive pro- such as through the eyes of riving on a scene. “We don’t glorify the vio- believed to have motivat-
ducers of “Active Shooter: first responders or hospital The episode notes that lence,” Holzman said. “We ed the killers. He portrays
America Under Fire.” ‘’Peo- workers overwhelmed by Columbine led to some 80 don’t glorify the shooter. attackers Dylan Klebold
ple who participated in the victims. copycat incidents. Mak- We try to really emphasize and Eric Harris as bumblers
series reached out to us Columbine, where 12 stu- ers of the series talked to the people who are work- whose plans for greater de-
and said it was really hard dents and a teacher were experts about how the ing to solve the problem struction didn’t pan out.q
Terry Crews compares alleged
sexual assault to being a POW
By SANDY COHEN leged attacker, describing know, ‘Who’s going to be-
AP Entertainment Writer him as someone who rep- lieve you?’”
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Terry resented Adam Sandler, Crews said he’d put the in-
Crews compares being Sylvester Stallone and Ed- cident out of his mind until
sexually assaulted to being die Murphy and “connect- last month’s news about
a prisoner of war and calls ed to probably everyone I Weinstein triggered an
the perpetrators of such at- know in the business.” episode of post-traumat-
tacks “terrorists.” The agency did not imme- ic stress. Crews tweeted
Crews told “Good Morn- diately respond to a request about his own harassment
ing America” host Michael for comment Wednesday. experience shortly after-
Strahan Wednesday that Crews confirmed that he ward and told Strahan on This image released by ABC shows actor Terry Crews, right with
he was inspired to share his filed a police report against Wednesday that he under- co-host Michael Strahan during a segment on “Good Morning
assault allegations against the man last week. stands why victims are re- America,” Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017, in New York.
a powerful Hollywood “People need to be held luctant to speak up. Associated Press
agent after so many wom- accountable,” the former “When a person of power and someone says, ‘Well, expressing disgust at how
en came forward with ac- pro-football player and breaks that boundary and it must not be that bad. such abuses of power
cusations against Harvey star of TV’s “Brooklyn Nine- violates that boundary, You should have come out thwart the aspirations of in-
Weinstein. Nine” said. “This is the deal you’re a prisoner of war,” sooner.’ nocent victims.
Crews said he “never felt about Hollywood: It’s an he said. “Immediately “This is the thing a lot of “When someone binds up
more emasculated” than abuse of power. you’re in a camp, because people just don’t under- your dream and holds a
when a top agent at Wil- This guy, again, he’s one of you’re trying to figure out stand, and they end up gun to its head and says it’s
liam Morris Endeavor the most powerful men in when is the right time to blaming the victim.” going to kill it if you don’t do
groped him at a party last Hollywood, and he looked come out... And you get Crews, 49, became par- this, if you don’t stay quiet,
year. Crews named his al- at me at the end as if, you out and you find freedom, ticularly animated when it’s a hostage situation.q