P. 25

BUSINESS                 Friday 17 November 2017

            US homebuilder                 Strong quarterly earnings drive US stocks higher

            sentiment rises
            over November                                                                          “The  desire  to  buy  in  dips  rose $7.29 to $53.11.
                                                                                                   has been very, very strong  Cisco  Systems  also  deliv-
                                                                                                   and we’ve seen a little bit  ered  a  bigger  profit  than
            By ALEX VEIGA                                                                          of a dip.”                   analysts  expected.  The  in-
            AP Business Writer                                                                     The Standard & Poor’s 500  ternet gear maker also said
            U.S. homebuilders are feel-                                                            index  rose  21.02  points,  or  revenue should grow in the
            ing  more  optimistic  this                                                            0.8  percent,  to  2,585.64.  current  quarter  after  two
            month, reflecting a recent                                                             The  Dow  Jones  industrial  years of declines.
            rebound  in  sales  of  newly                                                          average  gained  187.08  Cisco  shares  climbed  5.2
            built homes.                                                                           points,  or  0.8  percent,  to  percent,  its  biggest  gain
            The National Association of                                                            23,458.36.   The   Nasdaq  since  February  2016.  The
            Home  Builders/Wells  Fargo                                                            added  87.08  points,  or  1.3  stock  added  $1.77  to
            builder sentiment index re-                                                            percent,  to  6,793.29.  The  $35.88.
            leased  Thursday  rose  two                                                            Russell 2000 index of small-  Wal-Mart  also  got  a  big
            points  to  70  this  month.                                                           er-company stocks picked  boost,  climbing  10.9  per-
            That’s  the  highest  reading                                                          up 22.79 points, or 1.6 per-  cent, its biggest gain since
            since March.                 Trader Dennis Maguire works on the floor of the New York Stock   cent, to 1,486.88.    October  2008.  In  addition
            Readings  above  50  indi-   Exchange. U.S. stocks closed sharply higher Thursday, snapping   The  major  stock  indexes  to  posting  strong  third-
            cate  more  builders  see    a two-day losing streak.          (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  were  poised  to  rebound  quarter results, the retail gi-
            sales  conditions  as  good                                                            from  the  start  of  trading  ant  raised  its  annual  profit
            rather than poor. The index   By ALEX VEIGA               gains.  Energy  and  utilities   Thursday  following  solid  outlook.  The  stock  rose
            has  remained  above  60     AP Business Writer           stocks  lagged.  Oil  prices   gains  in  markets  in  Eu-  $9.79 to $99.62.
            since September of 2016.     U.S.  stocks  closed  sharply  declined.                  rope  and  Asia.  Investors  A  forecast  for  better  full-
            According to the latest sur-  higher  Thursday,  snapping  The rally knocked the major   shrugged off the prior day’s  year  sales  helped  lift  J.M.
            vey  by  FactSet,  the  index   a two-day losing streak.  stock  indexes  into  positive   doldrums  and  welcomed  Smucker 9.5 percent.
            exceeded     expectations    Investors  cheered  strong  territory  for  the  month,  as   latest  batch  of  strong  cor-  The food company’s shares
            for a reading of 68 among    quarterly  earnings  from  investors seized on the en-    porate  earnings  or  out-   gained $10.14 to $116.65.
            industry analysts.           Wal-Mart Stores, Cisco Sys-  couraging company earn-      looks.                       “We’ve  had  very  good
            Readings  gauging  build-    tems  and  other  compa-     ings  news  to  buy  shares  a   Data  storage  company  earnings  from  Amazon,
            ers’  view  of  single-family   nies.  Technology  stocks  day  after  the  market  suf-  NetApp  vaulted  15.9  per-  Google,  Nvidia,  Tencent,
            home  sales  rose  from  Oc-  accounted  for  much  of  fered  its  worst  decline  in   cent as investors applaud-  just  to  name  a  few,”  said
            tober,  while  an  outlook   the  market’s  gains,  which  two months.                 ed  its  quarterly  results  and  Tom  Martin,  senior  portfo-
            for  sales  over  the  next  six   helped  lift  the  Nasdaq  “Investors have been look-  forecasts.                lio  manager  with  Globalt
            months  declined.  A  mea-   composite to its first record  ing  to  buy  on  weakness   The  stock  was  the  biggest  Investments.  “Even  with
            sure  of  traffic  by  prospec-  high in just over a week.  and  they  got  a  little  bit  of   gainer  in  the  S&P  500  and  Wal-Mart  you’re  seeing  a
            tive buyers also rose.       Health  care  companies  it,” said Erik Davidson, chief   one of the reasons technol-  very strong reaction to the
            A supply crunch of existing   and  consumer  product  investment officer for Wells     ogy stocks posted some of  positives that are going on
            homes has frustrated many    makers  also  posted  solid  Fargo Private Bank.
            would-be buyers and hob-                                                               the biggest gains. Its shares  there.”q
            bled  the  housing  market
            this year. At the same time,   Walmart sees strong online sales lift Q3 results
            it’s  helping  to  drive  more
            demand  for  newly  built    By A. D’INNOCENZIO           National  Retail  Federation   Charlie  O’Shea  said  in  a  Amazon has been building
            homes.  Sales  of  new  U.S.   AP Retail Writer           trade  group  expects  holi-  note.                       its network of services too,
            homes jumped in Septem-      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  surg-  day sales to at least match   E-commerce sales grew 50  using  its  $99-a-year  Prime
            ber to a seasonally adjust-  ing  online  business  and  the 3.6 percent growth of a   percent,  though  Walmart  membership  with  same-
            ed annual rate of 667,000,   strong  food  sales  boosted  year  ago.  Analysts  at  Bain   has a long way to get even  day  and  even  one-hour
            the highest level since Oc-  Walmart’s  results  Thursday  &  Co.  expect  Amazon  to   close  to  Amazon’s  domi-  shipping  options  to  devel-
            tober  2007.  Data  on  last   ahead of the holiday sea-  capture  about  half  of  the   nance   online.   Walmart  op  loyalty.  And  Amazon’s
            month’s  new-home  sales     son,  a  day  after  its  rival  total  growth  this  holiday   said  in  October  that  U.S.  purchase  of  Whole  Foods
            are due out next week.       Target  offered  a  cautious  season, pushing retailers to   e-commerce  sales  should  Market  this  past  summer
            A  solid  job  market,  low   forecast  that  overshad-   spend  heavily  at  its  stores   be  about  $11.5  billion  this  has raised the competitive
            unemployment  rate  and      owed progress it has made  and online.                    year and it expects global  stakes in the food business.
            growing  economy  have       in bringing more customers  But Walmart’s huge invest-    e-commerce  to  be  $17.5  Walmart says its food busi-
            helped  drive  demand  for   to its stores.               ments in its online business   billion.  That’s  still  less  than  ness,  critical  to  drawing
            homeownership. But build-    And  Best  Buy,  the  nation’s  and  its  fleet  have  helped   4  percent  of  overall  sales.  shoppers  into  its  stores,
            ers  are  struggling  to  keep   largest consumer electron-  to  put  distance  between   That  compares  with  Ama-  had the strongest quarterly
            up  with  demand,  saying    ics chain, reported a boost  itself  and  other  traditional   zon’s  $94.66  billion  in  the  performance  in  nearly  six
            they  are  having  difficulty   in  third-quarter  profit  and  retailers.  Since  buying  Jet.  last calendar year.  years.q
            finding  the  workers  they   sales, but its results and out-  com  for  more  than  $3  bil-
            need to start new projects.  look fell short of Wall Street  lion last year, Walmart has
            Construction of new homes    expectations.  The  chain  added online services, ac-
            fell 4.7 percent in Septem-  cited  severe  hurricanes  in  quired brands like Bonobos
            ber,  the  biggest  decline   the  U.S.  South  and  a  later  and  ModCloth  and  vastly
            in  six  months,  reflecting   unveiling of the new iPhone  expanded  the  number  of
            weakness  in  both  single-  X.                           items on its site.
            family  activity  and  apart-  Still, the big-box stores fared  “Walmart’s   online   per-
            ment       buildings.Home-   well  overall,  at  least  tem-  formance   continues   to
            builders  are  increasingly   porarily  allaying  fears  that  validate   its   substantial
            focused  on  higher-priced   Amazon  is  a  death  knell  investments  in  this  criti-
            housing,  potentially  freez-  for  this  sector.  With  con-  cal  channel,  including  its
            ing out potential buyers of   sumer  spending  solid  and  purchase   of,”
            more modest incomes. q       unemployment  low,  the  Moody’s lead retail analyst
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