P. 23
SPORTS Friday 17 November 2017
Sock advances with Federer to semifinals at ATP Finals
By CHRIS LEHOURITES second set.In the third set,
AP Sports Writer Federer broke early and
LONDON (AP) — In his ATP jumped out to 3-0, and
Finals debut, Jack Sock then broke again to lead
joined Roger Federer in the 5-1.
semifinals. “In the beginning I was
Sock, the first American to slightly overaggressive in
reach the final weekend at the first set on some crucial
the season-ending tourna- points rather than maybe
ment since Andy Roddick being patient,” Federer
in 2007, beat Alexander said. “I was able to turn
Zverev 6-4, 1-6, 6-4 Thurs- that around late in the sec-
day to advance from his ond set. Then just had a
round-robin group. much better feeling in the
Sock again played an en- third set.” Cilic is ranked No.
tertaining match at the O2 5 in the world — achieving
Arena, complete with an- a goal he set for himself at
other ‘tweener and even a the end of last season.
point penalty for smashing “Overall, I felt that my level
a ball into the crowd. has come to a new level,”
But it was a pair of errors the 2014 U.S. Open cham-
from Zverev in the final Jack Sock of the United States plays a return to Alexander Zverev of Germany during their mens pion said of his 2017 sea-
game that gave Sock the singles tennis match at the ATP World Finals at the O2 Arena in London, Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017. son.
match. Trailing 5-4 and at Associated Press “So hopefully even more
30-all, Zverev double-fault- ties you can really pay the sets in the Wimbledon fi- then a forehand to close next year, I can aim a little
ed for the seventh time to price at this tournament.” nal in July, had four break out the first-set tiebreaker. bit higher. Where is that go-
hand Sock a match point. The outcome didn’t really points in the first set on Federer had another break ing to be? I’m not sure.
The 20-year-old German matter, though. Federer Thursday, but he couldn’t point early in the second But hopefully I’m going to
then put a forehand wide had already advanced convert any of them. That set, but he again failed be in a position to chal-
to end it. while Cilic had already allowed Cilic to take the to convert. But his sixth at- lenge the top guys and to
Sock finished the group been eliminated.Federer, lead when he landed a tempt was different, and be in contention for Grand
stage with a 2-1 record who beat Cilic in straight backhand drop shot and winning it gave Federer the Slams.” q
and will next face Grigor
Dimitrov in the semifinals Ex-France minister has to pay damages to Nadal
on Saturday. His only loss
came against Federer in PARIS (AP) — Former French will donate the money to He said the lawsuit was nev- like this with no proof or
his opening match. minister for health and sport a non-governmental orga- er motivated by money. evidence.”q
Federer ended up 3-0 and Roselyne Bachelot was or- nization or a foundation in Bachelot was also ordered
won the group. He will dered to pay 10,000 euros France. by the French tribunal to
face Dominic Thiem or Da- ($11,800) in damages to “When I filed the lawsuit pay Nadal a suspended
vid Goffin on Saturday. Rafael Nadal on Thursday against Mrs. Bachelot, I in- fine of 500 euros ($590).
In a rematch of the Wim- after accusing him of dop- tended not only to defend In April 2016, Nadal wrote
bledon final against Marin ing. my integrity and my image to the president of the Inter-
Cilic earlier, Federer came In March last year, Bach- as an athlete but also the national Tennis Federation
out on top again. The sec- elot said on a French tele- values I have defended all asking for all of his drug-test
ond-ranked Swiss lost the vision show that Nadal’s my career,” Nadal said in a results and blood profile re-
first set but still won 6-7 (5), seven-month injury layoff in statement. cords to be made public. In
6-4, 6-1. 2012 was “probably due to Nadal said he wanted to the same letter, he said of
“It wasn’t easy,” Federer a positive doping test.” keep public figures “from Bachelot: “It is unaccept-
said. “I mean, look, it’s a Nadal, who has won 16 making insulting or false able and mostly unfair that
fast court. Grand Slam titles, filed a allegations against an someone that should have
It’s indoors. We’ve seen defamation suit against athlete ... without any evi- knowledge of sports to a
it now: When you miss a Bachelot in Paris. dence or foundation and certain point and degree
few too many opportuni- The Spanish player said he to go unpunished.” can publicly say something