P. 21
SPORTS Friday 17 November 2017
Feud grows between NFL, Cowboys’ Jerry Jones over Goodell
By BARRY WILNER Monday saying the com-
AP Pro Football Writer mittee planned to pro-
NEW YORK (AP) — The Asso- ceed with finalizing the
ciated Press has obtained Goodell deal and would
a letter sent by the NFL to keep other owners up-
Jerry Jones’ attorney ac- dated. A spokesman for
cusing the Dallas Cowboys Jones didn’t immediately
owner of “conduct det- respond to a request for
rimental to the league’s comment. Jones claimed
best interests” over his ob- Tuesday on his radio show
jection to a contract ex- that “well over half” the
tension for Commissioner owners agree with him in
Roger Goodell. wanting a final vote after
The letter accusing Jones the committee is finished
of sabotaging the nego- negotiating the deal.
tiations was sent to Da- “With due respect, we
vid Boies on Wednesday. urge Mr. Jones to drop his
Jones hired Boies and misguided litigation threats
threatened to sue the NFL if and media campaign to
Goodell’s contract exten- undermine the commit-
sion was approved by the tee’s mandate,” the let-
compensation committee, ter said. “And we urge
made up of six owners. All Mr. Jones to support the
32 owners voted unani- In this Nov. 9, 2014, file photo, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, left, and Dallas Cowboys owner committee’s deliberations,
mously in May to let the Jerry Jones talk at the NFL football game between the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Cowboys at not attempt to sabotage
committee finalize a deal Wembley Stadium in London. them.”q
with Goodell. Associated Press
“Someone who is genu- CONCACAF to replace
The letter, first reported by damaging the league and negotiations with Goodell.
The New York Times and reflect conduct detrimen-
The Wall Street Journal, tal to the league’s best in- owners know the truth exhibitions with
inely concerned ‘that the
was written by outside terests,” the letter said.
counsel for the compensa- sues with compensation in would not deliberately dis- League of Nations
about the negotiations’
Jones has said he has is-
tion committee and given
to the AP by a person who the deal, along with con- tribute such an outdated
requested anonymity be- cerns about the escalation document, particularly MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — in September 2018 and all
cause it was not intended of player protests involving when he has in his posses- Soccer’s governing body in 41 of its members will par-
to be made public. the national anthem and sion drafts that are current North and Central America ticipate.Nations will be
It’s the latest escalation of how the league has han- and accurately reflect the and the Caribbean is fol- drawn into three leagues
a feud between the NFL dled them. actual state of negotia- lowing the example set by bases on level of strength,
and one of its most pow- He also has suggested that tions, or threaten to sue the its European counterpart and the leagues will have
erful owners. Jones has owners should revisit the league and its owners if he and establishing a League promotion and relegation.
denied that his objections power that the position does not get his way,” the of Nations competition to The competition will be
to the extension are tied wields. The letter confirmed letter said. replace many exhibition used as qualifying for the
to Goodell’s decision to that Jones was removed Jones has acknowledged games.CONCACAF said CONCACAF Gold Cup
suspend star running back as a non-voting member being at odds with the Thursday the event will be- and to determine seeding
Ezekiel Elliott for six games of the compensation com- compensation committee gin with four dates starting in World Cup qualifying.q
over alleged domestic vio- mittee after threatening to chairman, Atlanta own-
lence. Elliott abandoned sue. er Arthur Blank, over the
his legal fight over the Jones, who was inducted Goodell talks.
suspension Wednesday. into the Pro Football Hall of They didn’t speak on the
He has five games left to Fame in August, was ac- field before the Falcons’
serve. cused of sharing with all 27-7 victory over the Cow-
“Your client’s antics, what- the owners an outdated boys on Sunday.
ever their motivation, are document related to the Blank issued a statement /arubatoday/