P. 16

                Friday 17 November 2017

            Opinion Column: No Banana Republics in the Caribbean

            By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert                                                                  the  island,  and  the  other  solutely urgent, and then it
                                                                                                   hand  a  swarm  of  follow-  will be done on the spur of
            ORANJESTAD  -  Maracuja                                                                ers,  supporting  and  taking  a moment related to a fes-
            Republics, yes. But Banana                                                             sides  among  families  and  tive event.  St. Tosians love
            Republics,definitely not!                                                              clans  of  native  St.Tosians  parties and the incentive of
                                                                                                   in  its  House  of  Assembly.  having a party can be very
            A few clarifying lines of po-                                                          The worlds of business and  motivating  to  take  quick
            litical  science  may  be  ap-                                                         politics often blend harmo-  and positive decisions.
            propriate  here.  Every  gov-                                                          niously  well  depending  on  With  more  political  seats
            ernment system is a ‘Cracy’                                                            the  potential  opportunities  available, one needs fewer
            which  originates  from  the                                                           of  benefits  and  favors  for  votes to be elected for of-
            Greek word for power: ‘Kra-                                                            the individuals. And so, the  fice.  It  supports  a  demo-
            tos’. Democracy is the most                                                            St.Tosian Adhocracy is flex-  cratic  system  that  distrib-
            favored since it is supposed                                                           ible  and  non-permanent  utes  political  power  in  the
            to  be  the  power  of  the                                                            and  can  respond  fast  to  hands  of  the  public  which
            people  (demos=people).                                                                a  changing  environment  forms  the  electorate.    In
            Experts  with  an  academic                                                            and  circumstances.  It  can  St.Tosia,  it  was  never  quite
            background claim that due                                                              be  a  thriving  factor  in  the  clear  whether  it  would  re-
            to human nature being es-                                                              wellbeing  of  the  island  for  sult  in  less  power  for  more
            sentially  faulty,  every  gov-                                                        some.                        people,  or  in  more  power
            ernment  system  in  the  be-                                                          St.Tosia  with  its  population  for  less  people.    It’s  quite
            ginning of its development                                                             of 25,000 people, has eigh-  confusing. About one hun-
            has been a ‘Kakistocracy’,                                                             teen government ministries  dred votes are enough for
            meaning  rule  by  the  stu-                                                           and  nineteen  members  a seat in office which pays
            pid; a form of governance                                                              of  the  House  of  Assembly.  well,  provides  healthcare
            where  the  worst  or  least-  may  increase  the  amount  with  Bananas  which  grow  So,  all  is  fine  and  orderly  and  pension  benefits  plus
            qualified  citizens  are  in  of   gamma-aminobutyric  in  clusters  hanging  from  with so many departments,  a bodyguard and a private
            control. But of course, since  acid in the brain which de-  the plant. Because of these  authorities  and  legislative  secretary  of  choice  and
            we are all non-experts and  creases the activity of cer-  differing  characteristics  a  supervision.  The  constitu-  without job qualification re-
            often lack the appropriate  tain brain cells which is not  Maracuja  Republic  is  not  tion  of  the  island  was  writ-  quirements.
            academic     backgrounds,  uncommon  for  the  local  comparable  to  a  Banana  ten  by  Zadekiah  Jones,  a  The  political  stability  of
            we  have  to  see  the  Kak-  politicians  and  noticeable  Republic.                  man  with  tremendous  so-   St.Tosiais mainly caused by
            istocracy  claim  as  a  case  in their speech and action.   St.Tosia  is  more  in  line  with  cial foresight for his time in  its people not agreeing on
            of mind over matter; if you                                                                                         anything.  That  practically
            don’t mind, it doesn’t mat-                                                                                         means that no change will
            ter. Plus, in today’s positive-                                                                                     happen. And so, everything
            ly  well-developed  society,                                                                                        stays as it is, which may be
            it may not be defensible to                                                                                         the  most  obvious  charac-
            claim that ‘human nature is                                                                                         teristic of what political sta-
            essentially faulty’.                                                                                                bility  is  all  about.  Political
            Just one more classification                                                                                        stability is one of the symp-
            that we cannot go around.                                                                                           toms  that  foreign  investors
            By definition, a Banana Re-                                                                                         value  and  are  looking  for.
            public is considered a Klep-                                                                                        It is one reason why St.Tosia
            tocratic  system  that  eco-                                                                                        is  very  popular  in  financial
            nomically  depends  upon                                                                                            circles  abroad.  The  other
            the  export  of  bananas.  It                                                                                       reason  is  the  investment
            features  a  society  com-                                                                                          incentives that are offered
            posed  of  an  impoverished                                                                                         to them. With the torrent of
            Ergatocracy  and  a  ruling                                                                                         assets being brought to the
            Plutocracy,  composed  of                                                                                           island, the economy is flour-
            the Aristocracy of business,                                                                                        ishing  and blooming like  a
            politics, or the military. Such                                                                                     Passion Flower.
            system  is  something  that  is                                                                                     As  a  closing  remark  on
            unheard  of  in  the  region                                                                                        Bureaucracy  that  comes
            and the expression Banana                                                                                           from a different part of the
            Republic is sharply criticized  The fruit of the Passion Flow-  what  the  laid-back  region  1898 when the government  world.  US  Admiral  Hyman
            and even considered an in-   er  is  of  course  the  Passion  is really all about. The island  form on St Tosia was estab-  G. Rickover was quoted to
            sult here. So, let’s move on  Fruit  or  Maracuja.    St.Tosia  is  a  political  adhocracy.  lished.    It  was  Zadekiah’s  once have said: “A system
            to the subject of Maracuja  is  an  island  full  of  passion.   This philosophy is typified by  viewpoint  that  it  is  better  under  which  it  takes  three
            Republic. I never like name  The islanders are extremely  aversion to planning anda  to  have  more  administra-    men to check what one is
            and  blame  games  and  passionate  which  compris-       tendency  to  respond  only  tive offices rather than just  doing is not control; it is sys-
            therefore on the topic, I will  es  anything  from  love,  af-  to  the  urgent  as  opposed  a few because the govern-  tematic strangulation.”q
            refer  to  the  government  fection, mania, fascination,  to  the  important;  focusing  ment  could  employ  more
            system of the island St.Tosia  obsession and neurosis. The  on ‘firefighting,’ rather than  politicians  and  followers  *The  views,  opinions  and
            as a positive example.       Passion  Fruit  is  a  vigorous,  on establishing systems and  as  civil  servants.  One  may  positions expressed by the
            St.Tosia  is  called  a  Mar-  climbing  vine  that  clings  procedures  through  goal  expect that this would cre-  author  do  not  necessarily
            acuja Republic because it  by  tendrils  to  almost  any  setting and long-term plan-  ate more bureaucracy. On  reflect  the  views,  opinions
            blooms  like  a  Passiflora  In-  support,  something  that  is  ning.  On  the  one  hand,  the  contrary!  On  St.Tosia,  or  positions  of  The  Aruba
            carnata.  The  Passion  Flow-  also  typical  for  the  politi-  there is a world of business  it  enhances  adhocracy  today  Newspaper,  Carib-
            er,  knowingly  has  herbal  cians  on  the  island.  There  interests  driven  by  society  since nothing gets done in  bean Speed Printers, or any
            calming  effects  but  also  is  no  similarity  whatsoever  members who migrated to  the  first  place  unless  it  ab-  employee thereof.
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