P. 11
WORLD NEWS Friday 17 November 2017
ASEAN shuns mention of China’s new islands, arbitration loss
the past between Chinese presidential spokesman tional approach promotes
and Vietnamese forces. Harry Roque said.“We fur- friendly relations with Chi-
With an agreed outline, first ther reaffirmed the need na, it may not foster the
proposed 15 years ago, to enhance mutual trust rule of law, said Malcolm
negotiations could now and confidence, empha- Cook, a senior fellow with
start for the regional code, sized the importance of the ISEAS Yusof Ishak Insti-
according to a joint state- non-militarization and self- tute in Singapore.“It is bad
ment by ASEAN and China restraint in the conduct of because it clearly places
whose leaders met Mon- all activities by claimants the political expediency
day. Both sides agreed to and all other states ... that of good relations with Chi-
start the negotiations early could further complicate na over holding China to
next year and conclude the situation and escalate fulfilling its commitments
the talks as soon as pos- tensions in the South China under international law,”
From left, Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, Indonesia President sible, with Duterte taking Sea,” the statement said. Cook said. “Short term ex-
Joko Widodo, Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak and Thailand a position that the code While ASEAN’s decision to pediency trumps long-term
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha link arms as they pose for a should be legally binding, adopt a non-confronta- principle.”q
group photo during the East Asia Summit in Manila, Philippines
on Tuesday Nov. 14, 2017.
(Erik De Castro/Pool Photo via AP)
By JIM GOMEZ ASEAN, has steadfastly
MANILA, Philippines (AP) opposed criticism of its ar-
— Southeast Asian nations tificial islands, where it has
avoided mention Thursday reportedly installed a mis-
of China’s construction of sile defense system de-
islands in the South China spite widespread concern,
Sea and a U.N.-linked ar- including by the United
bitration ruling that invali- States, Japan and Aus-
dated Beijing’s claims in tralia.Duterte, who took
the disputed waters in the office last year and as-
latest show of China’s re- sumed ASEAN’s rotational
gional clout. chairmanship this year,
President Rodrigo Duterte, has openly tried to court
speaking on behalf of fel- China’s friendship, trade,
low heads of state of the investment and infrastruc-
Association of Southeast ture financing. He has
Asian Nations, also expect- toned down sharp rebuke
edly skirted any expres- of China’s assertive ac-
sion of alarm over serious tions in the strategic wa-
human rights concerns in terway, one of the world’s
the region, including the busiest, and refused to im-
plight of Rohingya Muslims mediately seek Chinese
in Myanmar and his dead- compliance with an arbi-
ly anti-drug campaign tration ruling last year that
in a statement following invalidated its vast claims
their annual summit Mon- in the South China Sea on
day in Manila.Such state- historical grounds.His rap-
ments have been made prochement turned the
public shortly after the an- Philippines from being one
nual gatherings of leaders of Beijing’s sharpest critics
of the 10-nation bloc but in the disputed sea.In the
there was no immediate ASEAN statement, Duterte
explanation for the three- repeated previous calls for
day delay, which drew the a peaceful resolution of
attention of some Manila- the disputes, adherence
based diplomats. The few to the rule of law and wel-
instances of delays in the comed the approval of a
past were caused by dif- framework or outline of a
ferences over wording on proposed “code of con-
long-thorny issues, like the duct” aimed at prevent-
territorial rifts. ing confrontation in the
China, which wields con- contested waters. Deadly
siderable influence on clashes have erupted in